In the abandoned factory building of the chemical plant in Qingshan District, more than a dozen police cars came and surrounded it.

A middle-aged policeman came down from one of the police cars. He had an extraordinary bearing and was in a high position.

Several police leaders gathered around: "Wu bureau, are you here?"

Wu TianKuo, director of Jiangcheng Municipal Bureau, was awakened by a phone call like a funeral at more than one o'clock in the morning. He had to come if he had to come, but his face was obviously angry with getting up, which was very ugly.

He looked at the police with a gloomy face: "what's the big case? I have to come out!"

Seeing Wu TianKuo's unhappy face, the police quickly accompanied him and carefully said the case: "Wu Ju, it's like this. Several young people who came to camp by the river at night heard gunshots here. They came and found a lot of blood, bullet casings and bullet holes, so they called the police. According to the number of bullet casings in the bullet holes, we suspected that there had been a large-scale gun battle here, so..."

Wu TianKuo didn't speak and strode directly into the crime scene.

After entering the scene, he looked around and found that a lot of blood splashed on the surrounding walls, clear bullet holes and many bullet casings on the ground.

Strangely, there were so many blood stains on the wall that there was no corpse on the ground. There were only pools of suspicious dark red liquid. Several forensic doctors were collecting that strange liquid on the ground for testing.

Wu TianKuo came over and asked one of the white haired old forensic doctors, "Lao Xing, did you find anything?"

Lao Xing immediately got up, pulled Wu TianKuo to a corner of the scene, smiled bitterly and said, "Wu bureau, do you know what those black liquids are? That's corpse melting water!"

"Corpse melting water?" Wu TianKuo was also a knowledgeable man, and said: "there are only three kinds of people who use corpse melting water, either from the state secret organization, or the international killer organization or the international mercenary organization..."

Lao Xing took out a small bottle and put the black liquid just extracted in it. There were some scarlet blood stains on the black liquid. He said directly: "Wu Ju, you see, this kind of corpse water was developed by ourselves in China. Now there is no such kind of corpse water in the world. This kind of corpse water is very different from general corpse water. It can not only melt the corpse quickly, but also completely destroy the chemical composition in it, making it impossible to find the identity of the corpse from the residue. This kind of corpse water is only authorized to the one in our country A top secret organization uses it, so it can only be done by them! "

Wu TianKuo asked carefully, "you said it was a dragon..."

"Yes, it must be them!" Lao Xing said: "In addition to the corpse melting water, according to the blood stains in the plant, there were at least 14 dead at the scene, but the man killed so many people without leaving a clue. Neither fingerprints nor footprints were left. They can only kill so many people without leaving a trace!"

Wu TianKuo sighed: "if they do it, then this matter can only stop here and can't be checked any more."

At this time, a police leader came over and reported: "the owner of the black Camry parked at the door of the Wu bureau has been identified. It is the private car of Zhang Xinfu, manager of the second Marketing Department of Tianjian group. This afternoon, a police attack occurred at the Imperial Hotel in Qingshan District. The name of the police attack is Lu Chong. He went to the Imperial Hotel to find Zhang Xinfu."

Hearing Lu Chong's name, Wu TianKuo suddenly understood, but he said quietly, "I've seen this man. He's the husband of Jiang Xueqing, President of Tianjian group. He has cured old Zhou and secretary Zhu. I believe he's not a bad man. Lao Xing, do you think Lu Chong is suspicious?"

Lao Xing asked the police leader, "can you tell me the specific details of Lu Chong's attack on the police?"

The police chief gave specific details and walked away.

Lao Xing Chong and Wu TianKuo nodded: "that makes me more sure. You see, Lu Chong can fly acupuncture points and subdue those policemen without effort. He must be the mysterious combination of our country!"

Wu TianKuo said seriously: "No matter whether Lu Chong is or not, this matter can only come here. Even if it is over, we can't continue to track down and reveal any information, we can deal with it as an ordinary case of disappearance. As for the case of attacking the police, find out why the police want to arrest Lu Chong. It must be their fault first. If they are found to bend the law for personal gain, they will be suspended!"

Just as Wu TianKuo was about to issue an order, a policeman ran over and reported in a panic: "Wu TianKuo, something big has happened again! There was a major murder in the imperial building!"

When Wu TianKuo arrived at the Dihao building, Liu Minsheng, director of the Hongshan Branch where the Dihao building is located, had waited there with some police.

Wu TianKuo didn't go directly to the top floor of Shenhao building, but went to the alley behind Dihao building and saw Fang Jiacheng's body nailed to the wall and two middle-aged men standing in front of the body.

A middle-aged man was Fang Jiacheng's adoptive father and the director of Tianjian group, Changjiang Haotian. However, Jiang Haotian didn't have much sadness. After seeing Wu TianKuo, he said to Wu TianKuo faintly, "I believe the police will give me a satisfactory answer." then he sat down on the laurels phantom and disappeared.

Jiang Haotian just received a voice message. It was Fang Jiacheng's confession in front of Lu Chong. Jiang Haotian didn't count Fang Jiacheng's frustration and ashes. How sad is he.

Another middle-aged man looks strange and doesn't look like a Chinese. Wu TianKuo knows it. He is a rich businessman from Dongyang who has invested in several companies in Jiangcheng. He seems to have business relations with Wang Fucheng, the richest man in Jiangcheng. Wu TianKuo is strange. How can this man be here.

The Oriental middle-aged man has been staring at Fang Jiacheng's body nailed to the wall. There is endless sadness in his eyes, but his expression is filled with a strong killing opportunity.

Wu TianKuo asked Liu Minsheng, "what does this man have to do with Fang Jiacheng? How can he be here?"

Liu Minsheng said, "this man is longyi Fujiwara, a wealthy Oriental businessman, who claims to be the godfather of Fang Jiacheng."

Wu TianKuo muttered, "it's strange that godfather is more sad than his adoptive father!"

Of course, he doesn't know. Even Fang Jiacheng doesn't know. On the surface, Fujiwara longyi is Fang Jiacheng's godfather, but in fact, he is Fang Jiacheng's biological father. Fang Jiacheng has Fujiwara longyi's blood, so he can make the abnormal behavior of adjusting female slaves.

His own son died miserably on the spot. Fujiwara sent a white haired man to a black haired man. It is conceivable that he felt sad.

Wu TianKuo asked Liu Minsheng, "did you find any clues?"

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