"Well, where are you going next?" Aoki

walked out of the apartment door, thinking about his next trip, when he suddenly noticed two sneaky figures hovering next to his coffin.

I touched my chin, slowly approached, and found that it was two senior middle school students, only to hear that the two seemed to have some kind of dispute.

"This is the latest Ural series, I remember it's the Patrol T

!" "How is that possible! Look at his side car, this can sit a person? This is just a person lying in it! It's boxy, it's a coffin!"

"No... It doesn't have to be a deformation... I feel like

that's it, and the logo..."

"Hmph, it's definitely not, it's not that ugly!"

Aoki: ...

Although the coffin has not been with him for a few days, he has already formed a deep relationship, where can others be insulted!


was about to have a seizure, but found that Aoki didn't know when there was an extra white stick in his hand, which shimmered inexplicably in the sun.

"Wait? Is this his car? He... Is he trying to beat us

?" "Also, do you want to use a stick?" because we say the car is ugly?"


"It's terrible, it's terrible to be a social person!

"Heh, little ghost.

Aoki shook his

head, a smile curling into his mouth.

If he wants to hit someone, he can still run?

Just when he was inexplicably complacent, he was on a rooftop a kilometer away from him.

Vodka was looking around with a telescope and happened to see this scene as well.

I couldn't help but say

, "Aoki?"

Gin, who was smoking a cigarette on the side, twisted off the remaining half of the cigarette butt, and put the cigarette butt in the plastic bag he carried with him,

this is to prevent any possibility of exposure.

"What is he doing, is he spying on the last time between Akemi Miyano and Shirley like us?"


!" "He's bullying kids!"

"yes, he's really plotting... Wait, what are you talking about?" Gin's

expression on his face collapsed in an instant.

"Bully... Bully kids..."Vodka

gritted his teeth and spoke again.

After all, as a member of an organization where killing people should be commonplace, Aoki's behavior of bullying children really pushed him down.

Gin: ....

"Give me the telescope!" Vodka

immediately handed over the telescope and pointed in Aoki's direction.

And what was Aoki doing at this time?

He was looking at Conan with a strange expression, and he didn't know where he came from.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Conan deliberately shook the mobile phone in his hand.

With an innocent face

, he said



said lightly:

"What kind of mobile phone do children play, confiscate, no wonder they wear glasses at such a young age, they are all radiation-harmed, go and play at home." "

Conan: ...

Damn, I'm fake! I'm fake! I'm not short-sighted!

And Gin, who was watching here, fell silent because of Aoki's bullying punch.

Immediately, I thought of information about Aoki.

Uninhibited, he only acts according to his mood and cannot be controlled, but he is very socially adaptable.

Understand disguise, firearms, fighting, and at the same time inexplicably have a certain immunity to many potent drugs.

The task completion rate is 100% and can be trusted.

"Forget it... There shouldn't be any problem..."

Gin muttered to himself, withdrawing his gaze and tossing the telescope to vodka.

"Gone, there's something else. "

Okay, Boss!"

Aoki naturally didn't know that he was watched by Gin for a while, just after rubbing Conan's hair into a mess.

rode away on the Nacoffin, leaving behind Conan, who seemed to have been shut up.

But the real situation didn't seem to be the case, and I saw Conan suddenly put away his depressed little expression.

Then he took out the sticker in his pocket, which was a new invention of Dr. Asasa.

Tracing the post, he pasted the body part torn from the white glue on his phone.

That's right, he deliberately provoked like that, anyway, it was just a backup machine, and there was nothing special.

And through this, he can know Aoki's usual travel distance and see if he can find out anything with this.

Although he still didn't think about the Aoki Net's black-clothed organization.

But Aoki's reasoning last time made him curious.

The strange way of attacking to save himself.,And then you'll be buried.,It seems that you'll also reason.,How many secrets does Aoki, a former classmate, have.。

He must investigate clearly, after all, for detectives, curiosity is the first criterion of action.

"Hmm, nothing, doesn't he usually go to any special website?" Aoki

slowed down the speed of the coffin, controlled it with one hand, and took out Conan's mobile phone with the other.

I found that there was no password, and then I opened the browser, and there was no record.

"Tsk, really not, is it completely deleted? is worthy of being a detective, even in this area is very cautious. After

looking for a while, but there was still nothing particularly noteworthy, Aoki smiled and slipped his phone into his pocket.

Then I took a spin around and casually looked around at the facilities.

And this time, a café was imprinted in his eyes.

The café itself doesn't attract him, the décor is remarkable, and the traffic is average.

But there were two shadows in the café that made him slightly stunned.

Muxue Cafe.

"Sister, we haven't seen each other in a long time.

Shiho Miyano propped his elbows on the table, palms supporting his face, and said happily, with a bright smile on his face.

Every time, only when she sees her sister Akemi Miyano, she can let go of her coldness and arrogance like a little girl.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and glanced at a figure at the table behind him, his eyes a little unhappy.

It was a tall man in gray civilian clothes, and the small cup looked ridiculous in his hand, but he still drank his coffee silently.

This is her bodyguard, and being a bodyguard is actually just to prevent her from escaping.

"Alright, Shiho, be happy, let's talk about something happy.

Akemi Miyano touched her sister's head and spoke gently.

But his eyes also swept over the bodyguard, and the thought in his heart became even firmer, he must break away from the organization and take his sister away with


!"Sister, look at this is my newly bought bag!

Aside from the immersion lab, the only pleasure she had when she went out was buying bags.

As for the price, it is naturally not asked, and if you see that you like it, you will take it, and someone will naturally pay for it.

Otherwise, her evasion will cause a riot.

"It's expensive, isn't it?"

Akemi Miyano touched her bag.

"It's not expensive!" Shiho

Miyano shook his head.

Of course, I also brought a sentence in my heart: "I don't have to pay anyway." "

Hello and welcome. At

the door, Aoki walked in with a welcome from the door.

I swept around, and instantly found the location of the two Miyano sisters.

At the same time, there was also a sharp gaze at him.

Following his gaze, there was a strong man in a gray coat.

"Someone from the organization?" Aoki

muttered to himself, then judged the distance and found a suitable position to observe.

"A glass of cappuccino, thank you. Knowing

the waiter who came over, Aoki walked to a dead end.

You can avoid the observation of the bodyguards and see the two Miyano sisters at the same time.

"By the way, you can't hear the conversation?" Aoki

rubbed his eyebrows and began to think of a way.


Suddenly, a small black notebook fell from his pocket to the floor.

"Huh?" Aoki

wondered, and then bent down to pick it up.

At this time, I saw that the notebook automatically turned the pages, and at the same time, faint handwriting began to appear on the blank page.

[Sister, how are you doing? I heard that you have been assigned to work as a bank clerk, are you used to it? Not used to it, I'll go and mention it to that guy and give you a different task.

"Hey! this!" Aoki

frowned, and suddenly understood what this was, this is what Shiho Miyano said to Akemi Miyano.

But at this time, it appeared on this small notebook.


thought of the word at once.

At this time, the consciousness of the notebook finally connected with him.


The words of a selected object within a radius of 100 meters can be displayed in a notebook in real time through text, and each paragraph exists for 10 seconds.

Then the upper limit is to repeat both objects at the same time, because the notebook spreads out with only two sides.

However, even if it was just that, Aoki felt that the practicality was really high, compared to a certain guy.

Suddenly, he gently put the notebook on the table and decided to name it Xiao Hei.

Bang -

and Aoki's action is obvious, which makes Xiaobai uncomfortable, thinking of its usual devil training, Aoki's dislike, and then comparing Xiaohei.

The eggplant that was like frost in an instant wilted and shrugged on Aoki's wrist, so love will disappear right, it's very uncomfortable, it wants to cry.

Aoki: ....

Here, I heard that my sister could even go to the person who was most afraid for herself.

Akemi Miyano was very moved, but she still dissuaded her.

Then the chat continued to chatter about homely things.

At this time, Akemi Miyano seemed to remember something, and suddenly spoke:

"Shiho, do you know a person named Aoki?"

"Ao... Aoki!" Shiho

Miyano couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard this name, and looked at Akemi Miyano with a slightly nervous expression.

"Sister, you... Have you ever seen this man? He's also in Japan?"

I've seen one, and I don't know if it's you, what's wrong Shiho, is this one? hehe!"

Akemi Miyano teased.

"Oh, no, sister, this person... What does this person say... There's a little bit of a no... Something is wrong..."

Shiho Miyano pointed to his head and whispered.

"Hmm... Got a story?" said

Akemi Miyano.

"Also... It's not counting, it was when I was a kid in the United States..."

Shiho Miyano pulled his brown hair, and there was a hint of memory in his azure and bright eyes like Akemi Miyano.

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