At this time, the Fusang Ninja suddenly vomited blood and died!

It turned out that just now, Jiang Haicheng hit his death!

After the Fusang Ninja died, the four bodyguards who had been following Jiang Haicheng came from a secret corner of the rooftop.

Jiang Haicheng said calmly, "clean the garbage!"

Just now, the skill of this Fusang Ninja can be regarded as the top ninja in Fusang. It is known as Tianren, but in Jiang Haicheng's eyes, it's just garbage. Disposing of his body is just cleaning garbage!

The four bodyguards were ordered to deal with the Ninja's body.

One of the bodyguards looked at the following situation and asked, "Sir, do you want us to help Mr. Lu?"

Jiang Haicheng smiled faintly: "no, those people are not his opponents. Everything is under his control!"

He turned his head and looked at Lu Chong below. His face was filled with a spoiled and proud look. It looked very strange.

As like as two peas, the teacher of Lu Chong, looking at Lu Chong's look is exactly the same.

Lu Chong just listened and heard something on the roof.

When he turned to look, he was quiet, and Jiang Haicheng looked at him with a smile.

Since Jiang Haicheng is all right, he can rest assured!

At this time, the black Interpol bellac shouted at Qin Yumeng: "you bitch, dare to hurt me, I will kill you..."

Qin Yumeng shot again and hit beilac's right leg!

Bellac flopped and fell to the ground.

Prince Fahd also quickly picked up his pistol that had fallen to the ground.

Even if he fell to the ground and his limbs were shot off, beilac still looked like a mad dog. He stared at Qin Yumeng with fierce eyes and barked: "Mengmeng, Mr. Yamamoto gave me 100 million Fu sang yuan. If you kneel down and beg me now, I can not let Mr. Yamamoto kill you, but also take you out of here to enjoy all the happiness in the world. You kneel down and beg me, kneel down!"

In the black beilac's view, although he is now beaten into a disabled person with disabled limbs by Qin Yumeng, Qin Yumeng still has no way to take him, because he has taken refuge in the powerful Kenjiro Yamamoto. Kenjiro Yamamoto is so ghostly and powerful that they can kill all Lu Chong and others!

Therefore, beilac also feels that he is sure to win and can take Qin Yumeng as his own!

Qin Yumeng could not help shaking his head when he saw that Barack barked like a mad dog: "it's a shame for me to spend my life with a garbage colleague like you!"

She said, turned around and stopped looking at bellac.

Originally, she did not have any discrimination, but beilac's behavior proved that others were more black hearted. Qin Yumeng felt that if he looked at him more, he would insult his eyes.

She quickly turned her eyes to Lu Chong. Well, it's better to look at Lu Chong and keep her eyes.

When bellac heard Qin Yumeng's words, his dark face showed deep resentment and venom: "bitch! Since you don't know how to live or die, don't blame me for destroying flowers! I must torture you to death in front of this Chinese boy!"

Speaking of this, beilac turned to Kenjiro Yamamoto and shouted, "Jun Yamamoto, what are you doing? Hurry to help me catch this bitch. I'll torture her in front of that Chinese bastard!"

At this time, the black Barack's face was extremely ferocious, just like the hated hyenas on the African grassland!

At this time, a sharp and bright samurai sword had pierced his heart, revealing dirty blood!

Belac stared at Kenjiro Yamamoto with blood red eyes and asked hard, "why did you kill me?"

"Why?" Kenjiro Yamamoto sneered, "I don't want to pay the 100 million Fusang dollars. I hate people yelling at me. I don't kill you. Are you waiting to make you sick of me?"

Bellac's body twitched and became stiff. His blood red eyes widened. He died in peace. He never thought that he would end up like this!

If there is an afterlife, he will not do business with Fusang people. They have no credit at all!

Kenjiro Yamamoto pulled out his samurai sword and didn't even look at bellac, as if he was killing only African hyenas!

Kenjiro Yamamoto turned to face Lu Chong, with a hot and excited look in his eyes: "all the people in the way have been killed. Now it's time for me to duel with you, Mr. Dragon God!"


Lu Chong heard Kenjiro Yamamoto's words and smiled contemptuously: "you are not my opponent, your opponent is him!"

He said, pointing to a secluded corner of the Manor!

Kenjiro Yamamoto and his Fuso ninjas all turned their heads and found that nineteen young men suddenly came out from that dark corner.

They were all wearing black practice clothes, and everyone was embroidered with a pattern, a five clawed Golden Dragon.

The man headed by Lu Chong is the apprentice of Lu Chong, the young dragon Han Jiaming!

When Kenjiro Yamamoto and those Fuso ninjas saw the 19 young men, their faces changed greatly and became very ugly!

After a while, they didn't find so many people hiding in this corner!

Especially Kenjiro Yamamoto, after he was in the palace, he was focused and felt much more sensitive than ordinary ninjas, but just now, he didn't find these people, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Now, he looked closely and found that each of the 19 people was not very tall, and the muscles of the whole body were not bulky muscles, but extremely fine and symmetrical. Such fine and symmetrical muscles were not practiced in the gym, but only after the test of life and death.

Just like Bruce Lee's muscles are not big. When he wears clothes, you will think he is very thin, but if he fights with big stone Johnson, he will abuse him every minute!

Moreover, they walked like ghosts, without the slightest sound of footsteps.

When Kenjiro Yamamoto saw Han Jiaming, the young dragon headed by him, his face became more and more ugly, because he felt a terrible breath from Han Jiaming.

To his surprise, it seems that Han Jiaming's breath is stronger than that of the Dragon God Lu Chong!

He immediately understood that maybe Lu Chong, the Dragon God, had reached the level where it was difficult for him to clap his horse and had returned to nature!

When the young dragon Han Jiaming appeared here with 18 dragon hall soldiers, the battle finally came to an end.

Han Jiaming, the young dragon, took 18 dragon hall soldiers, while Kenjiro Yamamoto took 36 Fusang ninjas. It seems that Kenjiro Yamamoto is better!

But the Dragon God Lu Chong hasn't shot yet. Once he does, it's hard to predict the outcome!

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