Lu Chong said, "he got Tang Tiantian's mobile phone number for the first time. He talked to Tang Tiantian until the evening. Tang Tiantian was afraid that you would be angry. She found me to complain and wanted to find a way to have the best of both worlds not to make you angry and warn Yu Qingdong. The next day, he asked Fang Bingbing for his mobile phone number, and Bingbing gave him my mobile phone number. I left the private room to find him yesterday for this."

Lin Yujing sighed and said, "I believe you. It's not strange for such scum to do anything."

Lu Chong looked at Yu Qingdong. At the moment, Yu Qingdong had stood up, covered his waist and retreated slowly.

Lou rushed to him.

When Yu Qingdong saw that he could not hide, he showed a fierce look and showed his true colors in the government office. He pointed to Lu Chong and scolded: "Do you dare to beat the traffic police captain in public? Do you know the consequences and the seriousness of the nature? If you dare to move again, I'll put you in prison all your life! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If it weren't for Yujing's face, I would have detained your car and woven a charge to send you to prison! Grass! You, a little civilian, dare to do right with me? I don't know if I let you die How did you die! "Yu Qingdong said, finally gaining confidence. No matter how incompetent he was, he eventually had an official Father and was the new vice captain of the traffic police detachment.

"Why do you people always like to threaten me with imprisonment?" Lu rushed over, waved his arm and hit Qingdong hard with his right palm in the face.

"Pa!" the voice rang through the ward. Yu Qingdong was beaten back a few steps, dizzy, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"You... How dare you beat me?" Yu Qingdong was so angry that he was the only one who bullied others in recent years. How can he be beaten in public and dare not fight back.

"You scum, if you beat me, what reason do you need!" Lu Chong continued to move forward.

"Do you dare to hit me? I'll find someone to kill you! Wait for me!" Yu Qingdong didn't dare to fight back and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call someone.

Lu Chong took another step, slapped Yu Qingdong in the face and knocked off Yu Qingdong's mobile phone at the same time.

The crowd watched from a distance and dared not come forward. Many people looked at Lu Chong in horror. The boy dared to fight the traffic police captain. Everyone knows that the traffic police team is becoming more and more important. The leaders of the traffic police detachment are also the deputy bureau of the Municipal Bureau and have great power. Not to mention the traffic police captain, even an ordinary traffic policeman is not an ordinary person who dares to offend.

"I'll fight with you!" Yu Qingdong finally understood that he could not threaten Lu Chong with the usual means of others. He scolded and rushed to Lu Chong and punched him.

"Get out!" Lu kicked out.

Before Yu Qingdong's hand touched Lu Chong, he bent over and flew backwards and hit the wall.

He struggled to get up and touched the blue oxygen bottle. The oxygen bottle tilted and hit Qingdong's head. He screamed and covered his headache with tears.

Lin Yujing looks at Yu Qingdong and sighs sadly. The image of the perfect man in her mind is broken like a mirror and turned into dust. Behind the mirror, there stands a person's shadow. The person's appearance is still above Yu Qingdong, which has more magic and affects her heartstrings.

She glanced at Lu Chong secretly and suddenly found that this man is not as tall as Yu Qingdong, nor does he have a senior official Father, and his work is not as good as Yu Qingdong. She can't speak sweet words. Even this morning, she still hates this man, but somehow, now she feels that this man is particularly pleasing to the eye and won't be bored even if she looks at him all her life.

At this time, the door of the ward opened and several doctors came in with seven or eight people in police uniforms.

The chief policeman was kind: "do you need to change your shoes?"

The doctor said, "no, no, please come in."

Wu Ju nodded, walked in, looked around the ward and was stunned.

Yu Qingdong, who was knocked down, saw the fifth Bureau as if he saw the Savior and shouted desperately: "fifth Bureau, my father is Yu Qingyuan, director Yu of the equipment finance department of the provincial department. We met. Do you remember me?"

Wu Ju turned his head and saw a young man with a bloody face sitting on the ground with an oxygen bottle beside him. His face was swollen and his eyes were shining. Some faces were familiar. He said, "are you Yu Qingdong?"

Yu Qingdong was overjoyed. The resentment accumulated due to being beaten broke out in an all-round way. Like a child fighting with others who saw his father coming, he cried, pointed to Lu Chong and said: "Uncle Wu, you want to avenge me! Lu Chong, a son of a bitch, dares to beat me. I'm the vice captain of the traffic police detachment! All the people in the ward are witnesses and they can testify for me! My captain has been beaten. How can Jiangcheng's police system stand in Jiangbei in the future? You must decide for me!"

Everyone in the ward looked at the Wu bureau together and thought that the young man who beat him was over. If the officials took care of him, it would be bad luck.

Lin Yujing recognized the Wu bureau and quickly said loudly, "Wu bureau, it's not what you think. It's not Lu Chong's fault. I forced him to do it. He's also a victim. Come to me if you have anything!"

Yu Qingdong pointed to Lin Yujing and yelled: "it's this bitch who still protects Lu Chong. They must have had an affair for a long time! I've seen you two flirt for a long time, and now it's finally exposed!"

Lin Yu's chest ached, and she felt more remorse. The more she regretted, the more she felt sorry for Lu Chong, and the more she felt that she owed Lu Chong.

In front of doctors, nurses, family members, patients, nursing workers and the police who had just entered the door, Lu Chong picked up his stool, aimed at Yu Qingdong, and threw it down, Bang... Poof... Dong... One after another.

Lin Yujing looked at Lu Chong stupidly. Tears blurred her eyes. In her opinion, Lu Chong hit people in order to avenge her and prove her innocence.

"Lu Chong! Why are you so stupid? I'm not worth it. Don't worry. If you're caught, I'll go to jail with you!" Lin Yujing said excitedly. Because she was too excited, she didn't find the policeman standing still.

Until he smashed the stool askew, Lu Chong threw down the stool and straightened up: "there's a reason to hit you this time! Bah!" Lu Chong spit on Yu Qingdong with blood on his face and walked to Lin Yujing's hospital bed.

Behind Lu Chong, Yu Qingdong, who was bleeding all over, blood spots all over the wall and the ground, and crooked stools were left.

Almost everyone looked silly. What's going on? The vice captain of the traffic police detachment called all the directors of the Municipal Bureau. How dare the young man do it? And beat harder and used guys. That's great!

Others were unbelievable, but the Wu bureau and the police behind him had helplessness and good fear in their eyes.

On the way, the Wu bureau told them more than once that we must be careful to see Mr. Lu this time. Don't annoy him. If he gets angry, he can't stand the head of the Municipal Bureau.

Obviously, the Wu bureau knows the origin of Lu Chong. After all, the dragon soul is directly ordered by the top head. Let alone the director of the Municipal Bureau, that is, the director of the provincial department, he can't help Lu Chong. He can only accompany him carefully.

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