Murong butterfly dance gently got up, sat by the bed and quietly watched Lu Chong sleeping.

At this time, Lu Chong slept so quietly, so beautiful and so lovely.

She really wants to look at him like this. She can't get tired of it in this life and the next life.

But between the wrong circumstances, let her and him across such a deep diaphragm, never cross the diaphragm!

This night, maybe she did the right thing, gave herself to him, had all of him, and left him before she could completely forget him!

In this way, she stared at Lu Chong for a while, finally lowered her head and kissed him gently on his lips: "Lu Chong, I will only have you a man in my life. If one day, I really miss you so much, I don't hate you anymore, maybe I will come back to you..."

She gazed at Lu Chong affectionately, stood up reluctantly, walked to the wardrobe, packed her clothes and put them in her suitcase.

She pulled the suitcase, turned and looked at Lu Chong. Tears burst into her eyes again. She tightly covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying.

Murong butterfly dance endured the sharp pain of the first night and the pain of the bottom of her heart. Carrying her suitcase, she hobbled downstairs, downstairs and away from her room. Finally, she couldn't help squatting on the ground and crying.

At this moment, her heartache was like a knife stirring!

Who can be like her, the only man who loves deeply is the man who can't love most!

This is her destiny!

After crying for a long time, she finally stopped crying and hobbled to the intersection with her suitcase.

Every step she took, she felt the pain of tearing her body. The pain made her never forget his bravery last night.

Even if it is unforgettable, she must learn to forget!

She reached out to stop a taxi, carrying a suitcase, got into the car and sat in the back seat.

The driver looked back and asked, "where are you going?"

Murong butterfly dance looked back at the house reluctantly, sighed deeply and said, "airport!"

When the taxi came outside the airport, Murong Diewu took out her wallet from her satchel and was ready to pay, she was suddenly stunned!

There is an extra card and a gilded bank card in the wallet!

She suddenly remembered that just last night, when Lu Chong was ready to leave the bar to send himself back, he asked the executive vice president of the bar to come. There were 100 million Xingdao coins in this card!

The password is the date when they first met.


Xiangjiang, the third largest financial center in the world and an important international financial, trade and shipping center, is one of the freest economies and most competitive cities in the world. It enjoys a high reputation in the world and is rated as the world's first tier city!

On the surface, the Jiang family in Xiangjiang is only a second rate family in Xiangjiang. We can't find his family name on any Forbes list or Hurun list. Even the public hasn't seen a picture of Jiang YuYan's father, but the Jiang family is actually the largest consortium in Xiangjiang, several times larger than the nominally richest Li family.

But such a huge consortium also encountered a major crisis after Lu Chong's accident!

The other two Ouyang and song families of the four Xiangjiang families united to tear their faces with the Jiang family and spare no effort to attack the Jiang family's industry. All important industries of the Jiang family were badly hit by these two families. Moreover, many important talents of the Jiang group of the Jiang family were forcibly poached by the Ouyang and song families!

Moreover, the Jiang family not only has foreign troubles, but also internal worries!

Jiang family is not only distributed in Xiang Jiang, but like other super families, it has many branches in all parts of the country, but the Xiang Jiang family is a direct pass, while other places are collateral branches, just like the Shanghai Hai Jiang family is a by-pass. Jiang Huatang, who was broken by Lu Chong for two times, is the collateral son of Jiang's family.

Dog in the manger disintegrate and torn by dissension with the simultaneous interpreting of the family rules. In the modern society, the traditional ethics and morals collapsed, together with the traditional clan concept, and many families began to break up with their peers. If the strength and influence of the lineage are strong enough, the collateral can only obediently obey even if they have great opinions. Now, the Jiang family, the lineage of the Jiang family, is attacked by the Li family and the Song family. Instead of coming forward to help, other branches of the Jiang family unite and deliberately want to divide the Xiang Jiang family!

For a moment, Xiangjiang Jiang Jiang's family was in a precarious crisis about to collapse!

On this day, it was already early in the morning, and the light was still on in the hall of jiangjiazhuang garden villa.

Jiang Zhendong, the owner of the Jiang family, sat on the sofa made of rhinoceros skin. His face was tired and had lost its old look.

He is not yet 50 years old, but because of the pressure of this period, his hair is much whiter!

Yan Guoqing, the security supervisor of the Jiang family, had a dispute with Lu Chong in order to protect Jiang Yuyan, but later Lu Chong rescued him from Liu Kaiwei's underground boxing ground.

At this time, he still served as the security director of the Jiang family, looking much older than before.

He knew clearly that the current Xiangjiang Jiang Jiang family had reached the most dangerous time, and said: "boss, the situation is very bad. If we don't take measures quickly and let it continue, I'm afraid that within two weeks, the Jiang Group will be eaten by the Ouyang family and the Song family, and the legitimate power of our Xiangjiang Jiang Jiang family will be dismembered by other branches of the Jiang family!"

Before that, the Jiang family had always been the first of the four invisible families in Xiangjiang. They made friends with the Li family and pressed the Ouyang family and the Song family. Now I don't know what's going on. The Li family stood idly by. The Ouyang family and the Song family seemed to have some strong support. They boldly launched an attack on the Jiang family, which made Jiang Zhendong unprepared!

Now, Jiang Zhendong is forced and helpless. There is only one way.

He sighed deeply and asked, "what does the owner of the Li family say?"

The Li family is the second of the four invisible families in Xiangjiang. If they can get the full support of the Li family, the Jiang family should be able to survive this crisis!

Yan Guoqing's face was very ugly. He shook his head and sighed, "the owner of the Li family means the same as before. As long as we marry the eldest lady to Li Shaoming, they will help us!"

Li Shaoming, the third-generation successor of the Li family, once posted "this is my true love! Fans, I'm sorry, my Chong Yan concert is just hype!" on Jiang YuYan's microblog, there are nine photos. Each photo is a group photo of her and a handsome man. There are photos of two people eating together and two people eating together with Jiang father, There is a picture of Jiang Yuyan sitting in his car. The man is Li Shaoming.

In fact, this is Jiang Zhendong's photo to let Lu Chong and Jiang Yuyan break completely.

But at that time, Lu Chong really misunderstood and didn't go to see them at all. Whether those photos had been modified by the software or not, he didn't think about it. Jiang Yuyan was under house arrest by her father and didn't even have a mobile phone. How could she send microblogs? As a result, he really stopped contacting Jiang Yuyan.

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