Lu Chong thought for a moment and said, "old Li, I have something to deal with now. It will take about 20 minutes. Old Jiang lives in Yuquan mountain. It's about 20 minutes' drive from me to Yuquan mountain. I'll arrive at about 8:20. Shouldn't it be late?"

Li Wenshan was a little unhappy: "do you mean to let old Jiang wait for you for half an hour?"

Lu Chong said faintly, "I'm sorry, but I'm having dinner with an elder now. I can't leave."

Li Wenshan sighed and said, "come here as soon as possible. All the people who come today are old people. They will leave after 9 o'clock. At that time, everyone will leave. How ugly."

Lu Chong said with a smile, "I understand. You're always bothering."

Li Wenshan said, "I tell you, Mr. Jiang is not an old stubborn man. He can still listen to different opinions. For some things, it's better to meet and chat and let it pass than never to meet and suspect each other."

"I understand. I'll try to get there as soon as possible." Lu Chong ended his call with Li Wenshan.

He thought about it carefully. If old Jiang really wanted to avenge Huang Yuanfu, he would have done it as early as he went to Huang's house. It has been several days. He hasn't done it yet. It has been decided that Huang Yuanfu should be buried in the coffin. It's expected that nothing will happen.

Then he went back to dinner with Mrs. Leng.

Mrs. Leng took a sip of Yujing dragon spring and asked, "Xiao Lu, how are you selling this spring?"

Lu Chong smiled and said, "it's all thanks to Aunt Leng's help in advertising. Recently, sales have soared. My daily order has soared to 2000 bottles in Beijing these days, and it's soaring every day. It's estimated that the daily sales will reach 10000 bottles soon. We're recruiting people and setting up branches here in Beijing. My men have been busy recently."

Mrs. Leng smiled kindly and said, "it's mainly because you have a good spring. It's really effective. Otherwise, you can't be so popular. However, you're really smart to use Niu Tengyun to make a live advertisement."

Lu Chong said with a smile, "you know, aunt."

Mrs. Leng said with a smile, "although I stay at home all day, I don't go anywhere, but my news is not blocked at all. You didn't force Niu Tengyun to death and let him live. It's very good. Like the Yang family, it always forces people to death. Sooner or later, there will be retribution!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Leng said with a smile, "did someone invite you over just now? Now we're almost done eating. Just go first and let Lele stay with me."

Lu Chong said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. The dishes you cook here are so delicious. The ingredients are super fresh. I eat a lot. I've just eaten half full." Lu Chong said while eating.

Mrs. Leng, like a kind mother, smiled kindly when she saw that her child could eat: "it's a blessing to eat well. Eat more. Xiao Lu, if you like to eat, I'll ask someone to make more for you next time."

Lu Chong said with a smile: "no special preparation. I'm easy to feed. I don't pick anything and can eat anything."

Mrs. Leng smiled happily.

While Lu Chong was having dinner, another phone called. Lu Chong took a look. It was su Quanning, Su Yuanyuan's father. He didn't answer. He sent him a message and said later, and then set the mobile phone to silent.

He ate quickly and was soon full. Then he sat on the sofa drinking tea and chatting.

Mrs. Leng noticed that Lu Chong had just answered the phone. Looking at the time, she said, "Xiao Lu, I know you're busy, so I won't keep you. Just leave Lele with me."

Lu Chong said with a smile, "well, I'll bet Lele on you and come and redeem her tomorrow."

Yan lejiao said with a smile, "I won't let you redeem it."

Lu Chong, Su Yuanyuan and Fang Bingbing put on their coats and got up to leave.

Mrs. Leng also put on her coat and wanted to send Lu out.

Lu Chong hurriedly said, "aunt, it's late at night. It's very cold outside. Don't come out."

Mrs. Leng smiled and said, "I'll take you to the gate. It's only a few steps. I'm still very young, not 80 or 90 years old."

When Lu Chong heard Mrs. Leng say so, it was hard to persuade him, so everyone went out together.

Yan Lele took Mrs. Leng's arm and said with a smile, "aunt, when I come to the capital every winter, it will freeze here. I always fall down when I walk carelessly."

Mrs. Leng said with a spoiled smile, "then you should be careful. It's bad if such a beautiful face is broken."

Lu Chong understood that this was Yan Lele's cleverness. Instead of directly telling Mrs. Leng to look at the road, she used her own example to gently persuade Mrs. Leng to watch the ground. After all, directly persuading Mrs. Leng to look at the road is saying that Mrs. Leng is old. Mrs. Leng, a woman in her fifties, is the least willing to hear such words.

Mrs. Leng also understood Yan Lele's meaning, took Yan Lele's arm and liked Yan Lele more.

Walking to the gate of Leng's house, Mrs. Leng suddenly asked, "Xiao Lu, where are you going?"

Lu Chong didn't have to lie to Mrs. Leng. He said, "I have a senior in the calligraphy and painting industry in Mr. Jiang's home. Talking about a word I wrote before, Mr. Jiang also likes it very much. If Mr. Jiang wants to see me, let me go."

Mrs. Leng was stunned for a moment. She quickly wanted to understand the interests in it. Then she looked at Lu Chong kindly. She was moved in her eyes, smiled and said, "good child, aunt really didn't read you wrong."

Lu Chong smiled and said, "aunt, don't always praise me. I can't stand praise."

Mrs. Leng said very seriously, "you child should boast."

Yan Lele and Su Yuanyuan didn't know what the old Jiang was, but Fang Bingbing knew. She immediately understood why Mrs. Leng had such an attitude just now.

Leng Guoqiang, Mrs. Leng's husband, is the No. 2 figure in the military and has great power. However, since ancient times, China has always used literature to resist military forces and a pen to command the gun. Therefore, Leng Guoqiang can only become a top-level official at most, but can't become a core member. Although Jiang Lao retired, he was the No. 1 figure in the top-level official before retirement, even if he didn't have a substantive position, However, his salary and rank are higher than those of Leng Guoqiang. As long as he is alive, he still has a great influence, which is greater than Leng Guoqiang to some extent. Once Leng Guoqiang retires, he can't have any influence on the political situation. Moreover, the overall power of the Jiang family is much stronger than that of the Leng family. Lu Chong postponed to see Jiang Lao in order to have dinner with Mrs. Leng, In many people's eyes, they think the weight has been reversed. Moreover, there are rumors everywhere that old Jiang will start with Lu Chong because of Huang Yuanfu, but Lu Chong still stays at Leng's house to accompany Mrs. Leng to finish dinner, which makes Mrs. Leng dare not move.

Fang Bingbing wants to understand all this and admires Lu Chong more.

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