The two young men looked calm, but they showed a fierce murderous spirit!

Ruan nangen and Pu Chang felt the murderous spirit, and they looked cold!

However, after following Xiang Zhongsheng, Pu Chang, relying on the power of the Xing'an society, has always been used to running in Xiangjiang. In addition, he feels that he will soon be the speaker of the Xing'an society, and he doesn't pay attention to these two young men

Therefore, Park Chang cried contemptuously, "you two fools, mentally retarded and mentally retarded! There is no way to go in heaven, and there is no way to vote in hell. What's not a fool!"

His big cake face showed extreme arrogance and banter, like a cat teasing two mice.

But just when he thought that the two young men were like mice under his cat's claws, he never thought, PA! A crisp sound and a slap in the face hit him heavily on the mouth!

Park Changgen didn't react. He got solid!

"You fucking dare to beat me!" Park Chang never dreamed that someone dared to slap him in the face in Xiangjiang, and they were two young men who looked ugly!

Park Chang felt that the young man's hand was strong, and his mouth swelled rapidly. It hurt and even bled a little!

"You fucking beat me, I'll kick you to death!" he jumped up in a rage and kicked the head of the young man who slapped him with a ferocious whip and leg!

Park Chang was really extremely angry, so he tried his best in this leg. His leg was wrapped in the wind. If he kicked the young man's head, even if he didn't break the other party's head, he would kick the other party's head and blood, and directly coma!

Xiang Zhongsheng saw Park Chang's fierce foot and his face was extremely gloomy. I'm afraid it's hard for the young man to escape under Park Chang's cruel whip leg!

Before, he had seen many opponents stun by Puchang's kick. Just now, he was kicked by Puchang and broke his ribs, so he was very clear about Puchang's strength. Although Taekwondo is not a top technology in international fighting skills, Puchang practiced this technology to the highest level!

Moreover, the reason why the young man can slap Pu Chang in the mouth is a sneak attack. Taking advantage of Pu Chang's lack of preparedness does not explain how powerful the young man's skill will be! Now Park Chang concentrated all his strength on the young man and gave him a hard hand. The young man must not be good!

At this time, Park Chang's eyes showed a fierce light and shouted, "rats! Die!"

For a man of his origin, his self-esteem is particularly strong. He cares most about face. He was slapped on the face on the spot, which hurt him as much as killing his father!

Now, he decided to kill the young man to wash away his shame!

But when his whip leg was about to sweep the young man, suddenly, the young man stepped out. His foot came out later, but he came first. Before Puchang kicked him, he kicked Puchang first!

With a bang, before Pu Chang's leg touched the young man's head, he was kicked off by the other party and hit the table in the middle of the private room heavily!

The young man's leg strength was amazing. He magnified the impulse of Park Changjian's strong body of more than 200 kg and smashed it heavily on the wooden table. The table was smashed to pieces by park Changjian's body!

Park Chang's strong body fell into the fragments of the table. He felt as if all his bones were broken. He cried with pain!

However, as an old hooligan who had experienced many battles, Park Chang howled twice, immediately jumped up from the ground, looked at the two young men in horror, and shouted to Ruan nangen, "these two are experts, be careful!"

After this kick, Park Chang can't take it lightly anymore. These two young men are definitely experts. They are even better than their skills. Otherwise, he can't be kicked like that if he gets a kick from each other!

Ruan nangen was stunned to the extreme when he saw this scene!

He had the same view as PU Chang. He felt that the two young men were neither tall nor strong. They were not very good at all. He also treated them with the mentality of cat playing with mouse. As a result, they kicked Pu Chang with exquisite leg skills like that!

The two young men looked at PU Chang and Ruan nangen with cold and fierce eyes: "those who humiliate the soldiers of the Dragon hall will die!"

Ruan nangen and Pu Chang were shocked to the extreme when they heard the murderous words of the two men!

They found that they met the strongest opponent in their life, and it was difficult for them to retreat!

But they dare not escape, because once they escape, Xiang Zhongsheng will issue a hunting order to them. Xing'an will hunt tens of thousands of horses, which makes them feel cold when they remember!

Now they have only one way to go, that is to kill the two young men, and then kill Xiang Zhongsheng. Then they will have a way to live, or they will die!

Therefore, although they have no bottom in their hearts, they can only harden their scalp and fight with the two men!

They were right because they fought together and were soon beaten back by the two young men. They were soon covered with injuries!

Xiang Zhongsheng hid in a corner and was shocked to the extreme when he saw this scene!

His skill is very ordinary. Before that, he thought Pu Chang and Ruan nangen were the strongest fighters in the world, but he didn't expect that these two guys had no resistance in the hands of two ugly young men!

Xiang Zhongsheng thought that although the proportion of rich people in Xiangjiang is the highest in the world, the proportion of experts is not very high. There are not even ten experts like Pu Chang and Ruan nangen, and they are all known to him. Who are these two ugly young men and how can they easily surpass their two top experts!

He suddenly remembered that just now these two young men talked about "those who humiliate the Dragon hall soldiers die". Are they dragon hall soldiers?

Dragon hall? Is the Dragon hall the mysterious force that suddenly appeared in Xiangjiang, and the Siamese boxing king Yasang and the empty handed king of Fusang, Yamamoto chunsaburo, died in their hands?

Xiang Zhongsheng thought of this and burst into a cold sweat. He was scared to death!

At this point, there was a loud click!

Xiang Zhongsheng quickly looked at it, but was stunned to see that Park Chang, the king of Korean Taekwondo who swept Xiangjiang with leg skill, was severely kicked off by a dragon hall soldier!

He broke a leg. Park Chang was unstable and fell to the ground with a plop!

"Pu Chang! Insult hundreds of innocent women, damn it!" the Dragon hall soldier flew up and kicked at the key of Pu Chang!

The key is flesh and blood! Park Chang uttered a terrible cry that was not like human voice. He convulsed a few times and swallowed his breath directly!

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