"um. Thank you."

I am more and more grateful to the understanding Shion in my heart.

At the same time, the heavy emotions are still pressing on me.

She doesn't remember me, Jasmine.

What surprised me the most was probably that the reason why I was depressed so far was not because I couldn't have **** with Jasmine or because I took advantage, but because she was sad because she had forgotten me.

I don't know how she will face Sunflower after she arrives at school today? It must be a stranger. But her heart is so big, she has forgotten that the two most important people are not nervous yet, but she still doesn't care about these after she has lost her memory.

Haha, I'm so cheeky, I have defined myself as the most important person to Jasmine just like Sunflower.

Thinking about this, I let out a deep sigh, planning to go to school first before talking about it.

Today is still a normal day.

It seemed that the danger that Jasmine had encountered the day before yesterday, and the tears she shed last week did not exist.

I sat at the desk, flipping through the book absently, waiting for the end of get out of class.

When the bell rang for the end of the first get out of class, I couldn't wait to get up and head to Jasmine's class.

Walking to the back of the classroom, I secretly watched her through the window.


That is a scene I am very familiar with.

Jasmine, who was out of class, seemed to be in a daze. She was dressed up in school uniform and sat on the chair with her beautiful legs crossed unabashedly, her short hair brushed across her face, her expression indifferent, her eyes cold, as if she was in a daze.

Today, she did not secretly look at Sunflower.

Sure enough... She has completely forgotten Sunflower.

Sunflower probably didn't know about it yet. She was so popular that she didn't care about talking and smiling with other classmates, still with a spring breeze smile on her face.

What Zhiying said...

I just looked in that direction, worried that the guy might take advantage of Jasmine's amnesia to engage in trouble, he had already seen me, and then walked over.

"Hey, Zhu Zeyu, you're never finished, will you come to find Jasmine in the first class?"


Although his attitude was the same as before, I was not in the mood to pay attention to him.

Because I saw that there is an invisible wall between Jasmine and Sunflower. Originally, Jasmine was still trying hard to look through the wall, but now she has lost her temper and just allows herself to be dominated by fate. He hides behind that wall, and can no longer see sunflowers. Noting the look in my eyes, Zhiying looked at Jasmine in confusion.

"You two... shouldn't quarrel anymore?"

"Don't worry, no matter what you are an outsider, Jasmine has already said very clearly, right?"

My answer in a bad mood made Zhiying also furious.

Of course, this broad and young has a golden key.

So he sneered at me tit-for-tat.

"Hehe, isn't it? Look at you like this is a quarrel, right? Then I'll take advantage of the void and enter~"


His words ignited a certain area of ​​my heart.

"No way!"

When I reacted, I actually grabbed his collar and pressed him to the wall.


He was stared at me with a dazed expression.

Obviously he didn't realize that I would shoot so excitedly.

"Takezeyu, what do you want to do? Fight?"

He was taller than me. After reacting, he pressed his hand on my wrist and said with a gloomy face.

And his harem also noticed the situation and gathered around.

Of course I couldn't beat him, so I just let go.

Humph, this guy is not that simple, it is impossible to get rid of it by violence.

Knowing this, I can only walk away without any enthusiasm. Of course, I still bluntly said, "Don't come near me."

Behind it was Zhiying's angry words-"Zhu Zeyu, don't be too arrogant, who do you think you are talking to!"

Walking down the stairs, I secretly sighed in my heart.

It's really troublesome, things are endless, I don't dare to tell anyone about Jasmine's amnesia.

On the eve of school.

I was going to pester Jasmine for a while, but because the changes in the matter were too disturbing, I just lingered until noon.

Hey... This time, I must explain the situation to Jasmine.

Although I want to scold myself a little bit, what can I do even if I persuade Jasmine? But it's okay to try it.

Thinking about this, I ditched my back and planned to leave the classroom.

"Ayu, come together."


Shion also followed.

Shion and I cannot sit back and watch the amnesia Jasmine.

After going up the stairs, I happened to ran into Ziyuan with Jasmine carrying a bag and stepped out of the classroom with one foot, and she walked down the corridor at the end of the corridor.

Damn it, just missed it!

However, I caught Jasmine's face in an instant.

She seemed to be back to the way I saw her when I first entered school, like an iceberg, mysterious and cold.

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