Since seeing Lu Chong, long Xiaolan's beautiful eyes have been firmly tied to him.

To see Lu Chong again and get along with him alone, long Xiaolan found that all her efforts had regained their meaning. She was very happy. Her pure and beautiful face was always full of intoxicating smiles.

However, she didn't directly say that she came to Xiangjiang to improve herself and catch up with Lu Chong. She was worried that if Lu Chong didn't mean anything to her, it would make their relationship very embarrassing!

Therefore, she simply said her experience: "brother Chong, after you left Beiyang, sister Shi and I went to Jiangcheng to find you, but you had already gone to the capital at that time. Later, I came to Xiangjiang with sister Shi.

I didn't want to come to Xiangjiang. Sister Shishi told me that Xiangjiang is a place full of opportunities. It can create miracles and make me reborn. I'm no longer the little village girl who sits on the well and watches the sky. I'm coming.

After I came to Xiangjiang, sister Shishi wanted to send me to college. I didn't agree. Later, in the street, she was pulled to play a dragon suit. I suddenly found that I was very suitable for acting! "

Speaking of this, long Xiaolan can't help recalling the scene in Beiyang, a poor mountain county. At that time, what she could do after graduating from high school might be to work as a waiter in the supermarket or as an assembly line worker in the factory. She never thought that she could be an actor or appear on TV one day.

Lu Chong was stunned: "do you like acting?"

Long Xiaolan smiled sweetly: "I didn't like it very much, but now I like it. Moreover, to be exact, I'm suitable to be an actor. I've played a lot of tricks. Many directors praise me that I have acting talent and am good at observing and imitating characters. Moreover, I have a good memory. After reading the script, I know how to play, and I remember my lines very clearly. Moreover, I learn Cantonese very quickly, I'll talk about it in two months! "

Lu Chong immediately remembered some characteristics of long Xiaolan and smiled: "I remember that you used to be very smart and have a good memory. You even said that you can remember everything quickly and imitate everything vividly. You also have good language talent and learn any dialect quickly. I remember that you have never been to Northeast China, but northeast China speaks very smoothly. Alas, if your family were not poor, your family would value men over women, but Yes, you have now gone to a famous university like Tsinghua University and Peking University... "

Speaking of it, he can't help feeling guilty. He should go back early and help long Xiaolan to study.

Long Xiaolan saw that Lu Chong could remember so many things when she was a child. Her heart was more warm. She looked at Lu Chong's beautiful eyes, which were full of emotion and looked forward to it.

Lu Chong just treats long Xiaolan as his sister now. He doesn't think about that at all, nor does he care about her tenderness.

He thought of a question and asked, "Xiao Lan, since you like acting and have such a good talent, why don't you let Tang Shi help you arrange some good roles? She is a wireless sister. It shouldn't be a problem to help you get some supporting roles. You don't have to always play tricks!"

To Lu Chong's surprise, long Xiaolan shook her head and said: "Sister Shishi told me, but I didn't agree. After all, I'm not a professional, and I've never had formal and systematic performance training. I still have a lot of acting skills to learn. If I rashly play a supporting role and fail, I'm sorry for sister Shishi. Now, I'm suitable for running a dragon suit. In recent months, when I'm running a dragon suit, I carefully follow those actresses to learn acting, Benefit a lot! "

Lu Chong looked at long Xiaolan's stubborn eyes and couldn't help but look at her with new eyes.

He found that long Xiaolan is really smart. She is very smart, not very smart, because she is willing to study step by step, down-to-earth. She is very tough and can bear hardships, which is incomparably compared with 99% of girls.

After all, in this impetuous society, most beautiful women are delusional to ascend to the sky step by step. They want to play female number one immediately and become a big star immediately, but they forget that their acting skills can't hold up at all!

Seeing long Xiaolan like this, Lu Chong was full of joy. The little follower who followed behind his ass all day finally grew up!

He reached out and rubbed long Xiaolan's head. He spoiled her and said intimately, "little girl, you're working hard. I'm still waiting for you to become a movie queen!"

Lu Chong just treats long Xiaolan as his sister, but he doesn't know that his action is very ambiguous. It's a legendary touch kill!

Touching the head to kill refers to the action of killing girls by touching the head. It is a must kill skill to seduce girls. It is usually a consolation action when girls are sad, anxious and worried. The spoil index is five stars. It is one of the actions that burst the hearts of countless girls.

In addition to touching the head, there are also holding the face. Boys hold the girl's face affectionately; back killing, hugging behind the back; nose scraping, spoiling and naughty scraping each other's nose, etc.

Long Xiaolan had a deep love for Lu Chong, and then was drowned by Lu Chong. Her heart immediately plopped and plopped. Her mood surged to the extreme. At the same time, she also understood her future life goal.

Before that, long Xiaolan just wanted to catch up with Lu Chong, but she didn't know how to catch up. Now she understands that it's OK to be a movie queen. Of course, she knows that Lu Chong is not an ordinary person, but the queen of the Golden Awards or the golden horse. She must be the queen of Cannes or the Oscar!

It's not that a Chinese actress can't become an Oscar winner. If the role of Gong ER in Niang Zhang's generation master was a Hollywood film, she spoke in English, she can also become an Oscar winner!

At this time, long Xiaolan's beautiful eyes were unprecedentedly firm: "brother Chong, I will become the queen of the film!"

Lu Chong just said that casually. Seeing that long Xiaolan was so firm, he couldn't help smiling.

He can't imagine that it was his careless words that became the goal of long Xiaolan's life, created a myth in the Chinese film world, and achieved a super film queen, empress Zhang, Emperor Gong Zhang Jianyu was completely surpassed by her!

This makes people have to sigh, how powerful the power of love is!

Of course, long Xiaolan chose a path that is most suitable for her talent, which is also the key!

Lu Chong escorted long Xiaolan home. They walked through several busy streets and came to the front of a very dilapidated old residential building.

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