Dai Yue can be said to be the most beautiful shop flower on their Xingdao and the most beautiful of all the girls they know. Among them, almost every man secretly loves Dai Yue. Now he is watching helplessly. Dai Yue is robbed by Dalu from China. They are not satisfied with Dalu!

If it weren't for Dai Yue's attitude, they all wanted to deal with Dalu like LV yougeng!

Not only these people at their table, but also many guests around them saw LV yougeng doing that, and shouted with a playful and joking attitude: "Hey, that little Chinese bastard, kneel down and say, it's good to lose so much less money!"

"That's right! You Chinese people come to our Xingdao just for money. It's good to say that you are a Chinese pig and pay less money! Come on, we're all waiting!"

"Originally, people were right. You Chinese are just like pigs. If you can live so stupid and dirty, aren't you pigs?"

I would like to add that these are what the villains say! The villain said! The villain said!

These people are Xingdao natives or immigrants of the second or third generation. They have received western education since childhood and have been brainwashed by the Li family in power in this island country. They have hardly been to China. They do not know that the economy of the developed areas in the east of China is no less than that of their island country. They still look at China with old eyes, They think that China is still a very poor and backward country. Even, they think that China is not as good as ah San!

They don't know that it is a person from China they despise, that is, the big Lu who sits there like water. With his own strength, he will destroy the economic lifeline of their whole island country. From then on, their island country will gradually become a second rate or even third rate country!

A group of ants are diss an elephant, but they don't know that their nest has been flattened by the elephant. This scene is really fucking funny!

Most of the waiters in this bar are from China, because local people don't do this kind of waiter's work. It can be said that any local aborigines who engage in regional discrimination and exclude outsiders are stupid. Without the hard work of outsiders, they can't swim around drinking wine and singing songs.

When the Chinese waiters heard the sarcastic words of the Xingdao natives, they all showed anger. They all stopped working and stared angrily at Xiao Zhang's place.

The waiter Xiao Zhang's face was very ugly at this time. He held his hands tightly, his body was shaking, his expression was frightened and uneasy, and there was more strong humiliation and resentment!

Seeing that Xiao Zhang had not knelt down, LV yougeng shouted with a cold face: "I don't want to say the same thing. Either you kneel down and say you are a Chinese pig now, or you don't want your salary for half a year!"

Hearing LV yougeng's roar, Xiao Zhang remembered that he couldn't send money back to China to his hard-working parents without half a year's salary. He endured humiliating tears, bent his legs and had to kneel down!

At this time, a cold voice sounded, "what are you doing here?"

Xiao Zhang looked around and said that it was Da Lu. Da Lu's expression was as cold as his voice.

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment. He could hear that Da Lu spoke Chinese Mandarin, and his accent was very different from that of Xingdao. Obviously, Da Lu was a Chinese!

Xiao Zhang said with a ashamed face, "I came to Xingdao to make money and let my parents no longer suffer and be poor!"

"Make money for your parents?" big Lu stared at Xiao Zhang sharply and said in a deep voice, "but what would your parents think if they knew that you got the money on your knees?

They will be ashamed of what you have done, not only your parents, but all Chinese people will be ashamed of you! Because you are not worthy to be their son, let alone a Chinese! "

Da Lu's voice became louder and louder, and finally he just burst out.

His voice was like a big LV yellow bell, which suppressed all the noisy music and people's noise. It echoed in the bar and shocked the people on the scene.

Da Lu never cared what others thought of him. He stared at the waiter Xiao Zhang with unprecedented seriousness and coldness: "it's only tens of thousands of yuan. You can earn more if you don't have it! But your personality and dignity are priceless. Once you lose it, no amount of money can buy it back!

There is an old Chinese saying that a man has gold under his knees. A man can kneel on the sky, on the ground, and on his grandparents!

Now, someone asks you to kneel down to him. Is he heaven, earth, or your grandparents? "

Chang Huan's words were like a slap in the head and enlighten the deaf. After listening to them, the waiter Xiao Zhang woke up like a dream and suddenly woke up. His chaotic eyes suddenly became clear and bright: "I'm a decent Chinese, I'm not a pig!"

His eyes showed stubbornness and hatred, staring at LV yougeng: "I don't kneel!"

Hearing the waiter's voice and expression changed from cowardice and timidity in the past to self-confidence and stubbornness now, and a little fierce, LV yougeng was shocked and then became angry. He never thought that this submissive and timid Chinese would dare to disobey himself!

LV yougeng's face sank, and his eyes showed full ferocity and tyranny. He stood up from the sofa, swung his arm, waved hard, and hit the Chinese waiter in the face.

Pop! The applause was particularly loud, much louder than the slaps that LV yougeng slapped the waiter just now. When the people present heard the applause, they couldn't help shaking, as if the slap was on their faces.

They thought that the Chinese waiter was likely to be badly beaten by LV yougeng!

But when they looked again, they were all stunned!

The Chinese waiter Xiao Zhang is still standing where he is!

But LV yougeng, the whole man, flew four or five meters away and landed on a nearby table, smashing all the wine bottles and plates on the table to the ground.

Half of his face swelled up as if filled with air. The palm print on it was still covered with blood. There was gurgling blood and several notched teeth on his mouth. It looked very miserable!

LV yougeng was completely stupid!

After a while, he realized that Dalu must have hit him!

LV yougeng stared at Da Lu angrily and shouted, "you fucking dare to beat me!"

Everyone else was stunned. Unexpectedly, Da Lu suddenly slapped LV yougeng.

LV yougeng's girlfriend, the little red with heavy makeup like a chicken, jumped up and screamed at Da Lu, "what the fuck are you doing! Why should you beat ah Geng!"

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