The fourth, fifth and sixth cultivation of dragon power is to resist Qi. It deals with the acquired martial arts who can absorb other people's internal power and Qi. It is a bit like Beiming divine power and star sucking Dharma in martial arts novels, but dragon power is more perfect than Beiming divine power. After all, the first three let Lu develop an indestructible and highly resilient body.

However, because Lu Chong's meridians were blocked, his elixir field was as empty as a deep valley. He could accumulate different internal forces in the elixir field, which was just suitable for cultivating the Yuqi determination of Yulong skill. When he absorbed different internal forces, he could be integrated through the fusion mental method of Yulong skill itself.

In other words, the imperial Qi of Yulong skill is very much like the Beiming divine skill described in the novel. The internal force of any sect can be absorbed or perfectly integrated. There is no need to worry about any counterattack. Moreover, Lu Chong's acupoints can absorb people's true Qi when he reaches the sixth level.

When the internal power accumulated in Dantian reached a certain level, Lu Chong, with the help of his master, opened up blocked meridians everywhere, and the meridians of his whole body were unblocked, especially Ren Du's two meridians. The innate Yuanyang Qi that had been deposited in the meridians everywhere was activated and transformed into dragon Qi through dragon power transformation. Since then, Lu Chong's cultivation speed has increased rapidly and his skill has greatly increased, Break through the sixth weight in one fell swoop and change from the acquired warrior to the innate warrior.

The third kind of cultivator is the innate martial arts. The difference between the innate martial arts and the acquired martial arts is that the acquired martial arts' energy is limited to themselves and grows internal force by relying on their own blood essence and vitality, and their growth is limited. However, the innate martial arts' Ren Du two veins are connected, which can communicate the vitality of heaven and earth into internal force, and the true Qi accumulated very fast. It can be said that true Qi can live forever, In addition, the true Qi of the acquired martial arts can not be released, and the true Qi of the congenital martial arts can be released to hurt people.

In the whole world, there are 6 billion people, and there is one ordinary martial artist in every 1000 people. Basically, everyone can meet several ordinary martial artists in his life. Those martial arts stars are basically ordinary martial artists, even the famous Bruce Lee is only ordinary martial artist.

Ordinary martial arts are divided into primary martial arts, intermediate martial arts, advanced martial arts and peak martial arts. This division has nothing to do with bright strength, dark strength and chemical strength, because bright strength, dark strength and chemical strength only represent the cleverness of strength, not the absolute difference of strength. Those with bright strength and peak martial arts can easily defeat those with dark strength and advanced martial arts. For example, Bruce Lee should be in the middle of high-level martial arts and peak martial arts.

When it comes to the acquired martial arts, it is much rarer, because the world of the ordinary martial arts is completely separated from the world of the acquired martial arts, that is, the ancient martial arts, and is not transformed from the ordinary martial arts. Most of these postnatal martial artists exist in some ancient martial aristocratic families. These ancient martial aristocratic families are trained internally and rarely recruit disciples. Therefore, postnatal martial artists have always been rare. There is only one postnatal martial artist among a million people, and there are no more than 1000 people in China. They have never had any contact with the secular world. Even if they appear, the dragon will see the first but not the end.

The acquired martial arts can be divided into four levels: early stage, middle stage, late stage and perfection. For example, Lu Chong's master is the peak master of the acquired perfection. When he can practice to tianyuanman, he will be a martial arts master. There are only a few in the whole Chinese country. Maybe there may not be one of the 10 million people.

Congenital martial arts are even fewer, and there may not be one in 100 million people.

When you reach the seventh level, you can release your true Qi, and then hurt people and take pictures in the air.

To release real Qi is to manipulate it to release it from the pores of the skin, so as to achieve the purpose of attack and defense. The more powerful and pure the real Qi is, the more amazing the effect will be. The so-called real Qi hurts people and sword Qi hurts people are done in this way.

However, the distance of real Qi release is closely related to their own skills. Generally, experts can release tens of centimeters at most. Only top congenital experts can emit vigorous Qi a few meters long. In addition to both hands, many masters can also attach true Qi to weapons, making weapons have more superhuman attack and defense.

Of course, those Qigong masters say that they can do anything at a distance of more than ten meters or 100 steps. They are basically liars.

The space camera sounds mysterious. In fact, after the real gas is released, under the ingenious control, the real gas rotates at high speed, making the air flow form a vortex like a water pump and roll things over. This also requires that things should not be too heavy, the distance should not be too far, and it will not work.

The first seven levels are all in the category of traditional internal skill martial arts, but when it comes to the eighth level, Lu Chong can't understand it. What effect can it have after practicing it.

However, he was quite savvy. He soon thought that when he reached the seventh peak of his cultivation, that is, a few days ago, he had a very strange discovery. When he used Qi watching skill and dragon resisting skill at the same time, he could absorb other Qi of others, just like when he was seeing a doctor, he could absorb disease Qi, which could be stored on the side of the Qi sea of Dantian, Leave it to attack the enemy by releasing the sick Qi in the future.

However, he can't absorb other Qi except true Qi and disease Qi.

He secretly guessed that after the Dragon control skill reached the eighth level, he could at least absorb other people's tangible innate Qi. If he used the Qi watching skill at the same time, he might absorb the opponent's intangible Qi, such as charm, wealth, talent and so on.

This is no longer an ordinary internal skill cultivation, but rises to another mysterious realm. Just like his special function of perspective eye, it can't be explained with existing scientific knowledge, but it really happens. He doesn't spend too much time studying the reason, and will spend more time on how to cultivate and use it.

Lu Chong is still practicing hard. On the one hand, he can have close contact with women only by practicing the eighth level of Kung Fu to the perfect level. On the other hand, his master has mentioned more than once that his old man has many enemies all over the world. Some enemies practice hard, and some old monsters may enter the innate state. If they come to revenge, they can't find his master, Come back to him, and Lu Chong has offended many countries and forces all over the world. They will also find him for revenge. Therefore, Lu Chong must become stronger in order to be afraid of those Avengers.

Lu Chong wanted to be closed for a period of time and practice the eighth weight skill well, but he looked at the whole eighth weight method and found that he didn't need to be closed at all, because if he wanted to practice, the key point was not to practice, but to fight, experience, contact with people, absorb all kinds of heavenly Qi, practice in battle, and naturally complete the practice over time.

So he got up and went out of Jiang Xueqing's room.

Jiang Xueqing has been sitting at the door to help him watch to prevent someone from disturbing him.

Seeing him coming out, Jiang Xueqing hurried forward and asked with a smile, "has your cultivation been successful?"

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