When Wang beard saw all this in front of him, he was completely stunned!

No, it can't be described as dull as a chicken!

Because the current state of Wang beard doesn't deserve to be called dull as a chicken!

Because the original meaning of stupidity is not to describe people in a daze because of extreme fear.

Anyone who has read the fable in Zhuangzi knows that "dull as a wooden chicken" is not really stupid, but just looks at it. In fact, it has strong combat effectiveness. It seems that wooden cockfighting doesn't have to attack at all, so other cockfighting flee.

The true meaning of stupidity is that "great wisdom is foolish", "great cunning is clumsy" and "great courage is timid". People with great wisdom may be stupid, but people with great skills look clumsy. People with real courage are often misunderstood as timid by others!

Therefore, Wang beard doesn't deserve to be called a dull chicken at all!

To be exact, the king's beard is petrified!

He looked at the men who fell to the ground and felt like he had an illusion!

He was surprised because he didn't take drugs now. How could he have hallucinations!

He thought his eyes were spent. He rubbed his eyes. His men were still lying there, the ground was full of blood, and almost all of them were broken!

Wang beard stared and exclaimed, "this... This is impossible!"

Although he has experienced countless gang fights in his life, it is the first time in his life that he has seen a man deal with more than 40, and it is still so fast!

Wang beard has no doubt. If he takes dozens of people, even 300, he will still be settled by this guy. Of course, Wang beard doesn't have so many younger brothers!

Now, when Dalu looked at him just now, the feeling of panic swept over again!

Wang beard realized that what he met was not a normal person, but an inhuman existence, not the hulk and iron man in Marvel, but also the existence of spider man, black widow and eagle eye man. Anyway, he rarely encountered such existence in martial arts movies.

No, that's what's in Xingye's Kung Fu!

At this time, Wang beard was so frightened that he thought about it!

But when big Lu Senran's eyes fell on him, Wang beard quickly stopped thinking!

He felt that Da Lu Senran's eyes were like two cold sharp swords, which made him shiver all over, making him feel like falling into an ice cave!

At this time, he felt that his hair was about to explode. He shouted in horror. He pulled ah Qing's arm and ran out of the alley!

He also ran two steps, because ah Qing was completely stunned, his legs were soft, he couldn't run at all, and his legs were a little soft.

Of course, that's not the point!

The point is that Dalu jumped into the air, flew over their heads and stood firmly in front of them!

Of course, Wang beard didn't know that Dalu jumped into the air!

He was so shocked and frightened that he didn't realize Dalu's action. He just felt that Dalu suddenly appeared in front of him like a phantom.

Wang beard was so frightened that he cried out, "are you... Are you a man or a ghost?"

He couldn't believe his eyes. How could an ordinary person have such strong skills and such appalling speed!

Ah Qing's face was completely green, and he was completely scared out of his mind. Looking at Da Lu's eyes was like seeing a prehistoric beast, trembling all over, like chaff!

Da Lu's eyes were very cold.

According to Wang beard, one eye of Dalu is as cold as the north pole and the other eye is as cold as the South Pole!

Dalu smiled coldly: "in the eyes of people, I am a human! In the eyes of ghosts, I am a ghost!"

Hearing Dalu's words, Wang beard's face was extremely gloomy. His right hand tightly grasped the sharp and bright watermelon knife in his hand, just like grasping the heaven leaning sword dragon slaying knife, and shouted fiercely at Dalu: "you let us go! I'll take today's event as never happened! Otherwise, I'll cut you to death!"

He didn't realize how trembling his voice was. His whole state was described by an idiom, that is, tough and weak!

His fierce and cowardly shouting is like a weak old wolf shouting at a nine day dragon for Dalu, which is extremely ridiculous!

Dalu shook his head lightly.

The king beard burst out, "if you don't get out of the way, I'll cut you to death!"

After all, Wang Huzi can be regarded as the big brother of these gangsters, first of all because he can fight. He feels that he has the power to fight in the face of unarmed Dalu with a watermelon knife in his hand!

Of course, he didn't think about it at all. Just now, each of his more than 40 men had either a steel pipe or a watermelon knife. As a result, even Da Lu didn't hurt a hair!

With him, it's a joke!

Wang beard didn't think much. He only thought of one thing now, that is, if he didn't cut the tough guy in front of him, he would be as disabled as his men today!

So, Wang beard burst into a drink, and the sharp and bright watermelon knife in his hand chopped it down fiercely!

It seems that there are no regulations on the shape of the watermelon knife. The knife has a long body, one edge and no arc. The previous watermelon knife has a large arc and a sharp front. However, it is called watermelon knife. In fact, it has become a popular tool for cutting people, so that the mainland of China has regarded this watermelon knife as a control knife, but in Xingdao, where there are a mixture of fish and dragons, There are still many gang members holding watermelon knives to cut people at every turn, as if this is the land of Xingdao!

Da Lu dodged the watermelon knife easily. In the twinkling of an eye, his figure appeared on the left of Wang beard. With a sudden pull, he pulled ah Qing from Wang beard's hand!

Ah Qing was surprised: "no!"

Da Lu has grabbed ah Qing's arm and threw him in front of Dai Xing!

"Dai Xing! Defeat him! Become a real man!"

In Dalu's opinion, the sign of becoming a real man is definitely not to find a woman to solve Dai Xing, but to let Dai Xing defeat his enemies!

Hearing Da Lu's roar, Dai Xing was stunned. When he saw Ah Qing's frightened face before he fell to the ground, he was excited, roared and rushed to ah Qing!

Dai Xing is one year younger than ah Qing, half his head smaller than ah Qing, and his body is a circle thinner than ah Qing. Moreover, Dai Xing was wounded by Wang beard. Even so, Dai Xing, who was inspired by Da Lu's momentum just now, is just like the God of war. He is brave and can't be. After a while, he punches and kicks ah Qing to the ground!

Ah Qing is actually the illegitimate son of Wang beard. Seeing that his son was beaten by Dai Xing, Wang beard became angry and his eyes were red. He roared, "don't hit my son!"

Da Lu sneered: "when your relatives are beaten, you are very angry, but when you beat others, have you ever thought about how other people's relatives feel!"

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