This way.

Gray Hara, who was in a little good mood, gradually slowed down and began to think about what he needed to do if he went to Aoki's house.

But as soon as he saw his little hands, he immediately realized that he was a child now, and he was ready to be a ghost.

And just went to someone else's house to play, why were you so nervous, so I quickly took a deep breath to calm down.

When I was feeling better, I saw the corner in front of me and walked over.

And at this corner, when she turned around directly, the afterglow also flickered slightly.

Immediately after that, a chill suddenly rose in my heart.

Because in the direction she came from in her peripheral vision, there was a small puppet on the ground.

The hair is very long, and it can be judged that it is female, but the facial features cannot be seen clearly, but the eyes seem to be very spiritual, like living beings, and glow slightly.

There is also a pair of wings on his back, although the starlight is not very bright, but Gray Yuan can find that it seems to be...

On a big night, in the alleyway, a female doll with blood-red wings is a staunch materialist.

There is inevitably a sense of fear that invades the whole body, but fear is fear, and she can barely keep herself as calm as she should be.

Then, instead of leaving, he slowly walked towards the puppet, because for some reason, he was afraid in his heart, but he had a feeling of wanting to touch the puppet.

And this feeling suddenly shattered until the next moment, making her stunned in place.

"Chi... Paula..."


Aoki arrived, grabbed Xiaomei, and stuffed her into the left pocket on the inside of her clothes.

Then he said a little embarrassed:

"This... The puppet made by my father's friend, it's more realistic, and it's also installed with a concise voice function, and it accidentally landed here, haha, that, did it scare you?"

"No... No..."

Ash Yuan Wai shook his head, just looking at Aoki's gaze a little strange, even a little gentle.

If she heard it right, the doll just now was none other than her name, Shiho!

And this doll is Aoki's, what does this mean? It shows that Aoki is definitely the same Aoki in the United States, and he still hasn't changed.

Even because he missed himself, he made such a doll that called his name in his mouth.

All of a sudden, indescribable warmth overflowed her whole body, and in the lonely gray world, there was such a person who wanted to care about herself.

I have to say that she was moved, and the feeling of being missed and cared for seemed so precious to her at this time.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai?" Aoki

waved his hand in front of Gray Yuan Ai's eyes, and his expression suddenly sank after finding that the other party had no reaction.

It's over, Gray Yuan Wai must have been scared, and being followed by a puppet at night was indeed a bit exciting.

Xiaomei: (I... I didn't want to scare her, it's... It's just that she seems to have the smell of a sister on her, and I'm a little... I can't help but (/ω\) be a little embarrassed Aoki

: ....

This is the reason why you are silently tailgating? If you change your mental ability to bear it, I'm afraid it will directly scare you to death!"

I...... I'll go first. Gray

Yuan Mourning, whose mind was occupied by many thoughts at once, finally came back to his senses.

After glancing at Aoki again, he ran away again.

"Whew... It's fine.

Looking at the gray plain mourning who was still alive, Aoki spat out lightly and lowered his head.

"Next, it's time to deal with you. "


"Give it to me!"

Xiaomei: (Don't!I can't lose it,,Ծ‸Ծ,)

"Give it to me!"Xiaomei

: (Don't!Don't!(ó_ò.)

In the living room, Aoki reaches out and asks for a photo of Shiho Miyano on Miami.

Obviously, Xiaomei didn't want to give, and kept making aggrieved voices in Aoki's mind.

"Okay, don't, you remember for me that I can't show that photo to others, if it is seen by others, I will definitely take it back for you! Absolutely!"

Aoki held his forehead with a headache, and he was really a little difficult to use brute force for Xiaomei who used Miyano Akemi's voice to coquettish him.

Xiaoyin: (tui! discriminate crumbs!convex ('△ ́+)

)) "Hehe.

Aoki sneered, amplified the sound of the tape recorder in the jar, and then threw the jar into the secret room with the tape recorder and Xiaoyin, and closed it heavily.

Then he looked at Xiao Bai who was already lying in the jar, and Xiao Hei who was watching the drama, and slowly withdrew his gaze.

The next day, in the evening.

Rice Flower Library.

Zi -

stopped the coffin, and Aoki, who was wearing a school uniform, stepped out of the car.

As for why the school uniform is worn.

It's because he went to school for the first time in a long time today.

Although I have privileges, sometimes I have to bubble up and give the teacher some face, this kind of thing is mutual, you give it to me, I will give it to you.

Well, there's actually another reason.

That's why Gray Plains came to knock on the door inexplicably before going to school today, and it seems to be a way to remind Aoki to eat breakfast.

In an instant, he lost that hazy sleepiness.

Seeing that the date was Wednesday, I simply went straight to school to check in.

But this trip is not a loss, after school to eat a bowl of noodles and was about to go home, Mao Lilan called to say that Conan still hasn't returned.

So, after some questioning, Aoki learned that Conan had spoken to Moriran before.

On Wednesday, I was going to go to the Rice Flower Library with Ayumi to read a book.

This immediately reminded Aoki of a case about the Rice Flower Library.

So, I came here with a temporary diversion.

But at the moment, because it is approaching dark.

The library was closed, and there was no place to go in, and as for Conan, the guys had been inside until it closed, and they didn't come out at all.

After pondering the plot for a moment, Aoki took down Shiro and decided to break in violently.


sound of glass shattering was ebrut in the silence of the library.

It also alarmed the curator Tsukawa Hideji, who came here at night, and his eyes became extremely cold in an instant.

Holding the long iron rod in his hand, he walked towards the source of the sound step by step.

And Conan and the others, who were almost discovered, were immediately relieved.

"It's the sound of glass being smashed, maybe a thief has come in, but it's a big help.

Among the several people, the indifferent gray plain said lightly, feeling a little unhappy, she didn't plan to come.

If it weren't for Ayumi being too enthusiastic and a little overwhelmed, she should be at home now, maybe she might go to Aoki's house to have a look.

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