Lu Chong found from various signs that this time Jiang YuYan's Jiang family was in crisis. Ouyang family and Song family were in trouble with the Jiang family. Other side branches of the Jiang family took advantage of the fire, and the Li family stood idly by. There was an invisible black hand behind them!

He had a strong hunch that the black hand might want to be cut off by himself!

He and Jiang Yuyan must keep a low profile before they find out the black hand.

Lu Chong wanted to kiss Jiang Yuyan again, but Jiang Yuyan pushed him: "your face!"

Lu Chong realized that he had turned himself into Dr. Wu Baohua by changing his muscles and bones.

Wu Baohua is Jiang YuYan's elder. Jiang Yuyan naturally feels strange.

So Lu Chong smiled, kissed Jiang Yuyan on the forehead, and then walked out of the ward.

The two female bodyguards have returned and are standing on both sides of the door.

They always think that Dr. Wu Baohua is a little strange today, but they can't say for a moment. What's strange about Dr. Wu Baohua.

Jiang Yuyan looked at Lu Chong's gone figure. Her sad face these days finally showed a bright smile. When she smiled, she saw herself in the mirror, which was not as ugly as before!

Those scars are obviously lighter. She has great confidence in Lu Chong. She believes that Lu Chong will be able to help her recover her beautiful face.

Now she has completely opened her heart knot!

Now she has Lu Chong's love, she will be fearless!

Now she hasn't had a good rest for several days. She listens to Lu Chong's words, obediently climbs to bed, stops, relaxes wholeheartedly, and soon enters deep sleep!

Lu Chong passed through the corridor and saw that there were only a few birds and a little smell outside. He couldn't help laughing. Just now those paparazzi reporters were infected with dysentery. I'm afraid they are still squatting in the bathroom. If they dare to fight for the tiger, they have to learn a lesson!

Lu Chong went back to Wu Baohua's office, took off his white coat and glasses, put the lenses into his glasses, pulled Wu Baohua out from under the table, put on his white coat, put on his glasses, and then erased all the traces he left.

Then he left the hospital with confidence.

Lu Chong just came out of Mingde hospital when Huawei's mobile phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was long Zhi who called, so he connected the phone.

Long Zhi said with guilt and remorse: "boss, I'm sorry. We just learned about Jiang Yuyan. Don't be too sad!"

Long Zhi, they have been checking the track clues of Charlie Fei and long Yiya these days. They didn't notice the surging clouds over the Xiangjiang River!

"I don't blame you! I'm sure I can recover her!" Lu Chong turned and asked, "how's the investigation on Charlie Fei and long Yiya?"

Lu Chong was very afraid of long Yiya's cruel means after this disaster. It was so difficult for him to escape. It was almost a near death. If long Yiya was crazy and attacked his women... He didn't dare to think about it. Now he can't wait to find long Yiya. He can't rest assured until he gets rid of long Yiya!

Long Zhi replied, "we found that Charlie Fei came to Xiangjiang a few days ago and met with the Li family. However, that was the news a few days ago. We are not sure whether Charlie Fei is still in Xiangjiang!"

When Lu Chong heard what Long Zhi said, he picked his sword eyebrow. It seems that his hunch is right. The Li family really has something to do with long Yiya and Charlie Fei!

He ordered: "Long Zhi, you should immediately investigate all the information and social relations between Li Shaoming and the rest of the Li family. You can't miss it bit by bit!

By the way, the four Xiangjiang families, the Jiang family, the Li family, the Ouyang family and the Song family, should all be carefully checked! "

"Yes! Boss, take care!" Long Zhi took orders.

Lu Chong hung up the phone, looked down and called Jiang Xueqing.

Seeing that Jiang Yuyan is so desperate because she heard of her death, Lu Chong doesn't want other women who love her to despair. In case they commit suicide, they will die and be redeemed!

When the phone was connected, there came a woman's tired and hoarse voice: "Xueqing is not here now. Who are you?"

The woman's voice was so sad that she could even hear a bit of despair!

Lu Chong's current Huawei mobile phone number is from Xingdao. Calling Jiang Xueqing shows foreign calls, but now strange foreign calls are all fraud calls in nine cases out of ten. The other party doesn't hang up directly. It's very polite.

Although the woman's voice was tired and hoarse, Lu Chong immediately recognized who the other party was and immediately showed a happy face: "Qingfang, you're awake!"

The woman who answered the phone was not Jiang Xueqing, but Wu Qingfang!

When Lu Chong left Jiangcheng for Naimi flower in Africa, Wu Qingfang was still unconscious. Now she has awakened and followed Jiang Xueqing and them to find Lu Chong between Xingdao and Malaysia.

Wu Qingfang was stunned when she heard the familiar voice again. She thought that she might never hear his voice again in her life. She choked and asked, "I... did I hear right, was... Is it you?"

Lu Chong took a few deep breaths and calmed his surging mood: "it's me, your brother Chong. I survived and was saved. I lost my memory for a few days before. Now I've recovered. How about you? Are you all right?"

Wu Qingfang confirmed that it was Lu Chong who called. She burst into tears. Her cry was full of surprises and excitement, as well as deep thoughts for Lu Chong.

After a while, Wu Qingfang calmed down a little: "you villain! You've been missing for so long. Do you think we can be all right? I'll come to you with Xueqing and Bingbing. Where are you now... Hey, we just know about Yuyan. We're going to fly to Xiangjiang tomorrow to stop YuYan's engagement with the Li family!"

Wu Qingfang knew the relationship between Lu Chong and Jiang Yuyan. After hearing the news of Jiang YuYan's disfigurement from various media, they immediately saw that the media were talking nonsense. The truth was that the Li family forced Jiang Yuyan to marry and Jiang Yuyan was disfigured. They decided to stop him in Xiangjiang tomorrow. They were convinced that Lu Chong was not dead, They don't want Lu Chong to come back and see that Jiang Yuyan has been forced to marry Li Shaoming.

Lu Chong was inexplicably warm in his heart. It was the luckiest thing for him that his women could get along so well. He said, "sister Fang, don't worry, I'm in Xiangjiang now. I've seen Yuyan just now!"

"Then we can rest assured!" Wu Qingfang asked anxiously, "the air crash was so serious that did you get hurt?"

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