Among these people, LV yougeng hated Lu Chong the most just now, and now LV yougeng is the most proud.

After all, only a few people know that Zheng Shixun was robbed of Dai Yue by Lu Chong. Zheng Shixun was beaten in the face by his cousin wolf just now.

LV yougeng was first beaten in the face by Lu Chong in public, and then forced to kneel down and apologize to a Chinese waiter, saying that he was a Xingdao pig. All this was in front of thousands of people on the scene, and most of the thousands of people on the scene were middle and upper class people on Xingdao. They would soon spread such anecdotes all over Xingdao. It can be said that LV yougeng lost his face and threw it to grandma's house.

He looked proudly at Lu Chong in the middle of the ring and laughed wildly: "This bastard is an out and out Chinese pig. He dares to offend a champion as cruel as the violent bear. He's not as stupid as a pig who doesn't know how to live or die, or what! Hum, the best thing for the violent bear is to cripple him without killing him. At that time, he will be disabled and useless to Miss Fu. At that time, Dai Yue can't follow him as a waste. Hey, hey, there This is the time when we will recover all the humiliation we have suffered today! "

At this time, Dai Yue was nervous when she heard Lu Chong's words. For fear of Lu Chong's accident, she had to run to the boxing ring.

Fu Jie pulled Dai Yue: "don't panic..."

Dai Yue looked at Fu Jie nervously: "Miss Da, Da Lu, he..."

Fu Jie looked at the tall and slender figure on the boxing ring. His mind flashed over all the miracles he had created and smiled: "Dai Yue, think about it. Didn't he beat the wolves alone just now? What else do you dare to worry about?"

Dai Yue remembered the scene that Lu Chong had just knocked the wolf and others with a Sharp Machete down on her back, and her hanging heart was immediately relieved.

She glanced at the bottle of life water on the bar, and there was still half a bottle left. Thinking of Lu Chong's energetic appearance after drinking, she picked up the bottle of wine and walked to the boxing ring.

At this time, no matter in the boxing ring or the bar area, everyone focuses on the boxing ring.

In order to let everyone hear the sound of the boxing ring, the heavy metal music in the bar also stopped.

The fierce bear couldn't believe his ears when he heard Lu Chong's words. The yellow boy dared to say so.

His huge bear eyes widened, emitting a fierce and tyrannical light: "yellow monkey, what are you talking about!"

Lu Chong looked at the violent bear contemptuously: "it seems that you are not only an arrogant fool, but also a deaf intellectual. For the sake of your disabled ears, I'll tell you loudly what you are!"

At the last sentence, Lu Chong turned up the volume.

His voice is like a yellow bell. He can spread all over the bar without a microphone!

Hearing Lu Chong's cry, only Dai Yue, Fu Jie, Murong butterfly dance and a few people were surprised that Lu Chong's morale was so strong, while others showed an excited and ferocious look. They knew that Lu Chong would certainly be able to annoy the violent bear with a grumpy character. Later, there would be a bloody play. Lu Chong would certainly be killed by the violent bear. They I haven't seen the scene of killing people for a long time!

When the violent bear heard Lu Chong's words, his eyes widened and looked at Lu Chong with a gloomy face: "yellow boy! I tell you, 107 people used to scold me like you, and they were all killed by me! Now, you will be the 108th dead man!"

Hearing the words of the violent bear, many people at the scene were frightened. They could see that the violent bear had rushed to kill!

But Lu Chong didn't have the slightest fear on his face. Instead, he said indifferently, "you're a violent bear, not big bear two. Why so much nonsense!"

Although many Xingdao people discriminate against China, on the other hand, they are still silently accepting the cultural output of China. After all, their culture is still relatively poor. Many people have seen the presence of bears. They can't help laughing when Lu Chong says bear two.

Of course, the violent bear doesn't know who is big bear two, but seeing many people laughing at the scene, he suddenly understood what Lu Chong said. Big bear two must be worse than Winnie bear, and his face is more gloomy: "you're really bored!"

"I'm not bored!" Lu said coldly. "Even the president of the moldy country dare not say conquering China. Such a garbage even says conquering China. You're bored! Forget it, for the sake of the red tiger Gang, I won't kill you! You have a mother since childhood, no father and no human nature. I'll teach you to be a man now!"

Lu Chong's words petrified the whole audience. Lu Chong is really bored. Every word he said is a serious provocation. Don't mention the Grumpy Bear. Anyone wants to kill Lu Chong!

Now, a new game has begun. The fight between Lu Chong and the violent bear!

Different from the previous Chinese masters, the casino organizers are extremely not optimistic about Lu Chong, so they don't want to bet on the violent bear to beat Lu Chong just now, but bet on the violent bear to beat Lu Chong!

After all, in their opinion, Lu Chong's figure is not as strong as those Chinese experts just now!

Now, the gamblers at the scene look at the very different body shapes of Lu Chong and the violent bear. They think about the ease with which the violent bear defeated those Chinese experts just now, and put all their bets on the one move of the violent bear to solve Lu Chong!

The violent Bear looked at the odds and looked at Lu Chong proudly: "in order not to disappoint everyone, I'll kill you with one move!"

Hearing this, Lu Chong smiled coldly: "you fart!"

He said this in Chinese words. The violent bear didn't understand it. However, he didn't bother to care, because he believed in his strength and could definitely solve Lu Chong with one move. In his opinion, Lu Chong was already a corpse!

At this time, Dai Yue ran over and handed a small half bottle of life water to Lu Chong: "Da Lu, here you are! Come on!"

Lu Chong smiled at her and took the water of life. He drank it all. He felt a burning sensation surging from his mouth to his throat to his whole body. He began to get a little excited.

He looked at the odds, frowned slightly and shouted, "why is it only that he beat me, not that I beat him?"

His voice was like a yellow bell, ringing through the whole bar, and everyone could hear it.

The people at the scene were stunned at first, and then laughed: "lying in the slot, this boy wants to see his winning rate. It's too fucking overestimated. It's ridiculous!"

"Hahaha... I'm dead laughing. After thinking about it, I still don't laugh. What if I die laughing!"

"Lying in the trough, Miss Fu respected him so much just now. I thought he was very good. I didn't expect he was a fool who exceeded his strength!"

The people at the scene all spewed out words of ridicule and contempt.

Even the staff of the casino laughed and said, "this guy has no self-knowledge. He even fantasizes about defeating the violent bear. It's a daydream!"

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