Lu Chong smiled faintly: "no problem. Other things may be careless. I have never met an opponent for drinking. Since you are a woman in the wine country, let's have a good drink tonight!"

With that, he turned and walked to his super sports car SSC tuatara.

The woman didn't go back to her knight XV SUV, but followed Lu Chong and went to Lu Chong's super run together.

Lu Chong looked back at her in surprise: "can you put your car here?"

The woman shrugged: "it's okay, just put it here. I'll take your car to the bar!"

As she spoke, she naturally opened the front passenger seat door of super running and sat down on the front passenger seat.

Seeing that she had fastened her seat belt, Lu Chong launched the super run SSC tuatara.

SSC - tuatara galloped forward like a white ghost and more like white lightning.

Before they had run long, they heard the dull hum of two sports cars coming from behind.

Lu Chong saw clearly that the two sports cars were super sports cars like his car.

Super sports car is what people often call super running. It generally refers to sports cars with high power output and outstanding shape. The price is generally as high as millions to tens of millions, and the maximum speed can reach more than 300 miles per hour. Most of them only contain two seats. The acceleration, braking and control of super sports cars are excellent, and extraordinary appearance is also essential.

They are the fastest mass production vehicles in the world at different times. Their design combines speed, comfort and beautiful appearance. Their production is often very small, maybe only a dozen or hundreds, and they may not be able to see them at nearby auto shows.

Among the fastest top cars, the speed of the car on the straight road can be as fast as that of the aircraft when taking off. These cars rarely reach the top speed per hour, because in most places, such speed is illegal and dangerous.

The two cars, one is koniseg Agera, whose theoretical speed can reach 443km / h, but the speed limit of all Agera models is 375km / h. However, if conditions permit, koniseg can break through the limit, which means it can also run at the top speed of 443km / h, which will surpass the second generation Bugatti sports car and become the fastest mass production sports car in the world.

The other is Bugatti Veyron super sport, which is not only the most expensive super run in the world, but also once the fastest mass production car on the earth, with a horsepower of 1200 and an extreme speed of 431 km / h.

It can be said that the two super cars and the super car SSC tuatara driven by Lu Chong have always been pleasing to everyone. If they are bumped on the road, nine times out of ten they will have a round of drag racing.

However, because these cars are limited edition, many rich people buy them and hide them in the garage. They rarely drive them. They don't have a chance to meet them at ordinary times.

But this time, the three cars happened to meet on the road.

Originally, Lu Chong wanted to take the woman's nightclothes. Without the idea of competition, he slowed down the speed and wanted the two sports cars of koniseg and Bugatti Veyron to pass first.

The front gnysseg hummed and passed Lu Chong's SSC tuatara, which is expressed in Chinese as signey sports car, while the rear Bugatti Veyron sports car slowed down and followed Lu Chong's signey Chao.

Subsequently, Lu Chong found that the owners of the two sports cars were very cheap. They clamped his car in the middle one after another. Lu Chong accelerated forward, and they also accelerated. Lu Chong slowed down, and they also slowed down. It felt like they were provoking Lu Chong!

Seeing the posture of the two sports cars, the mysterious woman immediately understood, and said to Lu Chong, "it seems that they want to race with you!"

As soon as she finished, she saw koniseg running in front, sticking out a young man's head from the window and shouting at Lu Chong, "signey! Hey hey! Brother, how about a race?"

The young man looked like he was in his early twenties. He was a little unconvinced when he looked at Lu Chong's signey super run. It was obvious that he wanted to compete with Lu Chong in his koniseg super run.

"Not interested!" Lu Chong is preparing to drink, chat and do some happy things with the mysterious woman. He is not in the mood to drive with these little fart children.

Although Lu Chong's racing level can be said to be rare in the world, he used to learn racing to perform tasks. He wandered around between life and death. It was completely different from the games of these idle rich second generations, so he didn't bother to drag racing when he didn't perform tasks.

When the owners of the two cars saw that Lu Chong didn't want to race with them, they began to provoke Lu Chong to death.

The owner of the budigar Veyron behind, no matter whether Lu Chong's signichao ran to the left or to the right, the budigar Veyron followed closely and accelerated fiercely from time to time, as if threatening Lu Chong.

The same is true of the koniseg super run in front. It has been deliberately slowing down and blocking the forward direction of Lu Chong's signey super run. Sometimes it even slammed the brakes. Several times, Lu Chong's signey sports car almost ran after his koniseg super run!

Lu Chong's face sank when he saw that the owners of the two cars provoked himself so desperately. He was angered!

The mysterious and charming woman was also angered, but she didn't know how Lu Chong's racing technology was, so she advised: "these racing parties are crazy. You'd better bear it and don't race with them, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

When Lu Chong heard the mysterious woman's words, he smiled coldly: "crazy! I will let them know what real madness looks like!"

When he said this, he suddenly pulled the mysterious woman's black leather coat and suddenly pulled it!

Originally, the black leather coat was worn on the mysterious woman and it was difficult to pull it off, but Lu Chong didn't know how to do it, so he pulled the black leather coat off!

After the leather coat was pulled down, the mysterious woman was wearing only underwear and exposed her snow-white and delicate skin. She hurried to hold her shoulders with both hands and was surprised and angry: "what are you doing!"

Lu Chong ignored the mysterious woman's reaction, but opened the convertible, held her black leather coat high and danced in the air!

Although Lu Chong doesn't like drag racing, he has inevitably participated in several drag racing competitions before and knows such a ceremony.

When the owners of koniseg super run in front and budigar Veyron super run behind saw Lu Chong's posture, they immediately understood that their provocation had worked. The owner of signey super run wanted to race with them!

They did not continue to provoke, but began to prepare. After Lu Chong waved the black leather coat for three times, koniseg super run and budigar Veyron super run began to accelerate. Both cars had the ability to accelerate to 100 yards in three seconds.

At this time, the mysterious and charming woman knew that Lu Chong pulled her black leather coat not to play hooligans, but to complete a ceremony. There was strong excitement and expectation on her charming face!

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