Jiang Xueqing is not only uneasy, but also blames herself deeply.

She felt so weak that she could only drag Lu Chong down.

She thought to herself: "In order to protect me, my husband has been shuttling through the hail of bullets and passing by the God of death all the time. What can I do for him? I can't drag him down all the time! Give him money? But my husband can easily take out hundreds of millions of dollars worth of blue tears. He doesn't lack money! Give him status? Don't say he's just a group president. If he can't give him real power, even let him I'm afraid it's not what his husband wants to be the vice president of the group. Besides, if his husband is a person who is greedy for status, he may have accepted the rank of major general long ago and won't choose to marry himself. "

While waiting for Lu Chong to come back, Jiang Xueqing's thoughts rolled and thought a lot.

She doesn't want to rely on men's protection to survive like other weak women, just like the poem she likes "If I love you, I will never be like a climbing Campanula, showing off myself with your high branches... I must be a kapok near you, standing with you as the image of a tree. The roots are firmly held in the ground, and the leaves touch in the clouds. Every gust of wind passes, we greet each other... We share the cold wave, wind and thunder and thunderbolt..."

She wants to strengthen herself and protect Lu Chong with her own strength.

Although Jiang Xueqing is the president of Tianjian group, because her father is not in good health, she temporarily helps her father manage the group company. She never wanted to fully inherit all the family business of the Jiang family. Sometimes she even thought that you Fang Jiacheng are not greedy for the industry of the Jiang family. I'm too lazy to compete with you. There's nothing wrong with you, but now she's worried Li has a strong fighting spirit. She wants to fully master and carry forward the Jiang family. Only in this way can she not hide under Lu Chong's wings forever and let him protect herself. Only in this way can she give him enough support and protection when Lu Chong needs her.

She said silently in her heart, "husband! I will be strong for you! Your wife is definitely not an incompetent weak woman who can only hide behind you and ask you to keep out the wind and rain!"

At this time, Lu Chong walked into the room and asked anxiously, "Xueqing, are you okay?"

Seeing Lu Chong appear, Jiang Xueqing couldn't help it any more. She rushed up and kept Lu Chong alive: "husband..." she cried with tears and pear blossom with rain.

She hugged very tightly, as if she was afraid that she would lose each other as soon as she let go. Only with such a tight hug can she really have Lu Chong and feel at ease.

Lu Chong felt Jiang Xueqing's tight hug and listened to her crying. At first, he was a little confused, but soon, he reacted that this woman had such a deep attachment to herself, and he couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.

He stretched out his big hand and held Jiang Xueqing's beautiful face in his hand.

Jiang Xueqing has no blemish on her beautiful face. She smiles and admires the country and the city. It is no exaggeration to describe her beauty with the ancient description of the four beauties.

Such a beautiful woman, how can he get her care and infatuation? Lu Chong couldn't help but pour a poem into his heart. He once whipped a famous horse because of drunkenness. He was afraid that love would be more tired!

Jiang Xue's beautiful eyes looked forward and stared at Lu Chong. Her eyes were very firm: "husband, can you promise me one thing?"

Lu Chong held her pretty face and said with a smile, "what's up?"

Jiang Xueqing's beautiful face is full of solemn color: "no matter where you go in the future, you should take me with you, whether it's a sea of swords and fire, or the ends of the earth, I want to be with you!"

When Lu Chong heard this, his heart was surging. Two years ago, when he finished protecting Jiang Yuyan and left, Jiang Yuyan said the same thing to him in the pouring rain.

That time, he decided to leave. In the next two years, he often thought of it and felt remorse in his heart.

This time, Lu Chong looked at Jiang Xueqing's beautiful face and trembled in his heart.

He doesn't like carrying the burden of emotion very much, because he really knows himself too well. People like himself can't be moved easily. Once he is moved, emotion is like a flood breaking the dike.

But he still said, "I promise you!"

He didn't want to deceive himself. At this moment, he was moved, just like Jiang Yuyan two years ago.

That time, he decided to leave, leaving Jiang Yuyan heartbroken. That time, he regretted it.

This time, he doesn't want to regret it!

A man cannot fall twice in the same place.

He didn't want to regret it again.

Moreover, now it is different from that time. From a utilitarian point of view, if you make a commitment to Jiang Xueqing, you can get the eighth mental skill given to her by the master. Once the eighth skill is practiced, you will no longer have to be a little monk, and you can ride a horse to meet a happy life.

Of course, in front of Jiang Xueqing, who was as beautiful as an immortal, Lu Chong didn't think so far for the time being.

Hearing Lu Chong's firm answer after deep reflection, Jiang Xueqing couldn't help laughing through tears.

She had never been so happy. The wet tears on her face and her smile formed a lovely appearance.

Lu Chong found that if he really broke through Jiang Xueqing's cold and gorgeous ice shell and approached her heart, he would find that the more he contacted her, the more lovely she would be and the more attracted he would be to her.

Just like now, two people's eyes are connected, and their lingering feelings are no longer hidden or reserved.

Jiang Xueqing involuntarily closes her eyes, and Lu Chong's head can't help leaning forward

Just then, a sudden cough came from outside the room.

Lu Chong was shocked. Just now he was too focused on appreciating Jiang Xueqing's beauty. In his tenderness, he didn't notice that someone was approaching. Fortunately, it wasn't the enemy, otherwise he and Jiang Xueqing were in danger.

He scratched his head in embarrassment when he saw someone coming.

Jiang Xueqing stretched her head out of Lu Chong's arms and saw the man outside. Her beautiful face immediately blushed like Xia. She said with some dissatisfaction: "Dad, what are you doing here?"

It was Jiang Haotian who came outside. Hearing his daughter's slightly dissatisfied words, Jiang Haotian almost vomited blood. What am I doing here? If I hadn't heard the explosion of your silly girl's car and the noise of gunfire, how could I come here to see my daughter making out with that smelly boy!

He was so depressed that he turned to look at Lu Chong. There was some mischief in his eyes, which was the kind of eyes that played with his son-in-law by clapping his hands.

Seeing Jiang Haotian's abusive eyes, Lu Chong couldn't help being a little embarrassed even if he was thicker than the city wall. He said awkwardly: "er... I was just checking Xueqing to see if she was hurt. God bless, she wasn't hurt!"

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