Fang Bingbing follows Lu Chong for a day. Based on her understanding of Lu Chong, she has long guessed that Lu Chong did it. Besides Lu Chong, no one has the ability and motivation to do such a thing.

But Lu Chong has been vague and didn't admit it directly, which makes her have great doubts in her heart.

When she saw Yan Lele pressing Lu Chong, she hurriedly walked behind Lu Chong and rubbed his shoulder: "Husband, you worked hard all day today. When you passed by Tengyun technology, you were in good spirits. How come when something happened to Tengyun technology, you fell asleep as soon as you fought with us for a day and a night. What happened, husband, just talk about it."

Yan Lele saw Fang Bingbing pressing Lu Chong with her, so he hugged Lu Chong's arm more vigorously and shook it vigorously: "good husband, just tell others whether you did it or not, and you'll give me another chance to worship you. Don't worry, they must keep their mouth like a bottle and never tell others, okay, husband, okay, husband?"

Yan Lele and Fang Bingbing were originally very proud beauties. Since they were with Lu Chong, they often drank Yujing mineral water after being moistened by him. Their bodies became more proud. In this way, Lu Chong felt very different.

Fang Bingbing put Lu Chong's head in front of her. When she bent down to massage her shoulders, Lu Chong's head was resting on her... When Yan Lele spoiled the arm holding Lu Chong, Lu Chong's arm was

Lu Chong feels very comfortable and light now.

He coughed: "please respect yourself, two female benefactors!"

As a result, Fang Bingbing and Yan Lele wrapped him more tightly.

Yan Lele hugged Lu Chong tightly, stuck it in his arms, and said with a deep face and extreme seriousness: "Husband, what can't you say? You saved me several times, the Wang family and the plane. I'm already your own little wife. Even if someone caught me, tortured me to extort a confession, tiger stool, chili water, skinning and cramping, I won't betray you. What are you worried about?"

Fang Bingbing also tightly hugged Lu Chong's head and lay down in his ear: "husband, you not only saved me, but also gave me hope and courage to continue to live. I live at this time all by you, and I will never betray you. Even if they shot me, I won't betray you!"

Lu Chong couldn't help laughing: "Oh, it's not that serious. You're Lu Chong's woman. No one dares to take you away! Well, I admit, I did it!"

Yan Lele immediately cheered and jumped up: "I knew it was our husband who did it. Your husband is the best!"

She looked at Lu Chong's eyes shining and full of worship.

Although Fang Bingbing was completely sure that Lu Chong did it, she was still very shocked when she heard Lu Chong's answer. She knew that Lu Chong didn't have to lie to them in this matter, and Lu Chong had a strong motivation to do this. Lu Chong just described the tragedy in Tengyun technology with Zhu Danqing, which was completely consistent with the photos revealed later, but the problem is , at the time of the incident, Lu Chong was always beside Fang Bingbing. It seemed that he got out of the car and leaned against the car to watch Tengyun technology for a while. He didn't enter Tengyun technology at all. How did he do it.

She was really curious and asked, "husband, you were always with me at that time. We just passed by Tengyun technology. You didn't go in at all. Later, you were so tired that you fell asleep. How did you make all the equipment in Tengyun technology headquarters building and data center explode?"

Yan Lele shouted, "I guess my husband must have used some magic power. Because the backstage of Tengyun technology is the Yang family and itself is a large company with tens of thousands of people, my husband used a lot of magic power. After using it up, he was very tired and fell asleep directly. My husband, am I right?" then he looked at Lu Chong proudly.

Lu chongchong fondly pinched her pink face: "just count your intelligence!"

Yan Lele immediately smiled and showed his lovely little tiger teeth: "it's still your husband, you're too powerful!"

Now, Yan Lele is easy to be happy, as long as Lu Chong praises her!

Fang Bingbing immediately recalled the scene at that time and said excitedly: "I remember, just outside the science and Technology Park, husband, you asked me to stop. You stood outside for a while. Did you use magic power at that time? I didn't feel at all at that time. Husband, you're too powerful!"

At first, Fang Bingbing just thought that Lu Chong was a handsome man with a little force. Later, after a lot of things, she found that he became more and more magical and mysterious, and her heart of worship for him became more and more prosperous.

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "in fact, at that time, I should let you look back. The Tengyun technology headquarters building and data center at that time were like a firefight. There were explosions and fires everywhere. It may be difficult for us to see such a grand occasion in our life."

Fang Bingbing immediately felt very sorry: "husband, anyway, your magic power can't hide from us. We can't betray you. Why don't you let us have a look?"

Yan Lele also pouted: "yes, husband, you said earlier. At that time, I asked for leave to go to TongZhou with you."

Lu Chong said with a smile: "don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future. If Tengyun technology falls down, there will be unsightly jumps out!"

Yan Lele suddenly smiled: "sister Bingbing, when the terrorists hijacked the plane that day, you weren't on the plane and didn't see our husband get rid of those terrorists. God, my husband is so handsome that he is a living God!"

Fang Bingbing almost agreed: "yes, only God can make the huge cloud technology like this! Hey, our husband is God, so what are we?"

Lu Chong smiled: "what is God's wife? Of course it's God's wife!"

What is shenpo? Shenpo is the old women who pretended to play tricks and jump great gods in the countryside.

Fang Bingbing and Yan Lele beat Lu at the same time and rushed: "you are the one who jumps the great God!"

Lu Chong suddenly looked at them positively: "I don't think you are human!"

Fang Bingbing and Yan Lele were stunned. Why did Lu Chong suddenly scold them.

Yan Lele beat Lu Chong again and said, "you're not human!"

"Yes, I'm not human, I'm God!" Lu Chong said with a smile: "listen to me, bingbinglele is not human, and the nine heavenly fairies go down to earth!"

Fang Bingbing and Yan Lele immediately smiled: "husband, you really can talk. Kiss one."

Yan lelejiao said in a voice: "sister Bingbing and I are not only the nine heavenly fairies, but also sister Xueqing, sister Qingfang, Tiantian, Xiaoyu and Yuanyuan... Oh, you have too many women. I won't list them one by one. We are all the nine heavenly fairies. It's cheap for you, a romantic God!"

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