Lin Yujing raised her head and looked straight at Lu Chong. She was so sharp and bright that she looked at everyone like a prisoner. Her eyes suddenly became gentle, a little happy, a few times.

Her voice also became very soft: "I haven't been in love yet..."

Lu frowned slightly. What did she mean?

Soon he understood that it was a hint that she would not let herself touch her unless she promised to associate with her.

Lu Chong said with a wry smile: "sister Jing, at this time, I am a doctor and you are a patient. Must the treatment be involved with other things?"

Lin Yujing's bright eyes suddenly darkened and asked faintly, "just because I'm not as beautiful as Jiang Xueqing, you don't treat me as a woman, just as a patient?"

Lu Chong smiled bitterly: "I told you, your character is easy to make ends meet. When did I stop treating you like a woman? Think back to the first time we met. I was staring at you, and you asked me, have you seen enough? I said I was a doctor, and it was my professional habit to look after patients. You said, what's wrong with me. I said you had stomach problems. In fact, At that time, in addition to seeing if you were ill, I paid more attention to your second characteristic. "

"The second characteristic?" Lin Yujing asked blankly, "what do you mean?"

Lu Chong said with a smile, "didn't you go to school? It's written in the textbook of physical hygiene?"

Lin Yujing reacted. Lu Chong said the part where she was ill now.

She could not help blushing: "I said, I thought your eyes were dishonest at that time!"

Lu Chong said very frankly, "most women in our country are Princess Taiping. There are too few outstanding women like you. It is estimated that there may not be one of 10000 women. It is so scarce. How can I not look more."

Lin Yujing looked at Lu Chong bitterly: "you've made such a big circle to say that you treat me as a woman, but if you really treat me as a woman, why are you indifferent to me? Since you can accept a woman like Jiang Xueqing, why can't you accept me?"

Lu Chong scratched his head and said with a wry smile, "well... To tell you the truth, Jiang Xueqing and I are not married like you think. We have an emotional foundation now, so..."

Lin Yujing interrupted Lu Chong: "if you are not, why have you never had a bridal chamber? I can see that Jiang Xueqing is still a virgin, and you are not a waste... Don't lie to me. If you really don't like me, just say it. I hate being cheated!"

"I didn't lie to you. She and I have had a sudden change in our relationship recently, and we haven't had time for that yet." Lu Chong stared at Lin Yujing's beautiful eyes: "I like you, but look at my emotional world. It's so chaotic and crowded. I'm afraid I'll wronged you!"

Lin Yujing looked at Lu Chong affectionately: "To tell you the truth, I didn't like you, but since you helped me see through the unreliable yamen, I feel more and more about you... But you've always been lukewarm to me, and I don't want to be hit by you, so I haven't said it. I've always had a lucky idea that you and Jiang Xueqing are married , I still have a chance, but I knew when I saw you and Jiang Xueqing last night that I might never have a chance... But now, I just want to say, as long as you are willing to give me a chance, I am not afraid to share your love with others! "

Originally, a dignified police flower said this for his own sake. Lu Chong would be very shameful if he pushed it off again, but Lu Chong suddenly remembered something. His dragon control skill has not yet reached the eighth level of perfection, and he can't do anything with women, but his current physical condition is a little yang hyperactivity. I can treat Lin Yujing later. I need to massage her with my hands It's hard to control yourself. At that time, it's very likely that all your previous efforts will be wasted.

If Lu Chong promises Lin Yujing now, he will be captured by Lin Yujing both physically and mentally. At that time, he is very likely to be unable to control himself.

So, he said solemnly, "sister Jing, you shouldn't be too excited now. Let's talk about our affairs later. I've thought of a way not to embarrass everyone. Instead of massage, I'll use acupuncture. I have something to do. Why don't you go back first!"

He also wanted to collect more sickness, mildew, depression and death in the hospital, and strive to practice more Qi knives to be prepared. After all, his master said that in the future, it is very likely that some old monsters will come to his master to seek revenge. In the absence of his master, those old monsters will be angry with him. If they are not prepared, they will be overwhelmed in the future, because there is a lot of danger in those old monsters Can have a congenital master.

With these words, he turned and walked to the hospital.

Lin Yujing looked bitterly at Lu Chong's back. She misunderstood Lu Chong's meaning. She thought Lu Chong had no feelings for her at all. She just asked for her humiliation. Her heart was sad and angry. Now she wanted to drown her worries with wine and didn't care about her illness at all.

Lu Chong is right. Lin Yujing is a character who loves to drill through the horns.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Yujing appeared in a bar. She sat in a corner of the bar and took out a piece of paper from her bag. It was the inspection report just now. After reading it again, she showed the pain on her face: "I haven't been in love, and I haven't married. How can I get this cancer!"

At this time, she remembered the doctor's advice: "Although you are only in the early stage, the cancer cells are developing rapidly. From the early stage to the middle stage and the late stage, it is very fast. For your health, we suggest that you remove the lesion as soon as possible. Of course, after the operation, even if you do the repair operation, you are not as complete as before, nor as beautiful as before, but you can get health, so I suggest you take the test Consider an operation! "

At that time, when Lin Yujing heard what the doctor said, the whole person was completely bad. It turned out that Lu Chong was right. She really had this cancer and removed the diseased part? Although she often felt too plump, which affected her performance of her tasks, she was a woman after all and was often proud of her perfect body. If she was removed, even if she had a recovery operation, she would not be the same, It's even ugly. It's totally unacceptable to her!

Originally, she wanted Lu Chong to help, but if she had no such relationship with Lu Chong, she was too embarrassed to let Lu Chong massage her, so she summoned up her courage and took the opportunity to confess to Lu Chong. It was the first time in her life that she confessed to a man. Who knows, Lu Chong actually took care of him and completely ignored her affection.

Lin Yujing feels that her heart is hurt more than other places. Now she just wants to drown her sorrow with wine, and even get drunk. Only when she is drunk can she forget the pain of being rejected by Lu Chong.

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