Wu Youde thought that Lu rushed to ask for a reward from himself, so he took out a red old head from his bag, threw it on the ground and said contemptuously, "pick up rags! It's very discerning! This is what the uncle rewarded you!"

Later, Wu Youde took Wang Xiaoyan's waist and looked at Lu Chong proudly, waiting for Lu Chong to bend down and pick up the money.

At this time, Wu You's virtue is full of ambition. He likes the feeling of looking down on this poor loser with his family's money!

However, he was very disappointed. Lu Chong didn't even look at the money and continued to walk towards him.

Wu Youde smiled contemptuously: "too little, then give you another hundred!" and threw an old head.

Lu Chong still didn't look at the money on the ground. He went directly to Wu Youde, swung his arm, slapped him in the face and hit Wu Youde on the cheek.

"It's shameless to give face!" Wu Youde was surprised and angry when he saw that Lu Chong rolled up his sleeve and swung his arm to hit himself. He immediately clenched his fist and hit Lu Chong.

Compared with ordinary people, Wu Youde, who has studied fighting with the fighting coach for one year, is still a master, but in Lu Chong's opinion, his boxing speed is as slow as a snail.

Wu Youde's fist was still halfway, and Lu Chong's slap was on his face.

The sound was so crisp that it even caused an echo in the open parking lot. Pa... Pa... PA! Wu Youde's long and thin face suddenly swelled up, and half of his face swelled like a pig's head.

Wu Youde was stunned. He never thought he would be beaten in the face by a poor loser who collected rags. He hit so hard and loud. He touched the swollen half of his face: "you dare to hit me! You fucking hit me again!"

"Now that you've asked, I'll meet you!" Lu Chong slapped Wu Youde in the other half of his face.

The other half of Wu Youde's face also swelled rapidly. His long and thin face now looks like a pig's head.

He looked at Lu Chong with an unbelievable face: "you fucking dare to hit me, you hit me again, I'll kill you!"

"Then I'll hit you again!" Lu rushed and kicked Wu Youde in the stomach, kicked him up and fell on the Ferrari polluted by his garbage bag.

Before Wu Youde slipped off the Ferrari, Lu Chong stepped forward with an arrow, stuck his neck and pressed his pig head face on the pile of garbage he had just thrown.

Lu Chong said coldly, "is it great that you have money? In my opinion, you are rubbish like this pile of rubbish!"

Wu Youde's whole face was pressed in the pile of garbage. Next to his mouth and nose, either his used condom or his own nose excrement. Wu Youde was disgusted by the garbage he made. He kept scolding: "lying in the slot... NIMA, you dare to do this to me. The old man must kill you!"

Hearing the murderous spirit in Wu Youde's words, Lu Chong sneered, lifted his neck and threw him into the air.

When Wu Youde was about to land, Lu rushed and kicked him in the face.

Wu Youde was kicked seven or eight meters and fell on the wall. From his heart and lungs, from his whole mouth, a large mouth of dirty blood gushed out, with full notches.

Wu Youde almost fainted. He slipped off the wall and fell to the ground. He wanted to get up for revenge, but he found that his whole body was in severe pain. It seemed that every bone was going to be broken, especially the whole face. He was no longer as handsome as a little fresh meat, and his head hurt badly. It is estimated that Lu Chong's foot had kicked him into a severe concussion just now.

Lu Chong kicked the rubbish away without looking at him any more. Instead, he turned and looked coldly at the gaudy girl Wang Xiaoyan.

Wang Xiaoyan was scared to pee. The rag collector was so terrible that even Wu Youde dared to fight. It was too lawless. She kept hiding and said in panic: "you... Don't hit me. If you dare to do it, I'll call the police!"

Lu Chong looked at her with disgust: "beating a money worship girl like you has dirty my hands! However, if I don't fight, it doesn't mean that others won't!"

He turned to look at Hao Ren and said seriously, "go over there! Find what you lost!"

Hao renleng was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted. Lu Chong didn't mean that he lost his love, but that he just lost his dignity. Just because of such a cheap woman, he cried bitterly and knelt down and kowtowed, and his dignity was completely lost!

Thinking of this, Hao Ren firmly walked up to Wang Xiaoyan and stared at her coldly. His eyes were no longer attached to Wang Xiaoyan, but full of hatred and contempt: "Wang Xiaoyan, from now on, I will break up with you, and there will be no love at all!" while talking, he swung his arm and slapped Wang Xiaoyan's gaudy face.

Wang Xiaoyan is completely ignorant. She and Hao Ren are high school classmates. They have been together for many years. Hao Ren has always spoiled her as a princess. No matter how pretentious and willful she is, no matter how big a mistake she makes, even if he makes an appointment with netizens, he will only blame himself for being bad. He will never scold her, let alone hit her. Now, he slaps her without hesitation, And so hard, so painful!

Wang Xiaoyan has no face to face Hao Ren who beat her. After all, Hao Ren has been very kind to her, but she betrayed Hao Ren. Now she can only transfer all her anger to Lu Chong. In her opinion, Lu Chong is a poor force at the bottom of society. He should kneel and lick in the face of a beauty like her, but he is good. He not only beat her current boyfriend, but also let her ex boyfriend slap her in the face, She glared at Lu Chong fiercely: "why did you order him to beat me? You poor rag collector, why did you? What did you say? You poor loser!"

"Why? Just because he is Lu Chong!" just then, a group of people walked into the parking lot and the first middle-aged man said seriously: "just because he is my son-in-law of Jiang Haotian!"

Seeing the middle-aged man headed by him, Wu Youde showed a look of alarm. What's the matter? WY, the owner of the Wutong guild, the chairman of Tianjian group, Jiang Haotian! This is a big man who can't see the end. One little finger can crush his martial arts family!

Wutong Wutong, Hao Ren called the chairman "well," he did not forget that he was a waiter at the club hall. But he could not believe his eyes. How did he appear in the underground car park, the chairman of the Tien Hun group, the chairman of the Tianjian group and the ten billion rich millionaire, he was directly connected to the lift and opened the door directly. How did you come to this corner?

The Wang Xiaoyan was more astonished. Hao Ren called the other side as chairman. Is this middle-aged man the owner of the Wutong guild? Chang Hao Tian, director of Tianjian group, one of the four major groups in Jiangcheng, she heard Wu Youde said that Jiangjia is one of the most powerful families in Jiangcheng, and has a remarkable influence in Jiangcheng and Jiangbei, compared with Jiangjia. Their Wu family is as weak as an ant, but now she is watching Jiang Haotian walk towards Lu Chong with a spring face.

Jiang Haotian looked at Lu Chong with a smile: "I've been waiting for you. I heard them say you came more than ten minutes ago, but I didn't see you go up. I came down to see if something happened to you!"

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