Wu Tianjun, Wu Qingfang and Lu Chong walked out of the elevator to a ward.

Because the recent assassination of Jiang Xueqing has repeatedly occurred, which makes the rich class in Jiangcheng feel insecure. Everyone goes out with several bodyguards. Wu Tianjun brings four bodyguards, all powerful men of Kong Wu. Wu Qingfang also brings two female bodyguards, one of which is Xiao Hong, the bodyguard who came to challenge Lu Chong when Lu Chong and Wu Qingfang met at the primary level that day.

Xiaohong sees Lu Chong again and looks in awe. First, she has personally experienced LU Chong's power, and from her fellow martial brother Gu Yutian, she knows that Lu Chong has dealt with 16 gangsters holding AK47 with his bare hands.

However, Wu Tianjun did not equate Lu Chong with the legendary master of the 16 gangsters with the AK47. In Wu Tianjun's view, how can a good master wear a broken vest.

Wu Tianjun remembered the humiliation of being thrown into the dustbin by Lu Chong in the office building that day. He couldn't help but raise his mind of revenge and winked at his four bodyguards.

The four bodyguards received the boss's eyes and went forward together to surround Lu Chong. One man put Lu Chong's left arm, one man put Lu Chong's right arm, one man put Lu Chong's left leg and one man put Lu Chong's right leg. They wanted to throw Lu Chong into the big trash can at the door.

Each of the four bodyguards is more than 1.85 meters. They are all flesh and muscle. They look quite strong and powerful. In the eyes of ordinary people, let alone the four of them work together, even if they only do it alone, they can lift Lu Chong and throw him into the trash can.

As a result, the four bodyguards exhausted their milk strength and burst out green veins on their foreheads. They couldn't move Lu Chong half a step. For a whole minute, Lu Chong's horse steps remained motionless.

A bodyguard shouted, "is this the legendary kilogram pendant?"

Wu Tianjun's face was livid: "it's really a group of waste. I can't support you. Four people can't even have a little white face! Don't work harder!"

The four bodyguards worked harder and used all their strength to constipate and shit. As a result, they still couldn't get Lu Chong. Instead, everyone was panting and sweating.

Seeing that Wu Tianjun's face became ugly, Wu Qingfang giggled: "Lu Chong, why waste time with them!"

Lu Chong said with a smile: "yes, it's not necessary!"

He suddenly moved and didn't see how he did it. He saw that each of the four bodyguards flew to the dustbin five meters away like a boring shell. Everyone was stuck head down in the dustbin. There was a lot of garbage in the dustbin. The brain bags of the four bodyguards were stuck in all kinds of medical garbage and domestic garbage. They felt humiliating and smelly, All four bodyguards were stunned at once.

Wu Tianjun's face was even more ugly, but he had no choice but to glare at Lu Chong angrily. Then he took out his mobile phone and called the security company: "what kind of shit bodyguard do you arrange for me? Four people can't even beat one of others' bodyguards. What, they are silver bodyguards. They are too bad to do. You have to arrange gold bodyguards for me!"

Lu Chong is dismissive. Don't mention the gold medal bodyguard. Even if you come to the platinum bodyguard and diamond bodyguard, you will be given nothing in front of his big bodyguard.

When he and Wu Qingfang came to the front of the ward, their eyes suddenly became sharp. At the door stood two men in black, both wearing sunglasses, standing motionless, like two javelins.

Lu Chong felt that the breath of the two men in black was very similar to the killer who assassinated Jiang Xueqing. They should be both killers of Tianzhao society.

However, Lu Chong did not act immediately, but walked into the ward with Wu Qingfang as if nothing had happened.

In the luxurious ward like the presidential suite, an old woman was half lying in bed. Her hair was all white, her wrinkled face was full of senile spots, and her body was rich. She should have given people a kind feeling like the Jia mother in the dream of Red Mansions, but Lu Chong felt that the old woman was a bit like a witch at first impression.

Beside the hospital bed, a middle-aged woman is massaging the hands and feet of the old woman. The middle-aged woman looks like Wu Qingfang, who is 20 years old. Needless to say, she should be Wu Qingfang's mother.

On the other side of the sofa, a young man was talking to the old woman.

The young man was wearing a famous brand suit with slender eyes, an eagle hook nose and gold wire glasses. He was talking to the old woman. The young man was very good at talking. Every sentence seemed to speak to the old woman's heart, which made the old woman laugh.

After Wu Tianjun and Wu Qingfang entered the ward, they said to the old woman, "grandma, we've come to see you!"

The old woman was very happy to see her grandchildren coming, but she pretended to be very angry: "you two little guys, it took so long to see grandma. Grandma hurts you in vain!"

Wu Qingfang sat next to her mother and slowly massaged the old lady: "grandma, don't be angry. We are usually very busy, but no matter how busy we are, we will take time to see you. Didn't we come to see you?"

"I know you're busy!" the old lady was pretending to be angry. At this time, she pointed to the young man on the sofa and said to Wu Tianjun and Wu Qingfang: "You see, you are not as good as Wayne. This child is not my grandson. He is better than my grandson. He has been here several times in more than half a month. You have been here several times. He came here early this morning and talked with me all morning. He is more sensible than you!"

Sitting on the sofa is Wang Fucheng's son Wang Wayne, vice president of Wang's group.

The old woman liked Wang Wayne very much and kept praising him.

Wu Tianjun had a good relationship with Wang Wayne, so he sat directly next to Wang Wayne and said with a smile: "Wayne, you really want to come and be happy with my grandmother when you are so busy."

Wang Wayne held the gold wire glasses on his nose and said with a smile: "the old man's favorite thing is that his children and grandchildren surround her and chat with her. This is what we younger generations should do!"

At this time, Wang Wayne saw Lu Chong at the door, his eyes became a little gloomy and proud.

At this time, while helping the old lady massage her hands, Wu Qingfang motioned to Lu Chong, "grandma, I'll introduce you to someone."

Seeing Wu Qingfang winking at Lu Chong, Wang Wayne's eyes were colder, but he didn't speak.

The old woman enjoyed her granddaughter's massage and asked with a smile, "you girl, you know some people in business all day. Who can you introduce to me?"

"Lu Chong! Come here!" Wu Qingfang said hello to Lu Chong and then said to the old woman, "grandma, his name is Lu Chong. He saved me when I came back from the gambling fair last time when I was kidnapped by the underworld!"

There are many stories between Wu Qingfang and Lu Chong, but it is not suitable to tell them in detail on this occasion. She picked up one at random.

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