Just now, in front of the Xingzhou bar, Fu Jie told Lu Chong and Dai Yue her number. Lu Chong didn't have a mobile phone and probably wouldn't stay in Xingdao for a long time, so he didn't buy a mobile phone or do a number. Fu Jie's number was stored in Dai Yue's mobile phone.

Lu Chong found Fu Jie's mobile phone number in the address book and dialed it.

Funny to say, although many Xingdao people despise the Chinese mainland, the language they use is still simplified characters, not the traditional characters of Baodao and Xiangjiang.

At this time, Fu Jie has returned home and is talking to her father Fu Chihu about what happened tonight.

Suddenly the cell phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that Dai Yue called.

Fu Jie immediately responded that it was definitely not Dai Yue, but Lu Chong.

She was overjoyed. Did Lu Chong promise to help her fight?

She hurriedly connected the phone. Before she could say anything, Lu Chong's cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "you Chihu Gang still have ten minutes!"

After finishing that sentence, Lu Chong hung up the phone without waiting for Fu Jie to say anything!

Everyone was a little confused. What was Lu Chong doing? Didn't he call Fu Jie? Why didn't Fu Jie's voice come out on the phone, and Lu Chong just said an inexplicable word and hung up the phone!

Seeing Lu Chong's arrogance, Shou Biao thought that Lu Chong really knew Fu Jie, the eldest lady of the red tiger gang. Seeing Lu Chong's just move, he immediately thought of some stupid young people's posturing actions he had met before. At that time, he thought Lu Chong was bluffing!

He turned his lips and sneered, "Hua Xia boy, don't make a fucking bluff in front of me. Just rely on you, a Hua Xia boy of unknown origin, who is qualified to know our eldest lady. If you really know our eldest lady, how can you live in such a broken shop? Shit, put on airs!"

His horses shouted after hearing what funeral Biao said: "wogou, you Chinese boy can really act and almost frighten us. I said, how can anyone dare to speak so arrogantly to our eldest lady? What? We red tiger Gang still have ten minutes. Wogou, you think you are the prince of the Li family!"

"Yes, just like your fucking bird, you dare to say that you know the eldest lady of the red tiger Gang, and you're not afraid to blow up the cowhide. If you know our eldest lady, I'll kowtow to you and call your father later!"

"Huaxia boy! Now hurry to take us to the hospital and send the money and the woman to our boss, otherwise, you'll fucking die!"

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Hurry and send us to the hospital, or you'll be dead when we red tiger help thousands of brothers come over!"

They spoke fiercely and ferociously one by one, as if they were completely convinced that Fu Jie didn't know Lu Chong at all.

When Dai Mingsheng, Dai Xing and he Yue heard the words of mourning Biao, their faces were very ugly, and they didn't believe that a Chinese with amnesia like Lu Chong would know Fu Jie.

Dai Yue didn't want her parents and brother to worry about herself before, and she didn't say in detail what happened in Xingzhou bar. Now she wanted to explain, but she looked at Lu Chong's expression and felt that there was no need to explain again. Anyway, Fu Jie will come later!

In the Shoubiao and others' bursts of abuse, the door suddenly rang with the sound of many vehicles coming.

Before long, dozens of cars stopped at the door of the shop, and a large group of big men came down from the car.

Every big man is wearing a black Tang costume with a red tiger head printed on it. The tiger head is lifelike, like the king of beasts choosing people to eat down the mountain. It looks very powerful!

After a while, hundreds of big men came down from those cars, and more and more cars will come.

Mourning Biao and his horses all showed a look of ecstasy when they saw the big men, and then their eyes were full of malice and banter when they looked at Lu Chong.

Mourning Biao smiled ferociously: "Huaxia boy, our brothers from the general Hall of the red tiger gang are here. They all carry guns. I advise you to release us now, hand over the money and women, and then kneel down to beg for mercy, otherwise you won't want to go out alive!"

At this time, he looked at Lu Chong with vicious, arrogant and proud eyes, as if he were looking at a dead man. He had made up his mind to kill Lu Chong anyway this time!

Dai Mingsheng, he Yue and others were all pale with fear at the sight of those fierce and powerful men.

The red tiger Gang, with tens of thousands of gang members, is one of the two largest gangs in Temasek. If ordinary people offend such a big gang, they are likely to be killed.

"Kill so many people of the red tiger Gang, now you're dead!" he Yue saw those red tiger gang members killed by Lu Chong. He was scared crazy. He sat down on the ground and shouted at Lu Chong: "Da Lu! You idiot! Why did you kill them all? You killed us!"

Dai Mingsheng, Dai Xing and Dai's mother all showed their fear and despair.

Only Dai Yuexin couldn't bear to tell her parents and brother the truth, but for a moment, she couldn't talk about it. She had to wait patiently to see the progress of things.

Mourning Biao saw that Dai Mingsheng's family looked frightened, and his face showed a wild and ferocious smile: "you're all going to die! Money belongs to me, and this beautiful woman belongs to me!"

Then, Wu Biao turned to look at Lu Chong and said with a wild laugh: "Huaxia boy, you can fucking fight, you can fucking fight 50, you can fucking fight 500, I have tens of thousands of brothers of the red tiger Gang, can you fucking fight?"

The words of mourning Biao are very arrogant and rampant. The horses lying on the ground looking at Lu Chong and others are also full of vicious cruelty and playfulness. In their view, Lu Chong is a dying man. Other brothers of their red tiger gang will chop Lu Chong into meat and mud to avenge them!

Hearing what funeral Biao said just now, Dai Mingsheng was even more desperate. After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the red tiger gang. Even if they all stand there and let Lu Chong fight, Lu Chong can be tired to death. Moreover, those big men with bulging pockets around their waist seem to have guns. Even if Lu Chong can fight again, he can't stop so many guns!

When Dai Mingsheng thought of this, he quickly shouted to Lu Chong, "Da Lu! Hurry up and run with Dai Yue and Dai Xing from behind. Come on, it's too late if you don't run again. I'll help you block it! Run!"

When he saw Lu Chong still standing there, he hurriedly pushed Lu Chong: "boy, what are you doing foolishly? Run quickly!"

Dai Yue hurriedly dragged Dai Mingsheng: "Dad, don't worry. It's okay. We really know Fu Jie!"

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