These Xiangjiang policemen saw the other party coming fiercely. They were all like great enemies. They quickly pulled out their police guns, aimed at the strange four people, and warned: "stop, don't move forward, otherwise we..."

This is the sadness of the police. When they meet the suspect, they can't take the initiative to shoot, but can only give a warning first!

But just when they warned, the other party had launched an attack!

Even if this has been revealed in many Hong Kong Police and bandit films, Xiangjiang police can't change that system. Once they encounter ferocious bandits, they always have to pay the price of their lives!

Just like now.

Poof! Poof! The two policemen in front were shot in the eyebrows and fell down directly!

The other two policemen were shocked to see this scene!

They were surprised to find that two white blondes took out two pistols with silencers in their hands!

The two policemen were extremely angry when they saw their colleagues shot and killed by the enemy!

They raised their police guns one after another and were about to shoot at the two white bandits!

At this time, the Fusang man in kimono, kicking clogs and painting his face like a Geisha suddenly moved!

A sharp and bright samurai sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

The speed of his knife is as fast as lightning!

Before the two Xiangjiang policemen had time to pull the trigger, a red mark had appeared on their necks!

The red mark grew bigger and bigger, and then blood gushed out!

The two Xiangjiang policemen were beheaded by Kenjiro Yamamoto on the spot!

Kenjiro Yamamoto has long been used to beheading and is indifferent to the death of two Xiangjiang policemen.

He just felt that the two men fell down to block his way and stepped directly on each other's body!

The samurai sword in his hand made a strange sound and instantly folded into a slightly larger Ruishi military knife.

Kenjiro Yamamoto stepped on the bodies of two Xiangjiang policemen and saw that the door of the ward was closed!

He flew up and kicked the ward door open!

When he rushed into the ward, he was surprised to find that the hospital bed was empty!

Besides, the window of the ward is wide open, with a little blood on it!

It seems that Fang Yuang escaped from this window!

Kenjiro Yamamoto smiled coldly: "dare to play with me!"

He flew up and kicked the hospital bed made of iron frame!

Under the hospital bed, Fang Yuang lay on the ground, trembling all over. He was dressed in white patient clothes, just like a maggot crawling on the ground!

He looked at Kenjiro Yamamoto's eyes full of deep fear: "don't kill me!"

Seeing that Kenjiro Yamamoto was wearing kimonos and clogs, and his face painted like a Geisha, Fang Yuang knew that the other party was from Fusang. For fear that the other party could not hear Cantonese, he quickly shouted, "Yasuhiro butterfly! Yasuhiro butterfly!"

Only this Fusang dialect can he understand and speak.

Fang Yuang woke up when he came to the hospital just now.

He thought about killing Ouyang Shaolong of Ouyang family. Ouyang family is one of the four families. He must not swallow this tone. He must be dead waiting for himself.

He was thinking about how to escape. He wanted to climb the window to escape.

But he found that his limbs had been trampled off by the Dragon hall soldiers. Now he can't climb, he can only wriggle.

Before he could wriggle, he heard a noise outside the ward.

The two Xiangjiang policemen were beheaded by Kenjiro Yamamoto's samurai knife, and the blood sprayed from their necks sprinkled a large area of the glass door!

Fang yu'ang was scared to death. He suspected that Ouyang family sent someone to kill him!

He quickly turned over and fell under the hospital bed, trying to hide under the bed!

He also used his brain to make an illusion of turning over the window and running away!

But I didn't expect to cheat the perverted Kenjiro Yamamoto!

Fang Yuang was most worried about the Ouyang family sending a killer to kill him. He looked up at Kenjiro Yamamoto!

He suddenly found that Kenjiro Yamamoto's eyebrows were a little similar to that of Junichiro Yamamoto, and he was a typical Fuso, so he suspected that the other party might be from the Xing'an society!

So, he said with a shy face, "too... Taijun, I am good brothers with Yamamoto. When I saw that Ouyang Shaolong killed Yamamoto, I killed Ouyang Shaolong to avenge Yamamoto. Taijun, you are Yamamoto's friends. I avenged you. Please escort me out quickly!"

Fang Yuang thought that if he said these words, the other party would be grateful and would save himself!

But he never thought that the man in front of Fusang, the Ruishi military knife in his hand suddenly turned into a sharp and bright Samurai knife, and the samurai knife suddenly cut into his arm!

Fang Yuang's arm, which was originally broken by the Dragon hall soldiers, was directly cut off by Kenjiro Yamamoto!

Kenjiro Yamamoto said coldly, "Saburo has only one good brother, that is me!"

In Yamamoto Kenjiro's heart, the Chinese are not as noble as their Fuso people, so he very much cares about Fang Yuang's relationship with his brother Yamamoto Junichiro!

Fang Yuang never thought that he had a good friendship with Yamamoto Junichiro. It was a big mistake. The other party cut off his right arm with a knife!

The blood at the broken arm was so violent that Fang Yuang almost fainted in pain!

Kenjiro Yamamoto's eyes were evil and cold. Looking at Fang Yuang, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead man: "you make it clear what happened last night. If you dare to have a false sentence, I will cut you into meat and mud!"

Fang Yuang has no doubt that this seemingly evil Kenjiro Yamamoto can definitely do it, because he is crazy enough!

So he endured the pain and told Kenjiro Yamamoto everything that happened that night!

"Lu Chong! Dragon God!" Kenjiro Yamamoto's face showed a strange look: "my idol, I can't imagine that you really didn't die, and my brother died because of you. Good! Good! When I killed the Ouyang family, I'll go to you and step on your body, so that I can climb to the peak of the dark world!"


At this time, Lu Chong is accompanying long Xiaolan at a film shooting scene.

He sat aside and quietly watched long Xiaolan filming.

"Good! Very good!" after a play was finished, the director said with great satisfaction: "everyone performed very well in this one. Let's take a break and prepare for the next shot!"

Actors shoot scenes just like writing handwritten novels. Actors shoot scenes one by one. They often shoot scenes for ten days and a half months. The audience reads them in dozens of minutes, and so do writers. After ten days and a half months, the readers read them in dozens of minutes. It's very hard.

Other actors have temporarily pulled away from the state of the play and relaxed.

The director turned to look at female No. 2 and said with appreciation: "Xiaolan, you performed very well just now. Keep up your efforts. I'll take good care of you!"

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