Murong butterfly dance immediately reacted and looked at Lu Chong in surprise: "you... Your memory has been restored?"

Lu Chong smiled and nodded: "yes, it has recovered. If it weren't for you, it wouldn't recover so quickly!"

Murong butterfly dance was more tangled when she heard Lu Chong's words!

If Lu Chong's memory has not recovered, she can continue to escape, but Lu Chong's memory has recovered. She must face up to her relationship with Lu Chong!

But anyway, she must admit the fact that her heart has been captured by Lu Chong!

Lu Chong and Murong butterfly dance stared into each other's eyes.

From Murong butterfly dance's beautiful eyes, Lu Chong saw that her eyes had changed. It was no longer so intertwined with love and hate. There was more tenderness and less hatred.

Just as the two of them were flirting, it was already dawn!

At this time, Murong butterfly dance's mobile phone ringtone was a masterpiece: "it's getting cooler at night, and the flowers fall into frost. When you look at it from a distance, you exhaust all the twilight, and it's hard to forget yourself..."

The entanglement with Lu Chong made Murong butterfly dance like to listen to the song "cool" and set it as a mobile phone ring tone.

It seems that Lu Chong is Yehua, and she is Su Su.

Murong Diewu picked up her mobile phone, looked at the call prompt, connected the phone, heard the other party say a call, and then said, "OK, let me help you find someone!"

She hung up the phone, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if she had encountered some problems.

Lu Chong asked, "what happened?"

Murong butterfly dance still didn't overcome his heart knot. He looked at Lu Chong and shook his head: "nothing."

Because both parents died indirectly because of Lu Chong, how can they be worthy of their parents if they are really with Lu Chong? Therefore, although Murong butterfly dance no longer resists facing Lu Chong, it doesn't want to get too close to Lu Chong!

She thought for a moment and then made some calls.

At dawn, it was the time when the bar employees were sleeping. In addition, Murong butterfly dance had always been envied, so almost all her calls were impolite rejection and even abuse!

Murong butterfly dance's face became more and more ugly.

When Lu Chong called those people in Murong butterfly dance, she heard the difficulties of Murong butterfly dance. She was asked to help find a waiter. However, the girls and beer girls she met in the bar thought that the waiter's salary was low and very sleepy. They didn't think of it. In addition, they didn't have a good relationship with Murong butterfly dance, so they all refused.

Lu Chong asked, "do you lack a waiter?"

Murong butterfly dance had no choice but to say to Lu Chong, "I took a job and danced at the ball. This noon, unexpectedly, the organizers of the ball asked me to help them find waiters!"

Lu Chonggang just learned from Murong butterfly dance that because she wants to repay usury, she works two jobs a day. She works as a placard girl in the bar at night and dances during the day. Her name is Murong butterfly dance. People like her name. Dancing is very light and beautiful!

He asked, "what should you do if you can't find it now?"

Murong butterfly dance's pretty face was bitter and helpless: "if I can't find it, I can only be a waiter after dancing!"

Two years ago, she was the eldest lady of the red dragon club in Weizhen Shanghai beach. She was high above all and was waited on by others. Now she has been reduced to waiting on others in order to survive and repay usury. This strong psychological gap is torturing her heart day and night!

Hearing Murong butterfly dance, Lu Chong thought that he had made her this step. He couldn't help sighing deeply, and then showed her a sunny smile:

"Butterfly dance, I'll pay back the money you owe. You don't have to work so hard!"

Unexpectedly, Murong Diewu didn't look overjoyed when she heard Lu Chong's words, but showed a stubborn anger:

"I'm down and out now, but I don't need you to pity me!"

Hearing Murong butterfly dance's stubborn words, Lu Chong was embarrassed and said with a bitter smile: "I don't pity you. I want to make up for my debt to you. I want to make your life better!"

Murong butterfly dance has a cold face: "I can still live now. I don't need you to make up for anything!"

Lu Chong sighed deeply, and then felt a little comforted. He appreciated the Murong butterfly dance very much. After all, if other ordinary women encountered such a life dilemma and sold themselves in exchange for a rich life, they would bite their teeth and work twice as now.

Two years ago, the arrogant eldest lady was proud of gas, and Lu Chong had no feeling for her. Now the Murong butterfly dance is proud of bone, which makes Lu Chong look at her with new eyes!

Lu Chong looked at Murong butterfly dance with appreciation and smiled faintly:

"Since you don't want me to pay you back, let me help you as a waiter today. Anyway, I don't have anything to do now."

It's a joke to use the red tiger Gang to deal with the dragon family. The dragon family is a super family that can't catch up with the moldy country. It can be said that they can send someone to destroy the red tiger gang.

Lu Chong hasn't figured out how to deal with the dragon family yet. It's good to follow Murong Diewu to protect her for the time being.

After the scene last night, Lu Chong could see clearly that Murong butterfly dance's appearance and figure had attracted the covet of many men. Without his protection, she would soon be swallowed up, just as a mermaid might be swallowed up by a big shark.

Murong butterfly dance was very moved when she heard Lu Chong's words.

She knows Lu Chong's identity, is the leader of the dragon soul, the top secret service organization in China, is the youngest major general in China, and is the most feared king in the world's dark world!

Such a person, wherever he goes, is regarded as a guest of honor, but now he is willing to be a waiter for himself.

"Why did you do that?" Murong Diewu looked at Lu Chong with tears flashing in his eyes. When his beloved man was willing to bend down to do humble things for himself, this kind of move could not be given by any money and treasure!

Lu Chong shrugged and showed a relaxed and uninhibited smile on his face:

"I was originally a delivery man. Now I can upgrade to be a waiter. Besides, I can see the beautiful dancing posture of Murong beauty. Why not?"

Murong butterfly dance heard Lu Chong's words, and her resentment disappeared in an instant. She no longer resisted Lu Chong's appearance beside her. Just now, she suddenly found that her short skirt didn't know when it suddenly opened

For a moment, Murong butterfly dance's pretty face turned red: "Lu Chong, can you go out and wait for me?"

Lu Chong felt his nose in embarrassment, went out of the bedroom and waited in the living room.

The figure of Murong butterfly dance is really great. If you increase one point, it will be too much, and if you reduce one point, it will be too thin. It is worthy of being born in dance and the name of butterfly dance!

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