In the luxury manor of the Li family in Xiangjiang, Li Shaoming looked at the soaring share prices of listed companies under the Li family on the big screen and calculated that after this round of speculation, the assets of the Li family have increased by more than 10 billion, which is close to the assets of the Jiang family!

If you marry Jiang Yuyan, and then through some clever means, get the shares of the Li family held by Jiang Yuyan, you can embezzle the assets of the Jiang family into your own hands, because everyone knows that Jiang Zhendong has transferred most of the shares of the Jiang family to his daughter Jiang Yuyan!

Li Shaoming thought of this and couldn't help laughing proudly!

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door outside the study.

Li Shaoming's laughter stopped suddenly. He was not comfortable. He said angrily, "come in!"

The middle-aged man who followed Li Shaoming in the hospital came in, looked at Li Shaoming, revealed flattery and respect, and looked excited: "Mingshao! I've bought off the major media. The sailors I hired have captured the major social forums in China. They have blacked Lu Chong to pieces and shaped you into the most affectionate and high-quality prince charming in the world. You can leave it to me. Don't worry. I promise to help you do everything!"

Li Shaoming glanced at the man and said with a smile, "Feng tezhu, you have done a very good job. You see, the stock prices of these listed companies under our family have soared sharply, and the assets of our family have also increased by more than 10 billion. Feng tezhu, you can be regarded as making great contributions! I'm considering promoting you to vice president!"

Feng tezhu was overjoyed: "thank you for your help!"

Li Shaoming said with a smile: "Feng tezhu, I'm still a little worried. After all, this matter is still a little deceptive. In case the truth is revealed, our Li family's reputation will be over. Therefore, Feng tezhu, I hope you can help me keep my mouth shut!"

Feng tezhu hurriedly said, "don't worry, Mingshao. I promise to keep my mouth shut!"

Suddenly, his heart tingled. He lowered his head hard, looked at the tip of the knife that pierced his heart from the back, and asked suspiciously, "why did you kill me, Ming Shao?"

Li Shaoming showed a cruel face: "only the dead can be perfectly tight lipped!"


Star Island, Temasek, Murong butterfly dance's original residence.

When Murong Diewu left crying, Lu Chong woke up long ago.

But he didn't know how to face Murong butterfly dance. He could only put the 100 million gilded bank card into her wallet when she went to the bathroom to wash, and then went back to bed and pretended to sleep.

He knew that only this 100 million gilded bank card was not enough to make up for anything. After all, Murong Diewu's parents could not be resurrected!

He owes Murong butterfly dance and can never make up for it!

In fact, like Murong butterfly dance last night, Lu Chong understood Murong butterfly dance's mind. Therefore, when he was in love with Murong butterfly dance, he transmitted some true Qi to her.

In that way, Murong butterfly dance can protect itself at least in the face of ordinary people!

Then he can rest assured to let her leave!

Lu Chong has a vague expectation that he and Murong butterfly dance will meet again in the near future!

He left the house and walked slowly towards the star moon bar.

I don't know why, he always felt as if something had happened, which made him depressed all the time!

He thought it was caused by Murong butterfly dance leaving.

But his feelings told him that it wasn't like that.

There seems to be something more sad for him.

So instead of taking a taxi, he walked slowly down the streets of Temasek.

Temasek is a happy spot on Star Island. People come here to spend the night and sleep late, so there are no pedestrians at this point, except some office workers.

After a fierce battle last night, he fought with the people of Hao Dalong club in the first half of the night and Murong butterfly dance in the second half of the night. Lu Chong felt very hungry. Therefore, before he went to the Xingyue bar, he stopped in front of a large stall: "boss, three bowls of noodles! Spicy! Spicy! Add three fried eggs!"

When the boss saw that Lu Chong was alone, he was stunned: "can you eat alone?"

"Can eat!" Lu Chong can eat if he can fight. He consumes more energy, so he needs to supplement more energy.

The boss didn't say anything, so he cooked noodles for Lu Chong.

Lu Chong finished three bowls of noodles, paid the money and was about to leave.

He suddenly heard the chat of several office workers reading newspapers while eating on the table next to him. They mentioned a name that suddenly stopped Lu Chong!

The office workers in suits shook their heads and sighed, "look! Jiang Yuyan, the national goddess of China, is disfigured!"

"That scum man is too scum. How can he even abandon an immortal like Jiang Yuyan? It's too inhuman. I don't believe that someone in the world will be willing to abandon a goddess like Jiang Yuyan!"

"Don't believe it. It's also published in the Lianhe Zaobao. Look at this disfigured photo of Jiang Yuyan. God, I can't believe it. She was the beautiful national goddess Jiang Yuyan at the beginning!"

"According to the newspaper, Jiang Yuyan cut her own face with a knife. My God, it seems that the scum man hurt her deeply!"

"All her fans in China are crazy. Jiang YuYan's fans on Xingdao are going to explode. They are preparing to march together to denounce the scum man who has always abandoned Jiang Yuyan!"

"I also want to participate. I'm a fan of Jiang Yuyan, brain powder. If I find that scum man, I'll draw dozens of lines on his face with a knife, which will kill me!"

Hearing their comments, Lu Chong suddenly understood why his heart was so heavy!

He turned and rushed to the office workers, grabbed one of them by the collar, lifted the man up, and asked loudly, "who is disfigured? Who?"

Lu Chong's face was hard to see. He was full of evil Qi, just like a wounded ancient beast!

The office worker was frightened when he saw Lu Chong's fierce face and his blood filled pupils. He said in a trembling voice, "yes... It's Jiang Yuyan, you... You let me go..."

Lu Chong almost exploded on the spot. He was very angry. He was like an ancient beast that ate people. He threw the office worker seven or eight meters away, and then grabbed the newspaper on the table!

The office workers saw that Lu Chong could throw their companions so far with one hand. They were all frightened and ran away in a hurry.

Lu Chong held the newspaper in both hands, like a huge stone, and his whole body was shaking!

He stared at the news pictures in the newspaper, his eyes getting redder and redder!

That picture is the picture of Jiang Yuyan after her disfigurement.

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