It was the bodyguards brought by Prince Fahd who shot.

They flew from shaa'a to Xiangjiang by private plane, all armed.

When they heard the gunfire from the villa in front, they didn't rush out, but hid behind the villa wall in the back and fired wildly at the South American leopard mercenaries in front!

The Shah royal family is very rich, so their weapons are more powerful than those of the South American leopard mercenary regiment!

Coupled with the South American leopard mercenary regiment, those mercenaries were too light on the enemy and were stunned in an instant!

More than a dozen South American leopard mercenaries spilled blood mist, fell to the ground and died miserably.

The remaining mercenaries found that the other party's firepower was more fierce and quickly fled to both sides!

Seeing this scene, Kenjiro Yamamoto showed a strange satisfied smile on his face.

Just now, he felt that there were people lying in ambush in the villa, but did not remind these mercenaries. After all, these mercenaries were not his people, but those hired by the employer. He still had resentment against him, the Fusang man. Therefore, Kenjiro Yamamoto wanted to get rid of the mercenaries with the help of Fahd's bodyguards. In this way, when the task was completed, The commission can also be divided less.

Kenjiro Yamamoto burst out and shouted Fuso words. He and his ninjas disappeared completely. He was not invisible, but integrated with the surrounding environment.

When a bodyguard leader saw this scene, he was shocked to the extreme and shouted, "this is Fusang's ninja. You shoot quickly and shoot everywhere. Don't let them rush into the villa!"

Those Shaa bodyguards are Shaa people. Their long-term brainwashing education makes them worship Prince Fahd as a God. They would rather die than let these Fusang people hurt their prince!

Therefore, these Shah bodyguards carried heavy weapons with strong firepower and fired wildly.

Dada dada, gunfire, madly covering the front of the villa!

Even if the South American leopard mercenaries run wildly, they will be sieved by the dense bullets and die on the spot!

In an instant, the manor in front of the back villa was in a mess, all the flowers and trees were destroyed, and even several vehicles were exploded!

But even if the scene was so broken, Kenjiro Yamamoto and those Fuso ninjas seemed to evaporate. Those bullets didn't hit them at all!

Obviously, this is the escape technique used by Kenjiro Yamamoto and those Fuso ninjas.

They used five elements of evasion: gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Golden escape is the art of using bright metal to make sound and light to deceive the enemy to escape.

Wooden escape is a kind of Ninja that uses trees and grass to escape. The source of wooden escape is that it is usually practiced on trees. In the past, the house was low, and those who can climb trees can basically sneak into any house.

Water escape, cultivating water-based, using pipes for underwater breathing, crossing the river with special wooden shoes, etc.

The fire escape technique uses chemical methods to make smoke bombs or some fire setting props. There was no bomb before, so the fire escape firearm stayed on the original fireworks.

Earth escape is not like the kind of escape from the ground in the movie. In fact, it is an escape technique by using the pits on the ground, stone walls and soil walls. In the past, most of them were land, and the geology was soft and easy to implement. People who learn this technique will dig tunnels or underground holes to hide according to the nature of the soil.

Ninja martial arts requires ninjas to have a first-class level in swordsmanship, archery, equestrian, jujitsu, foot skills, body balance, poison darts, etc., but the highest martial arts is the famous stealth flying skill. Due to the mysterious actions and hidden whereabouts of Ninja masters, people also call Ninja "ghost art" and "Invisible Art".

After those Shah bodyguards shot all the bullets in their guns, they still didn't see Kenjiro Yamamoto and those Fuso ninjas falling to the ground. They were all shocked to the extreme!

Just now, the bodyguard leader quickly shouted, "everybody hide in the room, come on!"

All the other Shah bodyguards felt a surge of murderous spirit. They didn't have time to think about it. They turned and fled to the villa room.

But at this time, the shadow of those Fusang ninjas suddenly gushed out of thin air around the Shah bodyguards. The sharp and bright samurai swords in their hands split down!

Those samurai swords sent out bright lights and split the heads of those Shah bodyguards!

Dozens of Shah bodyguards were arrogant before. At this time, they have been instantly killed by those Fusang ninjas. Their heads are different!

Blood gushed from the necks of the Shah bodyguards, spraying the snow-white walls with blood red!

The original beautiful villa turned into hell in an instant!

When the headless bodies of the Shah bodyguards fell down, Dr. Yamamoto appeared and walked into the villa with the Fusang ninjas.

At this time, Prince Fahd, the ministers of the Shah government and the remaining bodyguards all fled in Prince Fahd's bedroom on the second floor.

Prince Fahd looked out through the glass and saw that his bodyguards with guns were beheaded one by one by those Fusang ninjas. He was scared to death and trembled!

His ministers and bodyguards trembled like chaff!

The black Interpol bellac looked very gloomy and said to Prince Fahd, "prince, I have informed our colleagues that they have accelerated to come. We Interpol will be able to protect your safety!"

Prince Fahd had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

At this time, beilac turned to look down and found that Kenjiro Yamamoto and those Fuso ninjas came up from the stairs. He quickly said to Prince Fahd and his entourage, "everyone jump down quickly, or they will break through the door and we will all die!"

Prince Fahd and his entourage all opened the windows and jumped downstairs when they heard what Barack said.


At this time, on the roof of the villa, Lu Chong sat on the edge of the roof, overlooking the scenes below, with a touch of light ridicule on his mouth.

Jiang Haicheng stood aside, carrying the golden box, smiled and asked, "Xiao Lu, why don't you help Fahd? It seems that Kenjiro Yamamoto must kill Fahd!"

Hearing Jiang Haicheng's inquiry, Lu Chong shook his head gently and smiled faintly: "I can see them clearly. They are not in a desperate situation now. If I go to save them now, they will think I deserve it. They won't be grateful to me!"

When Jiang Haicheng heard Lu Chong's words, he nodded and said with a smile: "Fahd and those Shah ministers have always looked down on us Chinese people. If you save them now, they will only think it is your responsibility. They will not be grateful. They will also complain that you appeared too late and let his other bodyguards die miserably. Only when the gambling house is in a desperate situation and is dying frequently, will they really feel that you are saving them 。”

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