Just now, there was a doctor on duty named Shen Jianfei. He was a student of Li Yuanhua. He was in his thirties. He was already the chief doctor. His future was unlimited. He was also quite complacent. He was mainly responsible for the physical examination of the old lady. Just now he heard Lu Chong pointing to the old lady and saying that the other party was ill. Shen Jianfei couldn't hang up at that time. Like others, he constantly questioned and ridiculed Lu Chong.

But he never thought that his teacher should ask such a guy like a migrant worker for advice, which surprised him. He was a little ashamed when he remembered that he had just mocked Lu Chong's face.

However, at this time, no one cares about Shen Jianfei's mood. Everyone stares at Lu Chong and wants to know how Lu Chong sees it.

If someone like Shen Jianfei came up and questioned Lu Chong with a bossy attitude, Lu Chong would not dump the other party, but now the other party is a doctor with both medical skills and medical ethics like Li Yuanhua, who is old and ashamed to ask questions, modest and eager to learn. Lu Chong admired Li Yuanhua's spirit very much and said seriously: "Dr. Li, you should know that each kind of disease not only has symptoms, but also has signs. Just like a mass without any pain is often a sign of an adenocarcinoma, bleeding outside menstruation is often a sign of cervical cancer, sudden onset of dizziness is a sign of acute cerebral thrombosis, and dry cough is always a sign of lung cancer. Blood pressure and blood lipid diseases also have signs and can be cured You can see it through the appearance! "

He pointed to the Wu lady's neck: "Dr. Li, take a closer look. There are some spots on the old lady's neck, which are dark cyan. Dr. Li, you should know what these spots mean?"

Li Yuanhua said with a wry smile: "those spots should be the symptoms of vasostasis... Too careless, too believe in the instrument!"

Speaking of this, Lu Chong pointed to the things on the table: "what's worse, the old lady likes to eat sweets and greasy things."

There is a food box on the table, on which there are some waste residue left by high-grade food. It is difficult for ordinary people to judge what the old man just ate through the remaining food residue.

But Lu Chong is not an ordinary person. Looking at the food box, he wrinkled his nose gently and said, "the old lady should have honey cake at noon today, and the sugar content should be about 65%. In addition to honey cake, the old lady also ate Honey Ham at noon today, which is not only high in sugar, but also greasy."

He looked at the trash can beside the bed and shook his head: "the old lady has a good appetite and ate three pieces of Mao's braised meat!"

Hearing Lu Chong's words, the old lady and Tang Xinru were stunned!

Lu Chong is right! The old lady ate these things at noon today!

Originally, Tang Xinru didn't want to give the old lady these sweet and greasy things, but the old lady was very violent. If she didn't give it to her, she would lose her temper. Tang Xinru really had no choice but to give the old lady such greasy and sweet things.

But the problem is that all the things at noon are finished, leaving only some bits and pieces of food residue, which ordinary people can't tell. Lu Chong just looks with his eyes and smells with his nose, and he can actually know the original appearance of the previous food. It's really incredible!

Not only the two of them, but also the others were shocked. Wu Qingfang didn't speak just now. Wu Qingfang certainly didn't tell him. Moreover, Wu Qingfang and Lu Chong came together. Of course, they don't know what the old lady ate at noon. In this way, Lu Chong can know what the other party ate before just by sight and smell. It's even more divine than Holmes!

Lu Chong ignored what others thought of him and continued to say to Li Yuanhua: "You see, the traces of cyan markings on the old lady's neck and even face are very deep now, indicating that the blood in her body has been silted and oppressing her brain and spinal nerves, which is why she feels dizzy and spinal pain. According to her current way of eating sweet and greasy things, her blood pressure and blood lipid will reach the peak in five or six days At that time, the blood vessels in her head will burst, the nerve center will be damaged, and the final end will be complete paralysis! "

This speech did not apply a lot of professional terms. It was very simple. Not only Li Yuanhua understood it, but others also understood it!

Over the years, influenced by modern medicine, Li Yuanhua gradually had some doubts about traditional Chinese medicine and became more confident in those medical testing equipment. However, Lu Chong's words today gave him a blow. Medical testing equipment has great limitations. It can only reflect the existing situation, not prevent it. Who is willing to wait until he is really paralyzed Let those devices detect what caused their total paralysis?

Li Yuanhua reveres Lu Chong even more. It's hard to believe that he is only 20 years old. Then the professional ability of seeing and knowing is clearly something that an old Chinese doctor over the age of 50 or 60 can have. Today's communication with Lu Chong has benefited him a lot.

He remembered that Lu Chong had just said that the other two were also ill, so he asked, "Mr. Lu, what was his illness that day?"

When Lu Chong stared at Wu Tianjun, Wu Tianjun's hand trembled.

It turned out that he just thought that Lu Chong worked much at the construction site and had great strength. Unexpectedly, Lu Chong was still a doctor admired by Li Yuanhua and cured the diseases of old Zhou and secretary Zhu. Just now, Lu Chong had insight into his grandmother's disease and completely analyzed it. He won the admiration of Li Yuanhua, the first person in Jiangcheng medical circles. Lu Chong can't be underestimated.

Therefore, when Lu Chong looked at Wu Tianjun, Wu Tianjun began to get nervous. As we can see just now, Lu Chong won't talk casually. Is he really ill?

Tang Xinru is Wu Tianjun's stepmother. She has never had a good relationship with Wu Tianjun, but in order to show their family harmony in front of others, she still asked nervously, "Lu Chong, can you see what's wrong with the heavenly army?"

Wu Qingfang looked indifferent, while the old lady preferred sons to daughters. She loved her grandson most. She stood up and looked nervously at Lu Chong, waiting for his words.

Lu Chong looked up, down, left and right at Wu Tianjun, especially at his skin, and then said, "you're crazy!"

When the people in the ward heard Lu Chong's words, they were all stunned. What!

Is he scolding Wu Tianjun?

Wu Tianjun is the president of the grand Xinlong group. How can he abuse him like this?

Wu Tianjun also thought that Lu Chong was abusing himself. He couldn't help staring at Lu Chong fiercely: "you call me crazy? Where can I see that it's crazy?"

Seeing Wu Tianjun's fierce look, Lu Chong smiled faintly and shook his head gently: "if you think I'm scolding you, you're not only insane, but also mentally retarded!"

Wu Tianjun is depressed. You are obviously scolding me. Why don't you say you haven't scolded me? What a fucking asshole!

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