"But Diao Chan is riding under Lu Bu's crotch, no problem."

"But it's really a ghost."

Listening to each voice makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Why is it so?

So, isn’t Ziyuan appearing in the image of Diao Chan to be an oolong? ! ! !

However, I can also appreciate her feelings.

The Chituma suddenly disappeared, so in order to save the field, that's all there is to do.

(Shion, thank you! I will repay you!)

After shouting so loudly in my heart, my center made up my mind, straddled Shion's Yingying back, and patted her ass.


She slapped the girl's broken and elastic buttocks, Shion's face was flushed, and even sweat dripped down. To be honest, even I was nervous, but she finally stabilized the situation and started to move forward slowly.

And with our departure, the narrator began to stammer:

"No loss is the world's invincible Lu Bu. After successfully defending the Hulao Pass, he married Diao Chan and reached the pinnacle of his life. After Dong Zhuoxin's defeat, he asked Li Ru. Li Ru replied that the whole army should retreat to Chang'an to the west. , And brought the citizens of Luoyang and the court. Dong Zhuo was very happy to move the capital despite the strong opposition of some people."

The curtain was slowly pulled down.

The audience in the audience was taken aback for a moment, and then gave out thunderous applause.

"Okay, well adapted!"

"I think the Three Kingdoms should be written by the screenwriter."


"Hehe, it's dangerous."

I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and leaned directly against the wall behind the scenes.

The tension just now made my body feel a little weak, but I still want to care about Shion immediately.

After all, she was ridden by me as a horse just now, and she was the only one who had been ridden as a horse since childhood.

"Shion, are you okay?"

"Uuuu...Although I am very happy to be ridden by Ayu, too many people have seen it, and they can't get married anymore!"

The childhood sweetheart who was covering her face was really shy, I could only touch her head.

"It's okay, thank you, I will make you delicious."


She leaned close to my chest feebly, muttering in a low voice.

The atmosphere was good, but someone came again.

That is the inspector of the Education Department, really red.

Holding Sera with a novel look, her goal was directed at me.

"Haha, Zhu Zeyu, you are a little capable."

"What do you mean?"

I frowned.

And True Red spoke unhurriedly:

"The drama is not nonsense, and making up is not an adaptation. You are not afraid of fans cutting you when you play the Three Kingdoms like this."

"Are you coming here because you are a fan of the Three Kingdoms?"

"It's not... I want to ask you, what about Jasmine? I thought you and her were acting in this drama. After all, you said something like that to me before, and I was planning to see if you had any tactics, but she Sure enough, he is still alone."

The red eyes became sharp at this time.

The scary red pupils unique to vampires made me shudder.

Of course, although Velika is also a red pupil, she is much weaker than Real Red.

"No, you are wrong."

"What do you mean? If you don't give me an explanation, I can only take Jasmine away as my concubine."

The red eyebrows tucked up.

Hey, it's too arrogant, you can always be a concubine...

My eyes twitched, but I calmly negotiated with her.

"The real performance...has not yet begun."

"What do you mean?"

"As an inspector, you should finish watching the show."

"Well, I've been quite free lately anyway."

The little girl looked at me sharply, and she looked pretty even in the dimly lit background.

I shrugged.

"Then you keep watching."

"Cut, pretend to be a fool."

Zhenhong muttered, turning around and pulling his wife away as if feeling boring.

This person's personality is also very awkward...

In this regard, I have only this idea.

But I immediately raised my spirits.

Next, there is my plan, which is going to be done without Shion.


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