Then, the telephone of Zhang Zhitai, the host of Hetu Gang, the fourth largest community, rang.

When he heard the cell phone ring, his heart clicked, because his cell phone ring was specially set. When the ring rang, very bad things generally happened.

When Zhang Zhitai received a call, his backbone younger brother told him that all the casinos controlled by their community had been swept up by the cops, who were still searching for him.

Zhang Zhitai put down his mobile phone. His face was as pale as Liu Yanzu just now. It was full of fear!

Then, the guests and speakers of other societies received reports from their younger brothers, and then all showed the same look as Liu Yanzu and Zhang Zhitai.

The only person who hasn't received a report from his younger brother is Xiang Zhongsheng, the leader of Xing'an society.

Xiang Zhongsheng saw that the eldest brothers of other societies looked terrified after receiving the phone call from his younger brother. He was also terrified. He wondered what means Lu Chong used and how he could make these eldest brothers terrified like that!

When the big brothers of these societies answered the phone, they all sat down in their chairs like dead dogs with their backs broken, with their faces full of horror!

Lu Chong poured himself and drank up a bottle of Maotai.

Then, he smiled at the people who sat in the club and talked, and his face was filled with a harmless smile: "now, do you have any opinions?"

The eyes of these community speakers looking at Lu Chong were full of fear and deep resentment.

Liu Yanzu sat down in his chair and asked in a trembling voice, "boss, what do you want us to do?"

What is vernacular? What does it mean.

Lu Chong shook his head: "I can't understand vernacular. Whoever speaks vernacular to me will end up with Ge Zhaohong."

Liu Yanzu quickly said in broken Mandarin, "brother, what do you want us to do?"

Their life and death are all in the hands of Lu Chong. They don't dare to resist at all!

Because once they resist, Lu Chong will let those dragon hall soldiers kill them. Even if they don't kill them, when Xiangjiang police arrive, the other party will die!

But some people wonder why Xiangjiang police cooperate with this little white face. Is he really a special commissioner from the capital?

Moreover, there are not so many people in Xiangjiang police, otherwise they will not always take all kinds of checks and balances against these associations in recent years. How can they sweep so many of them at once!

Is it true that the special commissioner has sent out more terrible forces? Once tens of thousands of people are sent out, if they really kill, although there are hundreds of thousands of them, they will die!

They think of this, more fear, fear to the extreme!

Lu Chong saw that these people were completely counselled, and his face was filled with a harmless smile: "you don't have to worry. I can keep you alive and make you rich and old, but you have to help me smoothly receive your territory and manpower. Of course, you can also choose to resist, but what will happen to those who resist? I don't need to say more. You can imagine!"

These people who sit in the hall and talk at the scene have been on the road for many years. Except Ge Zhaohong, who has no brain, others are human spirits. They quickly guessed the origin of Lu Chong. They dare to fight with Lu Chong again!

Although they are very unwilling, how dare their Mantis arms stop the car!

So they meekly agreed one by one.

At this time, Xiang Zhongsheng, the leader of the Xing'an society, was extremely surprised when he saw this scene. In the past ten or twenty years, his Xing'an society had fought openly and secretly with these associations. After fighting for so many years, he did not wipe out these associations, let alone subdue the speakers of these associations, but Lu Chong only spent an hour or two, Let these usually rebellious and arrogant guys bow their heads and obey!

Xiang Zhongsheng is the only one of these people who didn't receive a call from his younger brother. He doesn't understand what Lu Chong did to make these people so willing to obey.

Lu Chong originally wanted to kill several people to make an example. Seeing that these people were subdued so quickly, he felt depressed at that time.

He waved his hand and said like driving away flies: "OK, you can go now. The police will not search and arrest you until I send someone to officially accept your club! As for who will accept your club, you will know then!"

Hearing that the police would no longer search for themselves, these people were relieved, and then got up and walked outside the door.

They were all dejected, as if they had lost their souls.

For men, power is the lifeblood. Once lost, they are like them.

Xiang Zhongsheng also got up and walked to the door.

At this time, he suddenly heard Lu Chong shout, "Xiang Zhongsheng, you stay!"

Xiang Zhongsheng was extremely shocked when he heard Lu Chong's words. Just now he didn't receive a call from his subordinates. He felt a little strange. Now he was stopped by Lu Chong. He couldn't help jumping up. Is Lu Chong going to kill him?

Ah, no, if you want to kill him, you won't wait until now.

Xiang Zhongsheng raised his head in fear, looked at Lu Chong and asked in a trembling voice, "what can I do for you?"

Lu Chong looked up and down at Xiang Zhongsheng and smiled faintly: "I want you to accept other societies!"

Xiang Zhongsheng was completely stunned when he heard Lu Chong's words. He thought that Lu Chong asked him to come and let him retire and hand over Xing'an society to the other party, but he never thought that the other party asked him to accept other societies!

Xiang Zhongsheng was extremely excited when he heard Lu Chong's words.

Although their Xing'an society is the largest community in Xiangjiang, it has not reached the position of absolute leadership. Xiangjiang has formed hundreds of societies due to historical reasons. The territory and number of other societies are several times that of Xing'an society. When Xiang Zhongsheng took over the leading crutch of Xing'an society from his father, he vowed to unify Xiangjiang society when he was alive, Let Xiangjiang be completely peaceful, but after more than ten years, he found that this is completely impossible. He and Xing'an society simply do not have this ability. Moreover, Xiangjiang government does not allow a dominant underground society at all. It has been trying to stir up the relationship between their various societies and gradually weaken them in internal friction.

He just didn't understand why Lu Chong chose him.

Seeing the temptation on Xiang Zhongsheng's face, Lu Chong smiled faintly: "Although you don't know people well and you are a bit fond of wine and lust, you still have some conscience. You've never touched poisons and won't force good family women to go to sea. You're kind and righteous to your men. Moreover, you do the largest business in the mainland and advocate whitewashing. Strictly speaking, you trust four outsiders as if you were blind Besides, you don't have much problem. "

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