Lu Chong waved his hand and refused with a smile. Once he took his seat, he and Lin Yujing sat in two seats and could no longer be so close to the beautiful police flower.

Lu Chong didn't sit, but Lin Yujing waved her hand. She still leaned tightly in Lu Chong's arms. Just as she was Lu Chong's girlfriend, no one could imagine that such a shy girl was a famous overlord in Jiangcheng police circles.

Neither of them spoke, and now they were in tacit sweetness.

At this time, the female driver discussed with the female conductor and said to the women present, "Wang's beard is too badly hurt. We can't share the responsibility on the little brother alone. When the police ask, we will all come out to testify. The law is not responsible for the public. The police can't arrest all of us."

A beautiful young woman stood up and said, "yes, we testify together. It has nothing to do with this little brother. It's the hands of us women."

In the past few years, this beautiful young woman has also been harassed by Wang beard frequently. Although she has not been infringed by real knives and guns, she is also very annoyed. She once asked her husband for revenge. As a result, her husband found that Wang beard is a double flower red stick of Xinyi Hall, and immediately counselled. When she opened a clothing store, she had to go to the clothing wholesale base in Xiushui Street to buy goods, Can only continue to endure the harassment of Wang beard.

The other women who took part in beating the king's beard all said in unison, "it was our women who did it. There's nothing wrong with this little brother."

Lu Chong wanted to tell these women that the woman in my arms was the criminal police captain of Hongshan Branch of Jiangcheng police station and the overlord of Jiangcheng police. However, looking at Lin Yujing's meaning, he didn't want to reveal his identity. He didn't say. He expressed his gratitude to those women: "thank you for your concern! Thank you!"

At this time, Lin Yujing understood why Lu Chong encouraged these women's anger, just to make up for the loophole of over defense she said. After all, the law is not responsible for the public. You can't arrest more than 40 women because of a hooligan.

Before that, Lu Chong had abolished many bad guys. If he acted in strict accordance with the law and had an improper defense, he could go to prison many times, but his real identity had a license to kill, and he could be exempted from killing, not to mention abolishing these bad guys.

He did this today just to make Lin Yujing feel better. After all, she is a policeman. What he can't do is to despise the law too much.

Lin Yujing also understood, so she looked at Lu Chong more gently.

After a few more stops, more and more people came up, rubbing against each other. People crowded and depended on people. Some men inadvertently crowded close to Lin Yujing.

In order to prevent what happened just now from happening again, Lu Chong squeezed Lin Yujing into the corner, and then held her in his arms to avoid her being rubbed by other men. From the bottom of his heart, Lu Chong didn't want any other man to touch her.

Lin Yujing stretched out her hand and tightly hugged Lu Chong's not strong but very tall and strong tiger waist. She suddenly found that she liked the feeling of holding and leaning against a man, which she had never experienced before.

Her pretty face was close to Lu Chong's chest, listening to his fierce heartbeat, smelling his strong but good smelling sweat, some trance, some intoxicated.

She found that she pretended to be strong for too long, but in the final analysis, she was still a fragile woman. It was really good to be protected by men like this!

Lu Chong hugged Lin Yujing, separated her from the contact of those men with his shoulders and arms, and firmly protected Lin Yujing in a safe and quiet corner of the bus.

This corner is very small, but it is a world, a world that can accommodate both of them.

Lin Yujing raised her bright and white face, her big eyes gently blinked with long eyelashes. This is a 25-year-old girl. She is plain and has no cosmetics on her face, but she looks so beautiful and lovely. Her eyes look at Lu Chong softly: "hold tight..."

Although Lu Chong hugged her, he was worried that he would hold her too tightly and slap her in the face, which would be self defeating.

When Lu Chong heard the sound of "hold tight", he couldn't believe his ears.

He lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "what did you say?"

When he lowered his head, she was looking up. His lips were only a few centimeters away from her lips. If he was not in a noisy bus, but in a quiet and romantic place, Lin Yujing doubted that she would close her eyes, and Lu Chong doubted that she would kiss him.

When their eyes met, their eyes were infinitely gentle.

In just a few seconds, Lu Chong and Lin Yujing avoided each other's eyes. At that moment, Lin Yujing remembered that he was a married man. Although his marriage with Jiang Xueqing was still very similar to a formal marriage, he was a married man after all. He couldn't get emotional too early.

Although she intellectually warned herself to be calm and keep a distance from the married man, her jade arm around Lu chonghu's waist couldn't help tightening.

Lu Chong felt very confused. Lin Yujing's eyes met with her and avoided for a while, but her jade arm around her tightened. What does she mean?

Lu Chong and Lin Yujing are still somewhat reserved and worried. They don't know what to say. They both quietly look at each other and feel this special atmosphere. In the noisy bus, they can create such a warm and quiet world for them. It seems that all the external clutter disappears at this moment, and time seems to stop at this moment.

At this time, the beautiful young woman who offered to help Lu Chong walked up to him and said nervously: "little brother, I remind you that the beard was the shoulder of Xinyi hall, one of the four gangs in Jiangcheng, in Xiushui Street, and also the double flower red stick of Xinyi hall. He was beaten. Xinyi hall must not give up. You should be careful in the future!"

Lu Chong looked at the beautiful young woman. She had a goose egg face. Her eyebrows were thicker, her apricot eyes were bigger, her nose was higher, her mouth was bigger and her lips were thicker. Each part of her facial features was not perfect, but it looked very comfortable on her white face. There was a small mole at the corner of her eyebrow. When she frowned, she shook with her eyebrows, looking very beautiful, It's a bit like Cecilia in Sheraton.

"Elder sister, thank you very much." Lu Chong thanked, but he didn't think so.

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