Dalu saw Dai Xing's anxious look and heard Dai Xing say that. He understood a little. Dai Xing must have encountered a very difficult thing.

So, instead of forcibly pulling Dai Xing back, Dalu quietly followed Dai Xing.

Da Lu suddenly found that he seemed to be able to track skills without a teacher, and the skills were quite clever and skilled. Dai Xing didn't notice it when he followed Dai Xing. He was not as stupid as those agents tracking on film and television.

He was stunned. What was he doing, the cook? But how could the cook follow people?

Not long after walking, Dalu found that Dai Xing came to the place where he went to school.

Temasek sik Kwong yew secondary school, from its appearance, may be much better than many domestic secondary schools in terms of facilities and teachers.

After all, the education in Xingdao is famous in Greater China. Several universities rank first in the world, stronger than those in China, and the education in primary and secondary schools is also very strong.

However, this Temasek middle school is still quite poor compared with other middle schools in Xingdao, because it is adjacent to the red light district. It is a place to hide dirt. Many hooligans and local ruffians mingle around the school to blackmail students for a living, which is a bit like the scene of the movie "truant Weilong".

At this time, in an alley next to Guangyao middle school, several young gangsters, dyed with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and other different colors of hair, with sticks and knives in their hands and cigarettes in their mouths, looked arrogant.

They surrounded a group of middle school students in uniforms and showed their bad faces one by one.

Headed by a man with a face full of flesh and beard, he was staring at the middle school students with a bright and sharp watermelon knife in his hand.

These middle school students are about the same age as Dai Xing. Four boys have been beaten by these local ruffians and beat their heads and blood. In addition, three little girls hide behind those boys and cry.

The middle school students looked at the beards and the gangsters in horror, especially when they saw the watermelon knife in their hands.

When the bearded girl raised the watermelon knife in her hand, the three little girls were even more frightened and cried even more!

His beard was bored and scolded angrily: "Grass Mud Horse! Cry like going to the grave! Don't fucking cry. If anyone cries again, I'll let my little brothers turn her!"

The three girls were so frightened that they stopped crying.

At this time, a gangster saw Dai Xing running from afar and said with a smile, "boy, are you fucking righteous? I thought you wouldn't come back!"

When the beard saw Dai Xing running over, he smiled proudly and shouted at Dai Xing, "hurry up! Give me the money quickly! I won't argue with you little rabbits!"

Speaking of this, he pointed to a young gangster whose hair was dyed green: "I tell you! In the future, you will widen your eyes and see clearly! Ah Qing is my little brother! In the future, if you do right with him, I will not be so polite as today!"

Ah Qing, whose hair was dyed green as if wearing a green hair, stood up and smiled proudly at Dai Xing: "Dai Xing! Aren't you fucking awesome at school? Dare you fucking lead people around me. How's it going now? Let's have a look at your attendants, one by one!"

Ah Qing walked forward, slapped and slapped all the students who had a good relationship with Dai Xing. All the students dared to be angry!

Dai Xing was angry when he saw that ah Qing dared to beat some of his good friends. He shouted to ah Qing: "green hat Qing! I have a grudge against you. What does it have to do with them? You let them go now. What's going on for me!"

When ah Qing saw that Dai Xing was still so tough, he was furious. He slapped Dai Xing's good friends on the face and slapped them in the face.

The faces of Dai Xing's good friends were immediately swollen by him!

Ah Qing still looked reluctant and shouted at the other gangsters: "brothers! Dai Xing was arrogant in school and didn't pay attention to me. Let's show him now. What's his fucking arrogance!"

Those gangsters have probably been to ah Qing's girlfriend. Seeing that ah Qing is so hospitable and has a very good relationship with him, they all smile ill intentioned and surround Dai Xing.

When Dai Xing passed by them, all these gangsters kicked Dai Xing one foot at a time!

Dai Xing stumbled and fell to the ground after being kicked seven or eight feet.

But Dai Xing didn't cry for pain, let alone beg, but silently got up and continued to walk in front of the beard.

Those gangsters surrounded him again and continued to kick him. After a while, his body was full of shoe prints and the color of being kicked was everywhere.

Rao is so, Dai Xing still goes to the beard and ah Qing without saying a word.

Ah Qing glared at Dai Xing fiercely: "Dai Xing! You fucking want me to let people go. Have you fucking brought money?"

Dai Xing looks at his friends who have been beaten red and swollen by ah Qing, bites his teeth, takes out a pile of money from his pocket and hands it to ah Qing.

Ah Qing quickly handed the stack of money to the beard!

Each is 100 denominations. The main picture on the front is "Huji flower", and the main picture on the back is the peaceful scene of Xingdao waters. The main colors are blue and purplish red. There are 20 pieces, a total of 2000 Xingdao coins, equivalent to about 10000 yuan of Chinese coins.

If it's an ordinary middle school in China, it's good that ordinary students can extort so much, but this is Xingdao. The minimum monthly wage of ordinary people is more than that.

So many people were sent out by his beard, but he only got so much. How could he be reconciled? His face sank, he flew up and kicked Dai Xing to the ground!

Then, the beard stepped on Dai Xing and waved a sharp watermelon knife: "Grass Mud Horse! You little bastard took 2000 yuan to fool me, you fucking! I'll cut you today!"

His beard was about one meter tall and powerful. This foot directly kicked Dai Xing on his thin chest, which hurt Dai Xing as if his bones were broken, and he was sweating all over!

At this time, Dai Xing saw that the sharp watermelon knife was very close to his head, which made his face white, but he was also very helpless and said bitterly: "but my family owes usury, and there is only such a little money left..."

After hearing Dai Xing's words, his face became more gloomy. He kicked Dai Xing again: "you fucking poor bastard! You're arrogant with me! Since you can't fucking take the money, well, I'll take all of you bastards now and let your family take the money!"

Dalu stood at the entrance of the alley and looked at it lightly. He didn't speak. Dai Xing should be tortured first.

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