I stared at her behind in a daze.


Because Velika walked around behind Jasmine strangely like a black shadow to launch an attack, I could only say two words anxiously.


Jasmine pushed a hand along her shoulder to her back, and when Velika raised her fist, she hit her on the chin, causing the beautiful girl to utter pain that was inconsistent with her dignified face, and then fell down. .

So strong!

My hands and feet were cold, and I was deeply afraid of Jasmine's true strength.

To deal with those thugs, don't you even need to watch it?

The reason why such a powerful Jasmine was bullied by me was because of the sunflower as a threat.

I am more grateful for the sunflower that indirectly provided me with a handle.

"Ahhhh, Tenchu!"

At this moment, another female voice stretched the tone and rushed towards Jasmine.

Needless to say, it was Yuriko this time.

And I saw her unknowingly changing into her school uniform, wearing a red dress and white socks and a turban on her forehead. She almost frightened her soul when she swung her katana high and rushed towards Jasmine.

Wait a minute, this is China in the 21st century, right? Why do I seem to have traveled to Japan during the war against barbarians! And the sword is ruthless, hey, can you not use dangerous control knives! As Shion said, she scanned us, and then continued to add.

"But, don't forget, you will take me to play with tomorrow~"


Naturally, it is impossible for me to disobey Shion, this kind of little things go with her temperament.

But what she said next surprised me very much-

"Okay, anyway, I just told Jasmine's mother that she will spend the night at'my house' tonight. In order to be able to catch up to go out tomorrow, Jasmine and I will simply spend the night at Ayu's house~"


The reason why I yell so loudly is of course not because I made a fuss, but because Shion's request is really amazing. We must know that we are all grown up, but we haven't spent the night together in a long time.

Probably because of dissatisfaction with my attitude, Shion narrowed his eyes, hands on his hips, and leaned down like a dominatrix.

"What's wrong? Dissatisfied?"

"Uh...not really."

After all, I also have special feelings for her, and she has helped me a lot, so I can't refuse it because of reason.

And Jasmine's eyes flickered, look at me and Shion.

"I, I think it's pretty good."

Since no one has any opinions, I think it's time to allocate a room.

"Because my house still has a guest room, you two can arrange a room each..."

"What? Don't you sleep together?"


What I worried about still happened.

Shion had proposed some harem plan before, but Jasmine, who had no opinion, unexpectedly accepted it. Now Shion seemed to be really going to advance a triangular relationship, and asked me so blatantly.

"What are you doing? It's rare for everyone to be there, isn't it good to sleep together? And, besides, I think this is a rare experience?"

As she was talking, she suddenly squeezed.

After all, she also knew that she was saying something terrible.

I looked at Jasmine secretly, and her face flushed embarrassingly as expected, but even so, she did not object, she just muffled and didn't know what to think.

The arrow is on the string, it's probably the current situation.

Sighing a little, I nodded.

"Okay, let's sleep together, but because I'm going out to play together tomorrow, I can't do anything."

"Hmm, I'm very satisfied just like this~"

Shion's face glowed immediately.

And my mood...

It's really complicated, and I don't know if it's happy or resisting... Sure enough, I'm still a little more happy.

My childhood sweetheart and girlfriend slept on the same bed with me, it was a dreamlike situation.

10 o'clock late at night.

Puff through puff through.

My heart is beating wildly.

This is my room, the doors and windows are closed, the temperature is good, and I also put on my pajamas uncharacteristically.

Because the door was closed tightly, I couldn't hear the sound of the bathroom, but just imagine the scene, I was **** enough.

It started at dinner time, when Shion decided to let the three of us sleep in the same bed, so I became the first person to take a bath, and Shion took Jasmine to take a bath.

right now……

I am waiting for them to get out of the bath.

To be honest, this is a strange and familiar feeling of a deer bumping into each other.

First of all, I used to sit on the bed and wait for Jasmine to get out of the bath, but at that time I was the active party. Now, because of Shion's participation, I am at a loss for what to do.

In other words, what was it like for the two of them to take a bath together? What will happen? Will you compare your figure? Your chest will bump into each other, right?

I can't help thinking about things in my heart.

The door opened.

Wow! ! !

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