This time, Lu Chong brought 50 people to Xiangjiang. Each of them brought dozens of community horses and controlled 40 main roads. With the monitoring of Xiangjiang police, we should be able to find the trace of Charlie Fei's old fox!

Han Jiaming immediately called the Shura and soldiers of the Dragon hall, and then called Xiang Zhongsheng to ask them all to arrange in each main road and closely monitor Charlie fee!

When their taxi came to the city, Lu Chong asked them to perform their tasks, while he leisurely walked to a roadside store, bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked.

Lu Chong wants to buy China. Unfortunately, there is no authentic Chinese cigarette in this place. Lu Chong is used to special Chinese cigarettes. Now he can't smoke the suspected fake Chinese cigarette.

So he simply bought a pack of Marlboro. There was no way. Once, he couldn't buy China abroad and could only smoke foreign cigarettes, while he only knew Marlboro for foreign cigarettes.

Lu Chong picked up a Marlboro, stood by the side of the road and quietly thought about what to do if he caught Charlie Fei. With his current strength, it may be no problem if he fought with the power of long Yiya itself, but if he provoked the dragon family, his power is really not enough for others to block their teeth!

What makes him wonder is that over the years, he has become a God in this dark world in the name of the Dragon God. The dragon family in the ancient martial world can't not know, but why is long Yiya alone to deal with himself, and the rest of the dragon family didn't appear. Do they think long Yiya alone is enough to settle himself, or is there something hidden in it? He thought for a long time, Can't figure out the problem.

Just as he lowered his head and thought deeply, suddenly, the roar of a sports car rang through his ears, and then a harsh brake of the sports car sounded.

Lu Chong was startled and quickly flew to hide!

When he dodged, a Maserati sports car rushed to the position where he had just stood, and then stopped!

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, the Maserati sports car had knocked him away!

Lu Chong is a little aggrieved. I'm smoking on the roadside and thinking about life. I didn't provoke anyone. Who's fucking idle and bumping into himself.

To Lu Chong's surprise, if the car deliberately killed himself, the owner of the car must have murderous spirit, and he is very sensitive to murderous spirit, but the problem is that now he doesn't feel murderous spirit at all. It feels that the owner of the car is careless to drive the car like this!

Although the owner of the car didn't deliberately want to do anything to him, Lu Chong was very upset because the other party interrupted him to think about life. Is it easy to put on a thinker's shape? It's too much to be interrupted in this way!

If the owner of the car is a man, he must smash the car. Madder, a man driving Maserati is really a bitch!

But if the owner of the car is a woman, I must teach her a good lesson. If it is a beauty, I must clean up her well. How to clean up? Yes, whip her, I must whip her well. If it is not a beauty, just scold!

Maserati cares about the status of the country as much as Ferrari, but in China, because of the brand operation, especially by a woman, the brand has been contaminated with some bad reputation, as if all the people driving this kind of car are junior servants kept by millionaires. In fact, this is not the case, except for a few brainless millionaires, Most rich people prefer to use cheaper and more beautiful minicopers to keep their junior, while Maserati is generally dominated by rich women.

But at this time, a woman's charming voice rose from Maserati's car: "big brother!"

When Lu Chong heard the voice, his unhappiness suddenly stopped. When he saw the girl, he didn't say a word and turned away, as if he had met the broom star!

He wanted to go, but people didn't want him to go. The master of Maserati jumped down from the car, ran forward and pulled his clothes: "big brother, big brother, why do you want to run as soon as you see people? People came to thank you!"

The master of Maserati is a small girl, who looks thirteen or fourteen years old. She is petite and exquisite. Her pretty face is pink and snow-white. She is made of powder and jade. Her round face has double dimples. Her big round eyes reveal the light of strange elves. Although her body is petite, it is quite plump. It looks like the legendary child's face and the best little Lori!

Lu Chong knew that although the girl looked only 13 or 14 years old, she was actually 18 years old. With her small size and tender face, she liked to pretend to be a little Lori!

This girl is no one else. She is Jiang Haicheng's granddaughter, Jiang chunnuan. Everyone calls her wennuan!

At this time, Jiang chunnuan's slender jade hand tightly grasped Lu Chong's clothes. His big black eyes were full of grievances, and even tears of resentment.

When Lu Chong heard Jiang chunnuan's words, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. This little girl, are you thanking me? Thank me by bumping me. How did I you? Did I abandon you all the time? Why don't I remember!

He saw Jiang chunnuan holding himself, so that he couldn't leave at all. He could only sigh helplessly: "Why are you here, your bodyguards?"

Jiang chunnuan saw Lu Chong stop. At that time, the grievances and grievances on his little face were swept away. His crystal pink face was filled with a bright smile. He still held Lu Chong's arm intimately: "Big brother, when I saw you standing on the roadside, I hurried to thank you. Big brother, thank you for saving me last time. By the way, big brother, why are you standing here alone? Why are you so careless? You almost hit my car, really!"

When Jiang chunnuan said this, he still looked frightened and patted his chest: "Oh, I almost scared to death!"

When Lu Chong heard Jiang chunnuan's words, he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. He was almost angry by the girl. I almost hit your car. What kind of bastard logic are you? I stood here thinking about life. I didn't provoke anyone. You hit me!

However, he also saw that the little girl had a big chest and no brain. She would be angry if she told her logic without brain!

Therefore, Lu Chong simply shut up and talk less to avoid being really angry with this girl!

Jiang chunnuan looked at Lu Chong and ignored her. She looked around curiously and found that there was no one else around. Only Lu Chong was alone. She immediately asked more curiously, "big brother, didn't you take the beautiful lady this time?"

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