"You've asked the wrong person," Lu Chong said with a bitter smile. "I don't know how to pick up girls. Maybe it's a little more prosperous than ordinary people, but what kind of good luck is it? It's going to be assassinated every three or five times. It's not 16 kidnappers with AK47, or car bombs and sniper guns. Do you want it?"

Zhu Danqing's face turned pale and excited the spirit to fight a cold war: "where is peach blossom luck? It's a peach blossom robbery. Only a strong man like you can control such a fate. Little brother, I'd better bubble those online celebrities!"

The two talked freely all the way. Lu Chong found that Zhu Danqing's goods were very different from the arrogant second-generation children in the past. Although he loved playing, picking up girls and living a luxurious life, he was kind in nature and interesting. He was very similar to President Wang. To be exact, he was a teaser. If he didn't deliberately cling to them, Lu Chong would be vigilant, Lu Chong really wants to be friends with him.

When the Lamborghini sports car was about to reach the sunset villa, Lu Chong's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Lu Chong looked at it. It was Lin Xiaoyu who called. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. Was it Lin Xiaoyu's long dress worth 20 million that attracted greedy bad guys?

Ah, no, ah, when I was in the Wutong guild hall, Lin Xiao Yu had given Wu Yugang her long skirt that depicts the phoenix pattern when he changed her to the pink palace fashion for Wu Yugang. Wu Yugang, a master like that, would not be repudiated. He will put twenty million into Lin Xiao Yu's account tomorrow.

Thinking like electricity, he quickly thought of all kinds of possibilities, because he had a hunch that something had happened to Lin Xiaoyu.

Sure enough, as he expected, a strange man's voice came from Lin Xiaoyu's mobile phone: "are you Lu Chong?"

Lu Chong wrinkled his sword eyebrows, and a cold light appeared in his deep eyes. He asked coldly, "who are you?"

The man said coldly: "You fucking beat my brother and asked me who I was? I'll tell you, Fujing casino is my territory. My name is Yang Daxiao. People call me brother Xiao. Your girlfriend is in my hands now. You prepare three million yuan. You need cash and don't transfer money. You come to our Casino in 30 minutes. If you can come on time, I won't touch a hair of your girlfriend. After 30 minutes, Just wait and wear the green hat! "Then he hung up the phone.

Lu Chong was furious. He knew that this was not just revenge. It was more likely that Lin Xiaoyu's uncle, the damned old man Jiang, gambled again and borrowed usury. This time, Yang Daxiao directly tied Lin Xiaoyu and asked himself for money!

It's time to put an end to this. Lin Xiaoyu can't be implicated by that kind of garbage relatives anymore!

Seeing Lu Chong's angry face, Zhu Danqing hurriedly asked, "brother Chong, what's the matter? What happened?"

Lu Chong asked Zhu Danqing, "do you know there is a Fujing casino?"

"Lisboa casino," said Zhu Danqing with a smile, "who doesn't know? It's in Aomen!"

Lu Chong said with a wry smile: "it's Fujing, not Lisboa!"

"Fujing casino?" Zhu Danqing thought for a moment: "it seems to be in Chunfeng street, which is managed by a man named Xiao Ge. As for who is the boss behind the scenes and backstage, I don't know. Chong Ge, what do you do in this casino?"

Lu Chong said coldly, "end a family relationship in the past!"

Zhu Danqing didn't understand Lu Chong's meaning, but he could see from Lu Chong's evil spirit that Lu Chong was going to end a period of gratitude and resentment, and his young heart was boiling. Ha ha, he didn't see the 16 kidnappers holding AK47 and the sniper before. Now, he can see Lu Chong's great power immediately. He didn't say a word and stood up The horse stepped on the accelerator and drove all the way to Fujing casino.

At the deepest part of Chunfeng street, Fujing casino is a place of silence!

It turned out that there were many tables in the lobby of Fujing casino. Many gamblers were gambling wildly and shouting. It was very noisy, but this night, Fujing casino was cleared in advance, and there were only the horses inside the casino.

Thirty thugs, each with sharp machetes, scattered in every corner of the casino.

There are two people sitting on the sofa in the center of the hall. One of them is a middle-aged man of more than 300 kg. He is nearly 50 years old, fat as a pig. He is wearing a large suit and has the Mediterranean on his head. His face is full of flesh and is inlaid with two black bean eyes. Like mouse eyes, he wanders back and forth, as if he is calculating people at any time.

Next to him sat a middle-aged man in sharp contrast to him. He was in his thirties. He looked like a disfigured version of the monkey king. He had sharp nosed monkey cheeks. He was 1.7 meters tall and weighed less than 100 kilograms. Although he was thin, he looked very ferocious, like a bloodthirsty monkey.

As soon as the man like a monkey put down Lin Xiaoyu's mobile phone, the old man like a fat pig asked eagerly, "what did that guy say, will he come?"

The monkey like man smiled and said, "his girlfriend is so beautiful, he will come!"

Then he picked up a knife and began to repair his nails. He repaired them very seriously, as if he were polishing a handicraft.

Other parts of his body were as thin as firewood, but his palm was very broad, like a bear's paw, and it was not as white as a real person's hand. It looked very strange and made people cold.

After trimming his nails, he raised his hand and said to old man Jiang standing in the corner, "old man Jiang, do you think my hand looks good?"

Lin Xiaoyu's uncle, the damned gambler, old man Jiang, can't help fighting a cold war. He has seen the power of this monkey. Although he is as thin as a monkey and his palm is as white as a woman, he has been stained with the blood of many rotten gamblers. At least more than 100 rotten gamblers have been abandoned by his hand, and it is estimated that he is no less than one.

Old man Jiang looked at a small room next to the hall: "brother Xiao, since the boy will come, can my niece and I go?"

"Want to go? Yes, you can go if you pay back!" brother Xiao smiled darkly: "I asked the boy to come here to settle accounts with him. He abandoned the accounts of my brothers. As for you, you owe me, but if you want to pay back, you can say, how can you pay back?"

"Brother Xiao, don't joke with me. Didn't you say to write all the accounts on boss Zhu?" old man Jiang was a little confused and rushed to the middle-aged man like a fat pig lying on the sofa and said, "boss Zhu, didn't you tell me personally that all the accounts are on you? Talk to me!"

The fat pig boss Zhu's face was full of chrysanthemum like laughter: "Old man Jiang, are you sick and amorous? I'm not fucking related to you, your niece won't tell me, and I'm not your niece's son-in-law. I'll let you write it down in my name. Am I fucking sick? Pay back the million by yourself, hum!" With that, boss Zhu was at ease, closed his eyes, and hummed a little song: "I smiled proudly, smiled proudly..."

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