Lu Chong's eyes were sharp as electricity, scanning the passengers and journalists isolated by the police.

Soon, he targeted several targets.

However, he saw that the murderous spirit of those people was not aimed at Jiang Haicheng for the time being, so he didn't take action immediately!

Later, Lu Chong followed Jiang Haicheng and Chen Jiaju into the reception hall.

This place has been completely blocked by the police. Don't worry about the killer rushing in for the time being.

After staying away from the passengers and reporters, Lu Chong said to Chen Jiaju in a deep voice, "director Chen, don't show a frightened look first. Listen to me."

Chen Jiaju was slightly stunned and asked, "Mr. Lu, did you find anything?"

"Yes, several killers are ready to be in place." Lu Chong said, "a short man with black hair and black eyes, wearing brown eyes and holding an Olympus camera, he is a reporter from Fusang people!

The other is yellow hair, blue eyes, tall, holding a Samsung camera. It seems to be a European and American reporter.

Among the passengers, there was a middle-aged man with white hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a Giordano suit and holding a gray leather bag in his hand. He looked like a Southeast Asian businessman.

The two airport ground attendants at the gate, one of them is short but fat, a little like Fusang sumo wrestlers, and the other is short but thin, a little like Fusang ninjas.

These people are all killers. Let your people keep an eye on them! "

Chen Jiaju was shocked when he heard Lu Chong's words. Although he listened to Lu Chong's words, he tried to maintain his shock, and the muscles on his face twitched!

When Jiang Haicheng and his four bodyguards heard what Lu Chong said, they were all surprised and looked at Lu Chong in surprise.

Chen Jiaju was a little unbelievable, because the passengers and reporters had just gone through their police investigation and interrogation, and had gone through security checks. They had driven away all the people with suspicious identity and suspicious behavior. There was no problem with their identity.

Besides, Lu Chong came in with them in less than a minute. In such a short time, how can he determine that those people have problems!

So Chen Jiaju asked incredulously, "Mr. Lu, aren't you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding?" Lu Chong could see that these Xiangjiang policemen had been peaceful for a long time. The threats they encountered were all in the film, so they were so lazy. Since they didn't believe it, he didn't bother to explain more. He said, "I've told you. If you don't believe it, you're responsible!"

Seeing that Lu Chong spoke seriously and dared not neglect, Chen Jiaju quickly called a senior superintendent in charge of specific police affairs and told Lu Chong's words to the senior superintendent.

Many people have heard a lot of police sergeant inspectors in Hong Kong films, but they can't tell the big from the small.

The Chief Superintendent is the head of the secondary Department of the headquarters of Xiangjiang police force, such as CIB Intelligence Division, CCB commercial crime, organized crime and triad, which is equivalent to the first-class police inspector and deputy department level in the mainland.

The senior superintendent is the deputy to the Chief Superintendent or the head of the Department of the regional headquarters. For example, the second head of the headquarters is the senior superintendent. For example, the head of the criminal headquarters of the West Kowloon regional headquarters is the senior superintendent, which is equivalent to the first-class and second-class supervisors in the mainland.

The superintendent is the head of the headquarters section or the second head of the regional department. For example, the criminal headquarters of the West Kowloon regional headquarters has two deputies, equivalent to the main section level in the mainland.

Chief inspector, for example, the criminal headquarters of the West Kowloon regional headquarters has five CID major crime teams, as well as Oji and CIB intelligence. The heads are all chief inspectors. It sounds majestic, but in fact it is equivalent to the rank of chief section in the mainland.

Senior inspector and inspector, above the serious crime unit in West Kowloon, each serious crime unit has two teams. The team leader is senior inspector or inspector, equivalent to the mainland deputy section level and below.

There are hundreds of policemen on the scene, and the commanders on the scene are at least at the superintendent level, not the inspector level.

The senior superintendent is in charge of perimeter security. He just took someone to check those people.

When he heard what Chen Jiaju said, he was stunned, shook his head immediately and denied: "Chen Chu, how is this possible? My brothers and I have verified the identities of those journalists and passengers several times just now. Their identities are completely true, and they don't carry any guns and other dangerous goods. How can there be killers, and how can there be five killers?"

The senior superintendent's expression is very gloomy. If there are killers lurking in those passengers and journalists, it shows that they have not done their police work in place, which is dereliction of duty. Chen Jiaju said that it is clearly a denial of their work, which makes him quite uncomfortable.

Although Chen Jiaju also doubts Lu Chong's words, Prince Shah's plane will soon land in Xiangjiang. If there is a killer to assassinate Prince Shah, their image of incompetence and dereliction of duty of Xiangjiang police is doomed, and his front-line commander will be dismissed, which he can't accept anyway!

Therefore, he said in a deep voice: "Fan Jian, no matter what Mr. Lu said is true, we can't do anything carelessly. We're not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Anyway, you have to take someone to control those suspects!"

Hearing that the deputy director gave the order with a serious look, the senior superintendent Fan Jian was a little conflicted and dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he had to take a team of police to carry out the order.

At this time, Lu Chong shouted to Fan Jian, "this Asir, wait a minute."

The senior superintendent fan Jiangang just knew that it was not Chen Jiaju who denied their work, but the big circle boy who spoke Mandarin who denied their work, so Chen Jiaju asked them to control those people again.

Now he saw Lu Chong shouting at him, and his face was very gloomy at that time.

Lu Chong didn't care about his face at all, but said directly: "the camera in the hands of the Fusang reporter looks like an Olympus SLR camera, but in fact it is a mini pistol disguised as a camera. The camera in the hands of the European and American reporters looks like a Samsung camera, but in fact it is also a mini pistol disguised as a camera..."

A small pistol is installed in the camera and a small trigger is designed. The concealment is very good. When you hold it in your hand, no one will know that there are weapons hidden in it. When you need to use weapons, you take it up and pretend to take pictures to shoot the target. It is a very good spy weapon.

When the senior superintendent Fan Jian and his Xiangjiang policemen heard Lu Chong's words, they all showed disapproval. They thought to themselves, what big tail wolf does this big circle pretend to be, and dare to tell them what to do!

Although they are not royal policemen for a long time, they always have a high sense of superiority when facing mainlanders!

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