Why did Fang Bingbing come to the bar? It probably has something to do with her quarrel with Jiang Xueqing just now.

Just now, Lu Chong heard from the eavesdropper installed in Jiang Xueqing's mobile phone that Fang Bingbing has been complaining that Jiang Xueqing should not marry Lu Chong: "marriage is sacred. You shouldn't marry a man you don't love in order to explain to your family and the secular world. You should marry me. Let's go to moldy country and admit gay marriage..."

Jiang Xueqing interrupted her: "I can't lose my parents and other relatives and friends for our love. You can't do the same. Why can't we do it according to what my grandfather said? Let Lu Chong be our shield. Although we can't be together openly, under his cover, we can still be together without being forcibly separated by our parents..."

After a quarrel between Fang Bingbing and Jiang Xueqing, they ran out of the villa and came to the bar to get drunk, but Ma Changliang stared at them.

Ma Changliang was woken up by Jiang Xueqing's slap on the face. He knew that he was a piece of smelly shit that couldn't be painted on the wall in Jiang Xueqing's eyes. He felt very uncomfortable and came to the bar to get drunk. He saw Fang Bingbing and had a bad idea. If he could take Fang Bingbing... He would be able to revenge Jiang Xueqing to the greatest extent.

Ma Changliang came forward with a bottle of Martell blue ribbon cognac and stuffed the wine into Fang Bingbing's hand: "Fang tezhu, you've finished your wine, drink mine!"

Fang Bingbing's drunken eyes were bleary and Ma Changliang said, "you're too ugly. The wine must be bad!"

Ma Changliang's long face pulled longer: "I'm ugly? You must be drunk!"

Seeking truth from facts, Ma Changliang's facial features are quite correct in addition to his long face, but he looks unbearable. His face is pale, his eyes are sunken, and his lips are blue. He looks like excessive wine and color. He is wearing a white suit, which makes his face pale all the more.

Ma Changliang stretched out his hand and pulled Fang Bingbing's arm: "Fang tezhu, you've drunk too much, I'll take you back!" he said like an old friend, but his eyes narrowed when he looked at Fang Bingbing, as if he was going to swallow Fang Bingbing.

Fang Bingbing is Lily. She hates men touching her most. Ma Changliang's hand touches her arm. She suddenly feels goose bumps on her body, and an uncontrollable disgust rushes to her heart.

She didn't care that Ma Changliang was the son of the boss of Qingshan group. She opened Ma Changliang's hand, grabbed Lu Chong's wine bottle on the bar and poured it on Ma Changliang's face: "send me back? You want to send me to bed! Disgusting smelly man, get out of here!"

In full view of the public, Ma Changliang, who thought he was handsome, was poured with Scottish vodka. He was extremely ashamed. Ma Changliang was angry. He forgot that Fang Bingbing was a popular man in front of Jiang Xueqing. He swung his arm and hit Fang Bingbing's beautiful face: "smelly woman, dare to pour old son and die!"

Lu Chong only drank a little of this bottle of wine. As soon as it was put on the bar, it was poured by Fang Bingbing.

It's too wasteful. It's good to water flowers. Why water such rotten people.

Seeing that Ma Changliang's palm was going to hit Fang Bingbing's delicate face, Lu Chong couldn't see it. He grabbed Ma Changliang's wrist and said, "pay for my wine!"

Ma Changliang was stunned: "why should I compensate you for your wine? It was this smelly woman who spilled your wine on me!"

Lu Chong smiled coldly: "if you hadn't touched her, would she spill you? Don't talk nonsense and pay for my wine!"

Ma Changliang is a vice president of Qingshan group who only takes salary and doesn't do anything. He is used to running around with Lao Tzu's wealth. Now he sees Lu Chong wearing a ragged vest, turning his triangular eyes and scolding: "Lao Tze pays you a fart, hillbilly, get out!"

For such a person, Lu Chong had nothing to say. He slapped Ma Changliang to the ground.

This time, there were so many people in the bar that Lu Chong couldn't kill him. It took only half of his strength.

Rao is so, Ma Changliang still feels that half of his face is swollen and painful.

He looked at Lu Chong in fear. Suddenly, he remembered that the man who slapped him unconscious and took off his clothes in the bathroom on the 36th floor of Tianjian group today was clearly the man in a ragged vest in front of him! And the man who robbed his Italian custom men's clothes and his goddess Jiang Xueqing!

Ma Changliang howled miserably, "what do I have against you? You beat me twice a day! You also robbed my clothes and my woman!"

Lu Chong smiled: "every time I see someone who can't control his mouth and spray feces, my hands itch!"

Ma Changliang got up from the ground and pointed to Lu Chong: "boy, wait for me!" then he ran away in confusion.

Lu Chong picked up a bar chair, threw it over and smashed Ma Changliang to the ground: "pay for my wine and go again!"

Ma Changliang felt that his bones were smashed by the bar chair. He didn't dare to say anything. He took out a pile of money from his pocket and threw it to Lu Chong. He stared at Lu Chong with resentment on his face, and then ran away without looking back.

Lu Chong threw the stack of money to the bartender: "do you have any wine stronger than the wine just now? How many bottles can you take with the money? Give me some bottles!"

The bartender counted the stack of money and said with a smile: "At present, there is only one kind of Scotch whisky in our shop. It has been distilled for four times, and the alcohol concentration is as high as 92%. It is the single malt whisky with the highest alcohol accuracy. This kind of wine can be used as automobile fuel. It is said that someone has witnessed that a sports car using it as fuel can throw a speed of 100 miles per hour. You can buy three bottles with this pile of money, but I suggest you don't drink it , I'm afraid of your alcoholism! "

"Less nonsense, bring all three bottles!" Lu Chong just wanted to get drunk today.

Fang Bingbing raised her neck and drank the remaining half bottle of vodka with a bang. She was drunk and bleary eyed. She stretched out her jade hand and pinched Lu Chong's face: "Lu Chong! Anyway, sister Qing married you. If you're sorry for her, I can't spare you!" Fang Bingbing said and staggered away.

Lu Chong is very depressed. Fang Bingbing, you are a party. Don't you know that this is a marriage? If I can stand Jiang Xueqing, I'll be sorry for myself!

He was depressed at the bottom of his heart. He drank the three bottles of Scotch whisky with a bang. Except that his stomach was a little warm and his head was a little dizzy, he didn't feel drunk at all. He glanced at the bartender: "you won't sell my fake bar!"

The bartender looked at him angrily and muttered, "God, god man, God of wine!"

Lu Chong looked silly at the bartender and ignored him. He poured out a little wine left in the wine bottle and took the Zippo lighter from a forced guy nearby. The wine caught fire. Apart from others, the accuracy of the wine still exists. It seems that his body is really different from that of normal people.

He threw the Zippo lighter to the man who pretended to be a bully just now, and walked out of the bar with low interest. When a person is depressed, he can't even drown his worries by drinking. He's even more depressed. He's so depressed that he wants to hit someone.

Just at this time, a van came outside the bar, and six young people rushed down and surrounded Lu Chong.

The six young people are dyed with hair, red, yellow, blue, purple and white. The most wonderful thing is that one is actually dyed with green hair. He looks like a green turtle. It seems that the goods are still the boss among them.

They all carried iron bars in their hands, all with a malicious smile.

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