Dai Yue went to the group of young friends, took the bag from Da Lu, took out a gift box from it, handed it to one of the girls, and said with a smile, "Xiao Hong! Happy birthday!"

The girl looks like a little red wheel, with 7 points out of 10. Although she can't compare with Dai Yue's 9 points, she is also more beautiful than other girls on the scene, but her makeup is a little too strong and looks a little dusty.

Seeing Dai Yue coming in person, she seemed to have completed some major task. She was relieved and looked very happy. She took the box, put it on the table, and then gave Dai Yue a big hug: "Xiaoyue! I'm so happy that you can come!"

Xiao Hong loosened Dai Yue, looked at Da Lu beside Dai Yue in surprise and asked curiously, "Xiao Yue! Who is this handsome guy?"

Dai Yue took Da Lu's arm and smiled sweetly: "his name is da Lu and he is my boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend?" hearing Dai Yue's introduction of Da Lu, Xiao Hong and others were all surprised, and then they all turned their heads strangely to a scarred young man nearby.

When Dai Yue and Da Lu had just entered the bar, the scarred young man had noticed. His face was very gloomy. He sat in the corner and drank muggy wine silently.

When he heard Dai Yue's introduction that Dalu was her boyfriend, the man's face was even more ugly. His eyes looking at Dalu were full of jealousy and resentment!

Xiaohong looked at Dai Yue in surprise. Her eyes were a bit playful and joking: "Dai Yue, are you right? Zheng Shixun is your boyfriend. No, it should be said that he is your fiance. Didn't your grandfather and his grandfather give you a baby kiss when you were very young?"

Hearing Xiaohong's words, Dai Yue's face suddenly changed.

When Dai Yue was about to say something, Dalu said directly, "baby kiss, of course, it's when everyone is a baby. It works. Now everyone has grown up and is not a baby. Is it too childish and ridiculous to mention this?"

When he said this, he turned to look at the scarred young man with joking and pondering in his eyes: "Zheng Shixun, do you think that's the truth?"

Zheng Shixun's face was full of flesh. He looked strangely ugly. His face was scarred by durian and looked even more ugly. Moreover, he was somewhat ferocious, which was even more ugly than the imps in the temple.

When Zheng Shixun heard Dalu's words, he was furious. His dark face was very angry: "I tell you! Huaxia boy! Don't be proud! How can you, a Huaxia man, have the beauty of our Xingdao? You don't deserve it! Dai Yue is still our Xingdao and mine!"

Now Zheng Shixun hates Dalu to the bone. Two days ago, Dalu grabbed his ankle, swung him up and smashed his face on durian, which made him look ugly. Now he is even uglier. Moreover, Dalu bastard robbed his fiancee and made love with his fiancee Dai Yue. This is the hatred of robbing his wife. He will avenge Zheng Shixun!

However, having seen the power of Dalu, Zheng Shixun now completely dare not challenge Dalu alone.

But Zheng Shixun was a local ruffian in Xingdao after all. He had a lot of tricks. He soon thought of a way to revenge Dalu, and his face showed a sinister and cruel look.

Dalu didn't pay attention to people like Zheng Shixun at all.


At this time, a young man in a bar uniform came from a distance: "Dai Yue is also here. Everyone is here. Who is this?"

Dai Yue said, "he is my boyfriend Da Lu."

The man is handsome, fair skinned and looks a bit handsome, but his dark circles are a little heavier, his face is pale, he has kidney deficiency symptoms, his nightlife is a little more frequent, his nose is eagle hook, his lips are thin, and he looks sharp and mean.

He looked up and down at Da Lu, with a contemptuous look in his eyes: "are you Chinese?"

Dalu nodded: "I'm Chinese, Chinese mainland!"

When the man saw Da Lu admit his identity as a Chinese mainlander, his eyes added a bit of contempt. However, a false smile appeared on his face: "I'm Xiao Hong's boyfriend LV yougeng, the bartender foreman here. Welcome to Xiao Hong's birthday party."

At this table, other men and women praised LV yougeng and Zheng Shixun one after another: "among the children who came out of our place, yougeng is the best. It takes tens of thousands of yuan to wrap up the card seat we sit in!"

"Yes! Yougeng is the head bartender of Xingzhou bar and the most powerful bartender here. He is in charge of the bartender and waiter here! Xiao Hong is really lucky to be with yougeng!"

"Zheng Shixun is also very powerful. His cousin is a wolf. The red tiger Gang's double flower red stick has twenty or thirty younger brothers!"

"What is the double flower red stick?"

"He is a gold medal thug and also a thug foreman. If he is elected to sit in the hall, he must have the qualification of red stick. The red stick is also called 426. Four times 26 and four equals 108, which means that there are 108 heroes in the legend of the marsh. Among them, Wu Song holds the red stick, so he gets the name. It is usually said that 4 + 2 + 6 = 12, and the base is referred to as 12. He is the gold medal thug. The one who can beat the best of the 426 is It's a double flower red stick. "

When these people talk about LV yougeng and Zheng Shixun, there is a hint of flattery and flattery in their faces.

Dai Yue's expression changed when she heard the name of the wolf, and her beautiful face showed a look of fear.

The wolf is Zheng Shixun's cousin and the red stick of the red tiger gang. He used to be in other places. Now he didn't expect to be transferred to Xingzhou bar. It seems that this is a game set by Zheng Shixun against Dalu!

Dai Yue is very regretful now. She knew this was the case. She won't bring Dalu with anything she said.

She now understands why Xiao Hong didn't contact herself for more than a year. Now she suddenly contacts herself. It's Zheng Shixun's conspiracy to dare to love!

At this time, Zheng Shixun kept staring at Da Lu.

He wanted to see the look of panic or fear on Dalu's face, but Dalu's face was very indifferent. It was not that he was not happy or angry, but that he didn't pay attention to the wolf like he didn't hear what those people said.

Zheng Shixun stared at Da Lu fiercely and snorted coldly: "boy, just pretend to force! I don't fucking believe it. When my cousin comes with his little brothers, you can still pretend to go on!"

LV yougeng guessed his thoughts from Zheng Shixun's expression, went to Zheng Shixun and whispered, "before your cousin comes, I'll fix this Chinese bastard!"

Then, LV yougeng looked at Dalu and asked, "Dalu, I heard you lost your memory. Do you remember what you did before you lost your memory?"

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