In the alley outside the big villa, Lu Chong, sitting in the red Ferrari, heard the banging shots and remembered what Fujita longyi had said before explaining the task to Wang Fulai and Wang Wayne, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed a complex number

An uninhabited island in the west of Dongyang is one of hundreds of uninhabited islands. At this time, there are hundreds of murderous oriental men on it. A small number of them wear white and most wear black. There is a clear distinction between black and white.

In the middle of the uninhabited island, there is a small grave like Mount Fuji. On it stands a man in golden clothes, howling something. Most Chinese people can't understand it because he speaks Oriental.

The man in golden clothes looks like longyi Fujiwara. He is longer Fujiwara. He and longyi Fujiwara are twins. Their relationship with Fang Jiacheng is very complex. Fang Jiacheng's mother went to study in Dongyang, met the Fujiwara brothers, slept with them, and then returned home to marry Fang Jiacheng's legal father, Fang Jiacheng's legal father died because he protected Jiang Haotian. Jiang Haotian adopted Fang Jiacheng. Fang Jiacheng's mother went to Toyo to live with longyi Fujiwara and occasionally with longer Fujiwara. Therefore, longer Fujiwara also thought Fang Jiacheng was his own son.

Therefore, he told his men, "my son was killed by a Chinese man, and not only my son but also 38 brothers died. They all died miserably, some of them even lost their bodies. Now we are going to China to avenge my son and our brothers."

He knew that these killers were trained to be ruthless and righteous. They only looked at money and women, and there was no kindness at all. What revenge they said could not inspire their fighting spirit, so Fujita longer added: "We have more than 100 brothers here, and we will be able to win Jiangcheng. Jiangcheng has four groups, which are incomparably rich. When the time comes, we will win these four groups and master 100 billion of assets. At that time, I will definitely share the happiness with my brothers, and everyone will share 100 million! In addition, Jiangcheng has four beauties, each of whom is as beautiful as heaven, which is more beautiful than Ji Xiang and Kyoko In addition, there are thousands of beautiful women as beautiful as Kyoko and Ji Xiang in Jiangcheng. At that time, we will have endless money and endless beauties! "

Fujita longer's words in front made these killers very insensitive. Why should we take revenge on your dead ghost son? Why should we take revenge on those dead ghosts? When they heard the words behind, they became interested and showed greedy and excited faces one by one. Some even cried and howled excitedly: "Ow! Ow!"

Seeing all these killers excited, Fujita longer was satisfied and roared, "come with me and step on the river city! Ow!"

There is a boat next to the island. They want to take this boat and sneak to Huaxia river city.

Just as they were about to get off the ship, a murderous voice suddenly sounded on the ship: "you have no chance to go, you'd better sleep here!"

The voice appeared very suddenly, and everyone was startled and looked at it.

The young man has handsome facial features, but the skin on his face is a little spotted, which affects his handsome degree. He is wearing a black dress and a black bow tie, as if he is going to a party.

Facing the sudden appearance of the young man, Fujita longer was vigilant and hurriedly asked, "who are you?"

The young man said faintly, "I'm the Dragon gift of the dragon soul."

Hearing this name, those ordinary killers were stunned. They had never heard of the dragon soul or dragon ceremony, but why did Fujita dragon look like a great enemy.

Fujita longer and his brother Fujita longyi had been in the killer organization of gun King grace, the No. 1 killer in the world. It was a world-class killer organization, but overnight, it was destroyed by the dragon soul organization, and the gun King grace was easily removed by the Dragon God, the boss of the dragon soul. Since then, Fujita brothers knew that the dragon soul organization represented the top killer organization in China and even the world Force is the nightmare of all killers and mercenaries in the world!

Long Li is the most destructive person in the dragon soul organization, because he is good at bombs and blasting. It is said that six of the world's top ten mercenary organizations were destroyed by him, and the predecessor of their Tianzhao society was destroyed by the Dragon God and long li of the dragon soul.

Now, the Dragon ceremony has come again. Don't think about it. This time he still brings destruction.

Fujita longer was so frightened that he broke out a cold sweat. He felt that each pore was emitting a cold air from the bottom of his heart. He trembled and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Long Li smiled faintly: "you're going to kill our boss. What do you think I'm doing here?"

"Your boss?" Fujita longer was scared out of his wits and said in a trembling voice: "you misunderstood. How dare we provoke the Dragon God!"

Dragon God, this is a name that scares underground organizations all over the world. It is a nightmare deeply feared by all killer organizations and mercenary organizations!

Even grace, the gun king he respected before, was killed by the Dragon God!

Long Li smiled coldly: "there's no misunderstanding. Our boss's name is Lu Chong. Now Jiangcheng!"

Fujita longer was so scared that he almost jumped into the sea. His eldest brother asked them to kill Lu Chong of Jiangcheng!

He couldn't help scolding tengtian longyi in his heart. He didn't find out in advance. Lu Chong is the Dragon God. It's not a pit for him!

Long Li glanced at these killers lightly and smiled: "I have good news to tell you that your eldest brother longyi Fujita is dead. He and his other 38 brothers miss you very much. I'll give you a ride and see them now!"

Fujita longer knew that no matter how scared he was, he couldn't wait to die. He quickly shouted, "come on, shoot him!"

Just then, Longli suddenly disappeared!

Fujita longer and the killers looked at each other.

Then, with a roar from a hundred miles, the whole island sank in an explosion comparable to an earthquake, and Fujita longer and his more than 100 killers sank into the sea.

Soon after, long Li reappeared on the sea, looked at the sunken island and smiled coldly: "Tianzhao society, see if you can revive again!"


When Lu Chong drove back to Lin Xiaoyu's temporary residence, his mobile phone rang and received a text message from a complex number.

Lu Chong looked at the text message and smiled contentedly: "Tianzhao society, you can see it again!"

He looked at the time by the way. It was nearly three o'clock in the morning. At this time, the whole building was silent and people fell into sweet sleep.

Lu Chong was afraid of waking Lin Xiaoyu, so he quietly opened the door and was about to sneak into the bedroom. Suddenly, something hit him!

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