Those passengers who are too lazy to see what kind of bird Prince Shah looks like have left from the safe passage. They are safe and may be happy to watch the chaos of the airport on the news at home.

And those passengers who stand by and look up to see what the prince Shah looks like are suffering now!

Xiangjiang police are a little fastidious about shooting and won't hurt these passengers by mistake, but there are so many killers shooting, and they all hold some passengers as their human shields and retreat calmly!

Those tourists who like to watch the excitement are now miserable because they love to watch the excitement. Several of them were hit by stray bullets and died on the spot!

There was chaos in the hall, and passengers and reporters fled in all directions!

The five killers experienced too many such scenes, very calmly grabbed the passengers and reporters nearby as human shields, shot at the Xiangjiang police and retreated in an orderly manner.

Their expression was very plain, without the slightest panic and fear.

On the contrary, those Xiangjiang policemen were constantly shot, panicked and scared all over their faces!

Senior superintendent Fan Jian, with a gun in his hand, hid in a corner and his face was extremely gloomy!

He never dreamed that what the big circle said was true. Looking at the skillful and decisive means of the five people, they must be world-class killers. Their Xiangjiang police were too careless!

Another superintendent saw that the five killers were relying on human shields to escape calmly. He quickly asked Fan Jian, "fan sir, those killers are about to run away. What should we do now?"

Fan Jian was also very helpless. All the five killers were holding hostages with guns in their hands. They formed a circle and calmly retreated to the door. They were about to get on the bus and escape.

There are loopholes in the arrangement of Xiangjiang police. They are about to let these killers escape!

Fan Jian is helpless. After all, the other party has hostages in his hands!

But the five killers killed and injured more than 20 of their policemen. If they can't catch those killers, their reputation as Xiangjiang police will disappear!

But no matter how it disappeared, they are helpless now. They can only watch those killers holding those hostages away.

Just when all the Xiangjiang police were burning, a tall and straight figure appeared in front of them.

That man is Lu Chong!

These Xiangjiang policemen remembered that Lu Chong had just reminded them to be careful of the killers and clearly pointed out what crime tools the killers had. As a result, they all didn't believe Lu Chong's words because of their damn sense of superiority, resulting in such large-scale deaths and injuries!

When they saw Lu Chong, they were all a little ashamed!

However, they were all very curious. Why did Lu Chong suddenly appear in the war zone?

They soon found that Lu Chong took out five golden needles from his arms!

Lu Chong just glanced at the five killers with disdain, then waved and shot out the five gold needles!

After shooting five gold needles, Lu Chong didn't stop much, but turned around and walked back to Jiang Haicheng.

Fan Jian and other Xiangjiang policemen were stunned!

Some Xiangjiang policemen are still thinking that this big circle is really inexplicable. Throwing five gold needles has a hair function. Can five gold needles subdue the five killers? It's crazy!

Crazy line is a psycho in Cantonese. If you go to Xiangjiang, you will find that they will scold each other for being crazy line. If you play in Xiangjiang for a day, you will find that all people in Xiangjiang are crazy line!

Fan Jian and other Xiangjiang policemen turned around to see the five killers. They were surprised to find that the five killers no longer took hostages, but all fell to the ground!

All of their five killers were stiff, as if they had been bitten by someone!

Fan Jian and other Xiangjiang policemen were stunned when they saw this scene!

Their current mood, incomparably complex, strong shock, incredible, incredible!

At the same time, there is deep self shame. Lu Chong is obviously an expert. They fools don't believe others. As a result, now that so many people have died, they have to come and help them clean up their mess!

Fan Jian saw that all the five killers fell stiff and determined that the other party had lost its combat effectiveness, so he ordered other Xiangjiang police to rush up and subdue the five killers!

When they rushed forward, they were surprised to find that there was a gold needle in one of the five killers!

These Xiangjiang policemen looked at each other with shock and awe on their faces. The five killers were so fierce that they killed and injured more than 20 of their policemen, but they couldn't catch them. Lu rushed forward and solved all the five gold needles. It was really a cow to the extreme!

Apart from other things, they definitely don't have such experts in Xiangjiang. No wonder Jiang Haicheng and Chen Jiaju respected others so much just now!

Fan Jian took some Xiangjiang police and escorted the five killers to the pick-up hall, all focusing on Lu Chong.

At this time, Lu Chong is talking to Jiang Haicheng and Chen Jiaju.

They saw clearly that when Chen Jiaju, the second person of Xiangjiang police, spoke to Lu Chong, they were full of awe.

These Xiangjiang policemen thought of Lu Chong's kind reminder to them before, but with the superiority of Xiangjiang police, they not only didn't believe what Lu Chong said, but even responded with contempt and ridicule. As a result, not only their brothers were killed and injured more than 20, but also Lu Chong had to come out to control the five killers!

They were ashamed to lower the noble heads of the so-called Xiangjiang Royal Police!

They are too incompetent and derelict. They searched for several times and failed to find that the killers have been lurking in the journalists and passengers. Without Lu Chong's warning, maybe the five killers are really likely to succeed in assassinating Prince Shah. Then they Xiangjiang police will be given the most serious punishment by Xiangjiang police station and have no hope of promotion in their whole life, You might even be kicked out of the police force!

Moreover, without Lu Chong's last help, their policemen might be shot more by those killers, and even let the five killers escape, so that their Xiangjiang policemen were completely nailed to the cross of incompetence and humiliation!

These Xiangjiang policemen thought of this and looked at Lu Chong with gratitude and awe. They all stood in front of Lu Chong, then bowed respectfully and willingly!

It turned out that they had 60 Xiangjiang police to arrest and control the five killers. As a result, only half of them came back soundly, and the others were either dead or injured!

The more than 30 Xiangjiang policemen bowed to Lu Chong in unison, and not only them, but all the policemen around them, including deputy director Chen Jiaju, also bowed to Lu Chong!

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