All the female stars and celebrities at the scene looked down Wu Yugang's eyes. They found that Wu Yugang was not looking at anything strange, but Lu Chong, all with a puzzled face.

They looked back at Wu Yugang's stunned and shocked look, and were even more puzzled: "what's the matter with old Wu? Why does he keep staring at the big circle and look shocked?"

"Hehe, isn't old Wu shocked by the stall goods on the poor bastard?"

"Don't say it. It's really possible. Such a top boutique may never have come in. People dressed so shabby! It's like a beggar suddenly running out of a five-star hotel!"

"Yes! If that big circle guy wore the suit designed by Wu Meiqi just now, he could barely look like him, but now he's wearing T-shirts and jeans, not to mention how bad it is!"

These women are really boring enough. They keep chattering one by one. Their words have been around Lu Chong's clothes, and their words are very sour.

Someone may have asked why these female stars and celebrities are so annoying.

The reason why female stars are annoying is that they are completely different from the packaged perfect image on the screen. Most of them in private have been changed by the impetuous upper class society, becoming manic, frivolous, snobbish and belittling.

And those rich and famous women, their so-called rich and famous families, are actually upstarts. In the final analysis, their so-called famous women are a group of rich women and socialites!

Celebrity, which originated in ancient times and became popular in the 1930s, generally refers to those beautiful women who are born in a famous family, have talent and appearance, and often go in and out of the fashion social scene. In addition, they mostly contribute to the society and are keen on charity.

Celebrities are not necessarily the same as rich women. Without the influence of the style of several generations of aristocratic families, they will never be called celebrities. Even if the family is down and out of the world, the style of celebrities will still be tenaciously and inadvertently revealed from the details.

Celebrities are also different from socialites. They may also be active in the social circle, but usually socialites have no authentic genealogy and family history, and their marital status is ambiguous and their contacts are complex. They communicate widely from political dignitaries to white people.

In other words, most of the women here are just rich women or socialites, not celebrities.

To call them celebrities is to elevate their identity.

Those who used to be female stars and later married into the rich generation or the rich second generation are often active in social occasions. They can't be called celebrities. At best, they are rich wives, because they hardly make any good contributions to society and their charities are hypocritical!

Of course, Tang poetry is not a celebrity, because she is not born in a famous family. She is just an ordinary beauty who struggles to gain a foothold in Xiangjiang by herself. However, this can not hinder Lu Chong's love for her.

Because Lu Chong has no preference for celebrities, Lu Chong has seen some real celebrities from several generations of aristocrats before. One by one, Lu Chong inherited the hypocrisy of aristocrats incisively and vividly. Lu Chong saw it at a glance and couldn't like it at all.

Gu Jialing may think she is a celebrity. In fact, she is a star and a socialite, but she is not a celebrity. Like other shallow rich women and actresses, she thinks Wu Yugang may be surprised by Lu Chong's cheap stall goods. After all, the world's top fashion masters like Wu Yugang handle millions of fashion, I guess I haven't seen such low-grade clothes for a long time

She couldn't help thinking maliciously that it was better for old Wu to drive the big circle away and disgrace Tang poetry!

When Wu Yugang stared at Lu Chong with a shocked face, those star celebrities like eight women chattered, and Tang poetry was a little uneasy. He hurried to Lu Chong and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Chong, do you know old Wu? Why is he staring at you so much?"

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "I've seen you once." he waved to Wu Yugang.

Wu Yugang definitely got the news of Lu Chong's plane crash. Now he suddenly saw Lu Chong himself. He couldn't believe his eyes, so he was stunned.

Now when he saw Lu Chong waving to himself, he reacted. In front of him was Lu Chong, who painted the phoenix of bath fire a few months ago. He was still alive, so Wu Yugang's face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy. It was like seeing a lost priceless treasure. He was excited and excited, and strode towards Lu Chong.

Just now those chirping female stars and celebrities were stunned at this scene!

They were surprised to see Wu Yugang with an excited face. They all felt incredible!

Wu Yugang is the world's top fashion master. He is the leader of Xiangjiang fashion design industry. Even if he sees their chief executive, he won't be so excited!

Narrowness has restricted their imagination. Even if they want to break their heads, they can't imagine how a poor bastard in the mainland like Lu Chong can come from a world-class fashion master like Wu Yugang?

Wu Yugang had no spirit to care about the surprised eyes of the women. He looked at Lu Chong and his voice trembled with excitement: "Lu... Mr. Lu, it's really you! Are you okay?"

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "OK, old man! I didn't expect you to be so old and have a good memory. We've met once, and you can still remember me!"

It was the first time that people at the scene heard someone call Wu Yugang old guy face to face, but they saw that Wu Yugang was speechless when he heard Lu Chong's casual address and casual answer!

Lu Chong can paint with red wine stains on a simple white skirt and draw the phoenix of bath fire. His skill is better than that of master Qi Dafeng, which makes Wu Yugang have the impulse to worship.

Wu Yugang can achieve the world's top level because he is a person who cares about talent and doesn't care about red tape. He respects Lu Chong's talent. The more he is casual with him, the more he feels that Lu Chong is kind to him. On the contrary, those who don't have any talent will not pay attention to each other even if they are polite and respectful to him!

Now he said respectfully to Lu Chong, "Mr. Lu, I'll never forget seeing you in a hurry last time. I let my granddaughter keep the picture of bathing Fire Phoenix you drew. Recently, I've been to Jiangcheng several times, but I haven't seen you..."

Wu Yugang's words, like a bolt from the blue, exploded everyone's heads at the scene into a roar, stunned and numb!

They can't believe their ears, but Wu Yugang's words and expression are true!

If it hadn't been for Wu Yugang's words, they all couldn't believe that the painting of bathing Fire Phoenix would have come from such a poor bastard in the mainland dressed in a stall!

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