After Fu Jie separated from Lu Chong in gugli City, she escorted Li Xianbai to find the original stone miners, completed the transaction, and then returned directly to Xingdao. Therefore, she was lucky to avoid the explosion in gugli city and the explosion of the plane.

After returning to Xingdao, Fu Jie couldn't help thinking of Lu Chong every day. She wanted to go to China to find Lu Chong and thank him face to face.

But she didn't know where Lu Chong lived.

When the plane was killed, Fu Jie saw the word Lu Chong on the list of victims.

At that time, she didn't believe it and thought it was just a person with the same name as Lu Chong.

Fu Jie never thought that he actually met Lu Chong in Xingdao!

Originally, she thought it was a happy meeting, but she couldn't think of it. Less than a week ago, the other party actually didn't seem to know himself. Even, he couldn't remember his name and had to remind himself!

She suddenly remembered that Lu Chong on the list of plane explosion was him. He survived, but he lost his memory!


The wolf and his horses were terrified when they saw this scene!

What kind of person is Miss Da? She has never been false to anyone except the guild leader. Now, she has such an attitude towards Da Lu. Moreover, Miss Da also said that Da Lu saved her. Da Lu is a humble Chinese. How can she save Miss Da!

But they immediately remembered that a few days ago, the eldest lady took a dozen bodyguards to the African Rift Valley. When she came back, there were only four bodyguards left. Manager Li Xianbai's limbs were all broken!

It is said that if it wasn't for a Chinese, they might not survive! The Chinese man's skill was inhuman. He not only scared off the local armed bandits, but also shot all the pistols of the four bodyguards, and trampled on all Li Xianbai's limbs!

Is that Chinese the big Lu in front of us!

Thinking that Da Lu had just swept over more than 30 thugs with machetes carrying Dai Yue on his back, they all felt frightened, their legs softened, and almost knelt on the ground!

At this time, the wolf was very upset and wanted to die. He could not dream that the guy he had just offended in his death was the terrorist who saved his sister's life in the African jungle!

Although no one in the red tiger sect had seen Lu Chong before, after Fu Jie and the four surviving bodyguards publicized Lu Chong's name, everyone in the red tiger sect knew it, and everyone respected it. Even the sect leader Fu Chihu wanted to see Lu Chong!

At the thought of this, the wolf constantly scolded Zheng Shixun in his heart. He scolded all the 18 generations of Zheng Shixun's ancestors, but forgot that Zheng Shixun was his cousin. He scolded the 18 generations of Zheng Shixun's ancestors, as well as his own 18 generations!


At this time, Lu Chong felt confused in his head. It seemed that there were many scenes and pictures churning in his mind, but those scenes and pictures were fragmented and could not be connected.

He looked at Fu Jie suspiciously and said with a bitter smile, "I vaguely remember that I seem to have seen you somewhere, but I just can't remember who you are!"

Dai Yue looked at the look of Lu Chong and Fu Jie, and quickly said to Fu Jie, "he has lost his memory. I saved him by the sea a few days ago!"

When Fu Jie heard Dai Yue's words, she was slightly stunned, and then sighed: "like my guess, he had an accident on that plane. It's pity to see you. Fortunately, he just lost his memory, and people are still fine!"

Then, Fu Jie looked around and saw the posture of the wild wolf and others and the machete on the ground. He suddenly understood that it was the wild wolf and others who took people to cut Lu Chong, and his face sank!

When the wolf saw Fu Jie's face, he suddenly fell into an ice cave!

He has been in the red tiger gang for many years. He knows very well the character of the golden young lady of the red tiger gang. Usually she is approachable, gentle and calm. Once he loses his temper, Fu Chihu, Fu Jie's father, will have nothing to do!

The wolf quickly bowed his head and said, "Miss, i... we were wrong! But I... we didn't know he was the hero!"

Fu Jie didn't listen to his sophistry at all. He said coldly, "go to the law enforcement hall and accept the punishment yourself! Everyone gets a hundred lashes. If you dare to lose one, get out of the red tiger Gang!"

Whipping is the most inhumane punishment in Xingdao. Ordinary people can't stand ten lashes. Even if they are stronger than ordinary people, they can get a hundred lashes. Their ass must be beaten to pieces!

What's more, each of them was badly kicked by Lu Chong, and if they could stand a hundred lashes, they still said that they really had no choice now. No one dared to provoke the eldest lady's dignity in the red tiger gang. They all seemed to see that they were dying after a hundred lashes, and all looked like death!

Fu Jie ignored these horses and smiled at Lu Chong and Dai Yue: "Lu Chong, you two go in with me. I'll tell you what happened when we were together, which may help you find your memory!"

Lu Chong and Dai Yue followed Fu Jie into the Xingzhou bar.


At this time, Zheng Shixun, LV yougeng and others sat around in a corner of Xingzhou bar. They all thought of Lu Chong being abused by a group of wild wolves. Their faces were all laughing like chrysanthemums.

LV yougeng's bloody face has been drugged and bandaged. It looks like a masked man. It's strange. Nevertheless, he grinned with pain as soon as he made an expression. His eyes asked Zheng Shixun fiercely: "Shixun, how do you say brother wolf will clean up that bastard and kill him? That boy seems to have great strength!"

Zheng Shixun's scarred face showed a sinister smile: "don't worry! My cousin is a double flower red stick. He took all the brothers watching the show out. Everyone carries a machete. So many people cut him one. Unless he is an immortal, he will at least break his hands and feet, become a useless man, and even be cut to death!"

Zheng Shixun's face was not only sinister, but also vicious and proud. He just told his cousin to cut off the Chinese boy's hand and smash his face on durian.

He couldn't help but say proudly, "hey hey, when that Huaxia boy broke his hand and his face was disfigured, I don't believe Dai Yue will still be with him."

Others shouted: "yes, what else can Chinese people do when they come to Xingdao? Maybe the boy used to be just a cowherd. Dai Yue is too superficial. He looks handsome. Hey, when the boy is disfigured, he is really a worthless waste. Dai Yue will not talk to him!"

"Dai Yue should really Polish her eyes. If she marries Shixun, she must be much better than selling rice noodles. Shixun's cousin brother wolf brings Shixun into the red tiger Gang, and Shixun will develop. Dai Yue will have a good life in the future!"

"Hey! Look, brother wolf, they're back!"

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