According to Siam's domestic legend, the king who became a monk on the way is the third king of Siam, with a history of thousands of years, so they call him the ancient emperor, a bit like the three emperors and five emperors of ancient China.

In fact, Siamese people, like Korean people, put gold on their faces.

In fact, Siam has only a history of more than 700 years. After its completion, Siam was a vassal state of China for a long time.

They established the Sukhothai Dynasty in 1238 and began to form a relatively unified country. It turned out that Sukhothai was only a city under the Angkor Dynasty in Cambodia. Later, the local Thai people revolted, seized the city and land, and established the founding Dynasty here. At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Prime Minister Chen Yizhong was defeated and occupied the city. Later, he turned to avoid Siam and died in Siam. The Yuan Dynasty was strong and determined to develop outward. Southeast Asian countries paid tribute to the Yuan Dynasty one after another, and Thailand was no exception. In 1350 ad, King Wutong established his capital in Dacheng Prefecture, separated from suketai Kingdom, declared independence, established Ayuthaya Kingdom, soon annexed suketai Kingdom, and was granted the title of king of Siam by Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the name "Siam" was officially fixed and called the Kingdom of Thailand in the Chinese context.

In the first year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, Chengzu also gave the king of Siam a gold and silver seal, and the king of Siam also sent an envoy to thank him. In order to publicize the national prestige, Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty sent Zheng He to lead the fleet to the south for seven times, taking the western route. Siam is a must.

Therefore, the so-called ancient emperor may only be a king during the suketai Dynasty. Even, Lu Chong suspects that the so-called ancient emperor may be the last king of the suketai Kingdom, and the history of this Buddha card is only more than 600 years at most.

However, for more than 600 years, this Buddha Yin card has made more than 100000 people die directly or indirectly because of it, which is much more terrible than the bloody storm in the Wulin caused by the heaven reliant sword and dragon slaughtering knife in the story of relying on the sky to kill the dragon, and a lot of dead gas has been gathered for this.

Lu Chong knew that this dead Qi Yin card was particularly difficult to refine, but when it was really refined, he found that it was more difficult to refine than he thought.

Death Qi is the opposite of life Qi. If there is more death Qi, life will be short and life will be cut off. Death Qi directly ends life, not only for people, but also for all living creatures. Just like flowers and bones, when she appeared, all the flowers in the city withered.

Lu Chong used dragon Qi to refine these Qi treasures. When he attacked the enemy, the Dragon Qi brought death, but when refining treasures, it was a living force, which was opposite to death. Therefore, refining Buddha Yin brand, a dead treasure, consumed a lot of dragon Qi, which was many times that of refining heaven reliant sword. It was more difficult than refining Buddha Tooth Relic.

However, if the Buddha Yin card can be refined, the lethality of more than 100000 people in it will be used by Lu Chong, and the lethality will be quite amazing!

Its lethality is many times that of other Qi treasures such as disease Qi treasure and war Qi treasure. If you hit it directly, you can break down the luck of a top-ranking person, make him have a big accident and have to take the blame and resign!

In that case, it's like a major accident that killed more than 100000 people. If it's an earthquake and other natural disasters, no one can blame it. But if it's a safety accident caused by man-made disasters, a pile of rats and moths will fall down. It's likely that it's the people of the elite faction, which makes the monkeys scattered before the elite tree poured wine.

Along the way, more than 40 minutes, refining and chemical achievements were not great.

At this time, Fang Bingbing suddenly said, "husband, it's coming."

Lu Chong woke up from refining and chemical state. Looking around, the capital airport was right in front of him.

He decided to stop refining the Buddha Yin card and put the refining activity aside. Anyway, the Buddha Yin card was placed in the storage space of the mysterious ring. He had no impression on Lu Chong and others.

Lu Chong decided to refine the longevity script that he got before, then refine the heaven reliant sword, and finally refine the Buddha Yin card.

Fang Bingbing parked the car in the parking lot, and then went to the pick-up place with Lu Chong to wait.

The plane was not very late. After a few minutes, Lu Chong saw the people of Jiangbei opera house and greeted them with Fang Bingbing.

This time, they have more than 30 dancers, mainly actresses, all of whom are ballet dancers. Each of them is very outstanding in both appearance and temperament.

But among these outstanding girls, Su Yuanyuan is still the most outstanding, just like standing out from the crowd. Lu Chong saw her at a glance.

Seeing Su Yuanyuan, Lu Chong couldn't help laughing.

When people see the first side of the person they like, they are always happy, and this joy overflows, and people can't help laughing.

He waved to Su Yuanyuan.

Lu Chong saw Su Yuanyuan at first sight. Su Yuanyuan was also the first to see Lu Chong among hundreds of people waiting for friends, because Su Yuanyuan stood out from the crowd. Lu Chong also had outstanding appearance and temperament.

Su Yuanyuan didn't like to laugh, but after seeing Lu Chong, as just said, when he saw the people he liked, especially the people he liked, he always couldn't help smiling happily.

Her smile was very light, but what appeared in her beautiful eyes was deep joy. It seemed that it had been a long time. In fact, it was fast and late. Lu Chong left Jiangcheng for more than a week, but Su Yuanyuan felt that he had not seen Lu Chong for a long time and missed him very much.

Seeing Su Yuanyuan's face, Lu Chong was very happy and sweet, because he knew that no one in the world could make su Yuanyuan smile when he met.

The leader of the team is president Zhang of the opera house. These dancers are actually a song and dance troupe affiliated to the opera house, and president Zhang is also the head of the song and dance troupe.

Seeing Lu Chong, head Zhang immediately showed a respectful and happy smile and went forward to talk with Lu Chong.

A week ago, their song and dance troupe was wiped out. She thought she would never have a chance again. Unexpectedly, Lu Chong knew someone on CCTV and was able to find this opportunity for them.

Other dancers of the song and dance troupe looked at Lu Chong curiously. They all knew that Lu Chong was su Yuanyuan's boyfriend. They knew that Su Yuanyuan's boyfriend's status was very unusual. He could revive the programs they had been excluded from, and let them board the Spring Festival Gala again. This is a big man. They all have to curry favor with!

At that time, several good-looking actors in the song and dance troupe wanted to hook up with Lu Chong, but when they saw Fang Bingbing and looked at Su Yuanyuan, they all stopped and didn't dare to go forward. Lu Chong's two women can't compare with each other, so they'd better not humiliate themselves.

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