I don't want to see Jasmine cry anymore.

So I wiped her tears, thinking about calming the chaotic Jasmine first anyway.

"Wait a minute, did you quarrel?"

"No, there is no sign..."

She sniffed, then put her head on my chest again, and said slowly.

I suddenly made trouble.

There is indeed no sign, it can even be said to be weird.

"Then... have you asked her why?"

"No... I ran to her house, but she ignored me."

While speaking, Jasmine began to cry again.

I helplessly wipe her tears again, then comfort her softly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I will help you solve it."

"Ah, you, will you help me?"

Jasmine raised her head abruptly, her face full of hope.

I couldn't bear to break her hope, so I nodded sharply.

"Yes, I will make you and Sunflower reconciled successfully! After all, our agreement is not that we should be a couple, but I keep your secrets. The reason why you keep secrets is that you don’t want to destroy your relationship. Now I Of course we must fulfill our responsibilities to the end."


Jasmine flushed, then put her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you...Zeyu...my...Master..."

Looking at Jasmine who was so delicate and obedient, I felt my heart beating faster and faster.

Ahhhhh, so exciting, Jasmine pounced on me and acted like a baby like this, and she also pinned her hopes on me.


Looking down a little, it is her proud female body in my large T-shirt. She unguardedly showed me a gully. She hasn't worn it inside. It's a huge temptation...

I swallowed my saliva and immediately started shaking my head desperately.

No, no, don’t forget what kind of challenge I am facing, that is to repair the relationship between Jasmine and Sunflower.

Instructing myself so, I started to take out my phone.

"Then I call Sunflower?"


She looked at me expectantly, but immediately broke away from my chest, turned her ears and shrank back.

"I, I won't listen to the process, you can communicate."


Seeing that Jasmine became such a cowardly girl, I didn't know what to say, so I could only smile bitterly, and then I started calling Sunflower.


It didn't take long before the other party was connected.


It was Sunflower's voice, but for some reason, her voice was colder than usual.

Of course I know why, after all, she and Jasmine have already applied for a break-off relationship.

After taking a deep breath, I began to organize my thoughts.

"Sunflower, do you know what I want to ask?"

"Jasmine has... come to you, as expected."

She seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and murmured something unclear.

I frowned and felt that things were not easy.

"Sunflower, what do you mean? Hurry up and tell me why you quarreled with Jasmine. There is no reason, right?"

"Yes, there is no reason."


I was stunned for a while and didn't know how to react, because who would know that sunflower, who is always cute and cheerful, would reply to me with such gloomy words.

"Student Zhu, I already hate Jasmine. I have good studies, good physical education, and a good relationship road. I am jealous of her, so I want to take away her friendship, so that I can be a little bit satisfied."

When I was distracted, Sunflower seemed to explain the reason, so she said.


I categorically denied it.

"Sunflower, are you not such a person?"

"No, classmate Zhu, you don't understand anything."


"I don't want to get involved with you anymore. I have long been displeased with you loving couples. From now on, we will go all the way to the sky."

After Sunflower finished speaking so coldly, she snapped up the phone.

Drops, drops, drops, drops...

The sound of the disconnection reverberated, and I was stunned.

"Ze Yu..."

Jasmine approached me anxiously, her eyes sad.

Obviously she knew the situation from my face.

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