Whether they believe their eyes or not, the reality is so cruel. The people on the stage are not the Lu Chong they imagined, but the violent bear they never thought of!

The violent bear's head blossomed, and the red dirty blood gurgled down from the violent bear's brain bag. His dark face became lighter now, not so dark as before, but gray, which is only gray when close to the dead.

However, he just fainted and did not die completely, because Lu Chong said that if Fu Jie was not difficult to do, he would be saved!

The scene in front of us was so shocking. Just now, all the gamblers who shouted the name of "violent bear" and worshipped him like the God of war were stupid. They all opened their mouths in amazement. The shouting was all pressed in their throat and could not shout out again!

At this moment, the gamblers at the scene all felt that their hearts were beating violently, and there was no other sound in their ears. The silence like death was so silent that everyone could hardly breathe!

The reason why they did this is very simple. Just now, they all thought that the violent bear would win. Therefore, they all pressed all their property on the move of the violent bear to knock Lu down. Now they all lose their money!

They think that such a fierce bear can't be killed by such a thin Lu Chong!

They are even more unwilling to lose all their money!

Among them, LV yougeng is the most unbearable. Others gamble with their own money. If they lose, it's a big deal to start from scratch. LV yougeng borrows 2 million usury. According to the super high interest of usury, he can't afford to pay back the interest every month. He's completely crazy!

So LV yougeng jumped out first and shouted, "impossible! Fake boxing! They're playing fake boxing!"

His cry aroused the response of all gamblers who lost red eyes at the scene and shouted: "fake boxing! They must be playing fake boxing!"

"That's right, how can the violent bear lose! They must have arranged it in advance!"

"Yes, there are thousands of people on the scene. I'm afraid there are hundreds of millions of gambling money! It's fucking black!"

After all, this is the most upscale local bar. Most of the people who come here to gamble are rich. It is conceivable that there are hundreds of millions of Xingdao coins in the gambling just now!

Drugs and gambling, as long as people touch it, they are basically not normal people and lose their normal reason.

They don't think about it. The red tiger Gang paid a lot of money to fight the black dragon club. Is it necessary to fight fake boxing with Lu Chong here? What benefits does fake boxing have for the red tiger Gang? People's red tiger gang has been entrenched here for many years and pays attention to reputation. They can earn billions of stable business all year round. Why lose their reputation for hundreds of millions. And the character of violent bear can't participate in fake boxing.

But they were not calm when they participated in the gambling before. No one could calmly analyze what it meant for Lu Chong to beat Murong butterfly dance's knife with a wine bottle cap like fan Shaoqing. They all followed suit. The violent bear was able to beat Lu Chong with one move. Now they lost their red eyes, but they were rhythmic by LV yougeng and others, thinking that they were fighting fake boxing!

Basically, gamblers like them are full of tricks. If they are cannon fodder in the era of war, the reason why they become rich is not that their quality is higher than that of Chinese people, but that they were born near the Strait of Malacca. A godfather of moldy country wants to support them to deal with China, otherwise they are all poor fishermen!

These fools, now one by one, have been brought to the rhythm and abuse Lu Chong madly in the boxing ring!

Because they dare not insult the red tiger Gang!

A large number of boxers rushed to the ring like crazy and attacked Lu Chong!

Because just now, like other stupid gamblers, they have put all their money on the fierce bear's victory over Lu Chong. Now all their hard-earned flesh and blood money has been lost. They dare not ask the red tiger gang for it, so they can only find Lu Chong to vent their anger!

A boxer with tall body, strong arms and dark skin like a gorilla rushed to the stage. He lost more than one million Xingdao coins. He was completely crazy. His eyes were red. He waved his fist and hit Lu Chong crazily: "bastard of fake boxing, die!"

Those gamblers who lost red eyes around the ring shouted for the boxer like the gorilla: "kill him! Kill the bastard who fights fake boxing!"

"Kill him with one punch and blow his true face! See if he can beat fake punches in the future!"

"What are the others waiting for? Let's go together and kill him!"

All the gamblers lost their red eyes and were completely crazy. They shouted to the other boxers around the ring to fight Lu Chong.

Those boxers were also gamblers. They all lost their red eyes, stared at the blood red eyes and rushed at Lu Chong like wolves.

Dai Yue and Murong butterfly dance had not had time to cheer for Lu Chong, but unexpectedly, the situation had changed so much. Those gamblers lost their eyes and were unwilling to accept the reality, so they did such a thing.

They were all so nervous that they were all caught off guard!

Two women who had never known each other were worried because of the same man!

Fu Jie's face sank. She didn't expect that the situation had deteriorated to this point. Even if she pulled out her gun and fired a warning, it wouldn't help. After all, dozens of boxers had rushed to the ring, and there were thousands of crazy gamblers around the ring!

Now, Fu Jie can do nothing but pray for Lu Chong's good luck.

Fan Shaoqing, the only one who bought Lu Chong's move to defeat the violent bear just now, was overjoyed to see Lu Chong beat the violent bear to death, but then he was completely stunned to see so many boxers frantically rush at Lu Chong!

If Lu Chong couldn't stand the attack of these boxers and was killed alive by those boxers, his $40 million would be completely unfulfilled!

At this time, Lu Chong stood in the middle of the ring and looked contemptuously at the boxers and gamblers who rushed madly!

He despises any addicts and gamblers who have no observation and reason to gamble!

In his opinion, such a person with developed limbs and simple mind is like an ant!

At present, the guy who is as big as a chimpanzee waved his fist and hit Lu Chong's temple hard. One punch will kill Lu Chong!

Lu Chong's eyes burst with cold light. When the chimpanzee's fist came, he punched back!

The chimpanzee's hand bones and arms broke like a rotten stick with a bang and then a crisp CLICK!

When Lu Chong punched the gorilla's arm and broke it inch by inch, he rose up in the air, kicked his legs in the air and kicked on the heads of the next two fighters!

With two dull bangs, the two boxers were hit by a huge steel column. Their heads flew with blood. With a plop, their whole body hit the ring and passed out!

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