If Thor had the idea of fighting with Lu Chong before he knew his identity, after all, he hadn't met such a strong opponent for many days, but now he knows his identity and that Lu Chong is also one of the heirs of the dragon family. He doesn't want to be involved in the dispute between long Yiya and Lu Chong!

Thor looked at long Chunli and Lu Chong, and suddenly understood. He said, "young master Chong, you like long Jiu. Well, since you protect long Jiu, I'd better go back and explain!"

Thor put away the blood drop and cold iron dagger, and then arched his hand to Lu Chong and said, "young master Chong, goodbye. I'll tell the old dragon truthfully when I get back to the dragon's house!"

When he says this, he's going to turn around and leave!

Thor killed his men and hurt his woman. How can Lu Chong let him leave!

Lu rushed and drank: "want to go? Stay!"

His body was like electricity. He came to Thor in an instant, flew a fist and hit Thor hard!

Thunder God saw Lu Chong suddenly hit with his fist. His face changed greatly. Without thinking, he quickly raised his fist to resist!

Lu Chong's fist collided with Thor's fist and made a dull loud noise!

The power of Thor is very strong, and the power of Lu Chong is stronger. After hitting each other, Lu Chong's body trembles slightly, and Thor flies four or five steps backwards!

Thor's eyes widened, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "how strong!"

He is good at strength among the guards of the dragon family. He is so strong that he has no opponent, so he can manipulate blood drops flexibly, but he never thought that Lu Chong, who has not grown up in the dragon family since childhood, is so much stronger than him!

However, after all, Thor is the old guard of the dragon family leader, not the guard of long Yiya, so he knows that long always wants Lu Chong to return to the dragon family. Lu Chong is likely to officially become the young master of the dragon family and even the future master of the dragon family, so he can't fight Lu Chong!

So he backed away and hurried to the outside of the bar by four or five steps from Lu Chong!

Lu Chong is about to fly after him. He doesn't care whose guard this guy is. If he dares to kill his subordinates and hurt his women, he must kill that guy!

But at this time, long Chunli grabbed Lu Chong's skirt: "Lu... Lu Chong, don't..."

When Lu Chong looked back, long Chunli's face was extremely pale, blood gurgled out of her ribs, and her blue robes had been dyed red by blood!

Seeing that long Chunli was badly hurt and needed immediate treatment, he had to give up his plan to hunt down Thor for the time being.

Lu Chong quickly moved his fingers like flying. He clicked several acupoints in long Chunli to help her stop bleeding. Then he took out a bottle of life water. The vodka with an accuracy of 96% can be used as alcohol to disinfect long Chunli, and then tore off his T-shirt hem to help long Chunli bandage her wound!

After he had dealt with the injury, he was relieved and said gently, "don't worry, your wound doesn't hurt the key!"

When he saw long Chunli's face as pale as paper, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

Long Chunli saw that Lu Chong was gently helping herself with her wound. Although she still had great pain, she felt a burst of sweetness in her heart: "Lu Chong, Thor, he is not the person of long Yiya. He is the escort of your grandfather long Lao. This time, he came to escort Charlie Fei, but to catch me back..."

Lu Chong was stunned and thought that Thor didn't know about his trip to Africa and the explosion on the plane. It seems that the rest of the dragon family didn't know that long Yiya hurt himself with metal hydrogen.

However, this is not the time to say this. Lu Chong quickly picked up long Chunli and walked outside the bar: "this place is no longer safe. I'll take you home!"

When long Chunli heard Lu Chong's words, especially the last half sentence, she felt strange. Home was very strange to her. From the beginning of her memory, she and her brother Long Ba came to the dragon home and received cruel devil training. The dragon home was a devil's cave, purgatory, not home for her. Now, she came out of the dragon home and came to the ordinary world, She found that almost everyone has their own home, but she is like duckweed, because home is often established by a pair of loving men and women, and she doesn't have the loving man.

Now, long Chunli feels that she has a lover, a home, weakness and armor!

Although the mood was extremely sweet and full of longing at this time, her ribs were pierced. Just now, she was bleeding like a flood and lost a lot of blood, which made her suddenly faint!

When long Chunli woke up, she found herself lying on a soft big bed in the big bedroom of a villa.

The bright sunshine in spring shines in through the clean glass window, which is incomparably warm.

Long Chunli lay in her white bedding and looked at the beautiful scenes around. She was a little confused. Where is she now.

Subsequently, long Chunli found that she didn't wear anything on her body. Her body was washed very clean and there was no blood. The penetrating wound had been attached with wound ointment and wrapped by white bandage!

She vaguely felt that the wound seemed to have signs of healing and condensation, which surprised her. She couldn't help thinking that she recovered very quickly after being treated by Lu Chong in the White Castle under the rift valley that day!

When long Chunli was a little confused, Lu Chong opened the door and came in with a bowl of soup.

Lu Chong saw long Chunli wake up and said with a smile, "I thought you wouldn't wake up until noon. I didn't expect you to wake up so early. Now drink this bowl of medicated food soup quickly, which is very helpful for your wound healing."

When long Chunli saw Lu Chong's matchless face, her heart beat violently. Her pretty face, pale from blood loss, blushed: "Lu Chong, who helped me take a bath last night?"

When she asked, she hung her head shyly and dared not look at Lu Chong!

Lu Chong touched his nose and said in some embarrassment, "I washed it for you. You have a wound. Others wash it. I'm afraid to wet the wound."

After a short period of shyness, long Chunli immediately thought of the fact that he saved himself twice and was his life-saving benefactor. Moreover, his body has been given to him and is already his woman. Even if he treats himself, he should.

So long Chunli was relieved.

But just at this time, there was a sudden sound of Goo Goo.

Long Chunli was immediately ashamed because she could hear the sound of her stomach.

Lu Chong laughed and said, "I know you're hungry, so I got you a medicinal diet. It can not only nourish your body, but also taste very good. I cooked it myself!"

He picked up the bowl, picked up the spoon and was about to feed it to long Chunli.

Long Chunli became more and more shy and hurriedly said, "I'd better come!"

She had to raise her hand to pick up the bowl, but her arms were scratched by Raytheon with a dagger. Now she was bandaged and had some pain. She couldn't lift them up.

Lu Chong smiled and said, "let me feed you!"

He picked up the spoon, filled it with medicinal soup and fed it to long Chunli bit by bit.

Long Chunli did not refuse again. Her heart was sweet as honey and she enjoyed the care of her man!

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