For these things, ordinary people would think it was feudal superstition or made up by novelists, but Lu Chong would not think so.

Because there are many unimaginable things about him, such as his Qi control skill, Qi watching skill, perspective power, and the ring passed to him by his mother

It may be that these things have been pressing on Jiang Haicheng's heart for a long time, and he has been unable to find anyone to talk to.

Because these things are too secret, he can't trust his son. His son may announce that his father is mentally ill after listening to them, take him to a mental hospital, and then take over the family property.

He can't trust his granddaughter. His granddaughter Jiang chunnuan won't have any bad intentions, but the problem is that she is young and ignorant, doesn't know the seriousness of this matter, and will tell others these things.

Now, for Jiang Haicheng, the best person to talk to has arrived.

Jiang Haicheng wanted to tell Lu Chong everything he knew in his stomach.

He looked at Lu Chong with bright eyes and asked, "Lu Chong, do you believe that there is another civilization in this universe, a higher civilization than our earth civilization?"

Lu Chong was stunned when he heard Jiang Haicheng's words. He suddenly remembered the ring his mother gave him and what his master Jiang Haitian told him.

He looked at Jiang Haicheng suspiciously: "old Jiang, what do you want to say?"

Jiang Haicheng stood up, walked to the window, looked up at the vast galaxy outside, and his eyes were deep: "Human civilization on earth has only a history of thousands of years. According to existing observations, the whole universe has expanded for 13.8 billion years, and the diameter of the universe has reached 92 billion light-years, or even larger. In the universe, the earth is the only planet with life known to human beings, but the earth is like a grain of sand and dust in the universe Avenue.

The dreamer told me that there are higher civilizations in the universe, higher than earth civilization! "

When Lu Chong heard Jiang Haicheng say that, he began to think. Before that, the more he thought about all the differences in Jiang Haitian, the more shocked he was.

He was surprised and asked, "how did he know that there was a higher civilization in the universe? How did you believe his words?"

Lu Chong knows that a top tycoon in business like Jiang Haicheng has never seen anything. Some general fallacies can't deceive him at all. Since he believes that thing, it can only show that he has seen some evidence that can make him believe that there is a higher civilization in the universe than human beings on earth!

The question is, what makes him believe that advanced civilization really exists?

Jiang Haicheng takes out an iPad, opens it, lights up a video and hands it to Lu Chong.

Lu Chong saw that in the video, there was an African black, who looked a little similar to the person playing the Panther.

This African black should have taken his own video and uploaded it to YouTube or something.

The black man had a thing in his hand. It was a bit like a red diamond.

Lu Chong was a little dismissive when he saw this, because although red diamonds were rare, he did see them.

But soon, he found that the red diamond crystal in the black hand was very strange. The texture was not as hard as diamond, but very soft, like jelly, kneading at the black fingertips.

The black man kept saying to the camera: "Hello, everyone, I'm Jamaican personality lonso. This is a very strange thing I found in the mountain. I thought it was a diamond. I thought I was rich, but I found that it wasn't a diamond because it was very soft and like jelly, but it wasn't jelly.

I like eating very much. I have eaten thousands of things, but I just can't recognize what food it is. Maybe it's not food at all.

I don't know why. I hold this thing in my hand and want to eat it very much. "

The black man named gronso, holding the red crystal in his hand, kept staring at it, as if it were dragon meat and chicken liver, which deeply attracted him.

Gronso continued: "I still have a strange feeling that this thing is terrible, but I've seen Bell's adventure documentary. Bell can even eat those disgusting insects. What's so terrible about me eating this thing? However, I still have a hunch that something very bad may happen. Therefore, I took this video. I hope my hunch is wrong Wrong, I can be safe... "

The black gronso talked like other blacks for a long time, then put the red crystal in the air and bit it.

Glonso took a bite, then beamed and said to the camera: "the taste is very beautiful, a little like jelly, a little like pear, a little like apple, a little like coconut. In short, it's very complex, but it's very delicious. I can't help eating it all."

It was probably that the crystal was hard to chew. Gronso chewed it for a long time before swallowing it. Then he couldn't wait to swallow all the remaining red crystals and chewed them like eating the best food in the world.

Seeing this, Lu Chong couldn't help but ask, "old Jiang, what's the problem?"

Jiang Haicheng said with a smile, "you are a good child, but you are not calm enough and impatient. Look down."

Lu was impatient and continued to look down.

When the black gronso chewed the red crystals, something strange happened!

The thin black gronso's face was getting redder and redder. No, it should be said that it was getting purple!

His face not only became more and more red and purple, but also his muscles began to expand, and each blood vessel on his body also expanded, just as he suddenly turned into a giant stone Johnson from the fourth child. No, it is accurately described as glonso after eating the red crystal. From a young monkey to a Gorilla King Kong, he looks incomparably strong!

Although it is said that what fruit to eat in the cartoon turns into Superman such as Saiya people, and what to eat in the martial arts novel also says that Zhu Guo has greatly increased his ability to get through Ren Du's two veins, it is people's fantasy. There is no such nonsense in real life!

But now this nonsense happened in front of Lu Chong.

Lu Chong saw clearly that the video did not add any Duang stunts. It was completely the black man who put a camera in front of him and took his own photos.

Lu Chong was shocked when he saw this scene. It was the first time in his life!

He became more and more curious about what the red crystal that the black gronso ate was. How could he suddenly become like King Kong, who was as thin as a trumpet chimpanzee!

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