Most people are such people. They are bound by common sense, experience and prejudice. If they don't see the legend with their own eyes, they don't want to believe the legend.

Just as many people know that tigers are so fierce, they also conclude from the common sense data that the tiger's 100 meter running speed is 4 seconds, the beat force is 1200 pounds, the bite force reaches 1200 pounds, the jumping place is more than 12 meters, and the explosive force is 20 times that of human beings. All the tiger fighting stories of Wusong, Dianwei chasing the tiger across the stream and so on are fabricated. None of them is true. Wusong's tiger fighting is really false, That's right, but are the others fake? Do you want to believe it only when you see a fierce man kill a tiger alive?

If you tell those who like to be more serious that Lu Chong retreats from more than 300 community thugs trained by the king of special forces alone, and all those community thugs fall to the ground and don't wake up, I'm afraid those more serious people would rather believe that they are the children of Lao Wang next door than believe Lu Chong's legend.

There are many gourd eaters on the scene. Lu Chong has beaten those club thugs and horses with their heads exploding and blood splashing. Even some people think they are making a film. Their basis is that a normal human can't be so fierce. This must be a stunt. Some people even reach out to touch the blood on the horses' heads to see if it's tomato juice!

When they touched the blood and smelled it on their nose, the strong fishy smell made these goods stunned: "this crew is so rich that they use real blood for filming!"

"Well, this wine bottle can't be true?"

"How can it be? If you use a real wine bottle, you will seriously hurt those mass actors. If so many mass actors are injured, isn't the crew going bankrupt!"

As a result, a few more real exotic flowers cut their wrists with glass fragments in order to test whether it was a real glass bottle. As a result, blood flowed wildly. At this time, they believed that this was not a movie. This was what really happened. Lu Chong was really so strong!

Unfortunately, it's too late at this time. In such a messy place, even if they call the emergency number, the hospital dare not send a car for the time being.

These really wonderful flowers watched their blood flow out of their veins. Finally, none of the horses died. It was these really stupid people who cut their veins and committed suicide!

Yes, they are so stupid. All those who are bound by their own experience and Prejudice and become headstrong and self righteous will inevitably make such stupid and low-level mistakes on the road in the future.

Lu Chong has always been a person who doesn't care what others think. He puts on his suit, wipes the splashing blood on his body, goes to ghost foot seven and smiles faintly: "how, now, can you let them go?"

Ghost foot seven hesitated. If Lu rushed away like this, how could he tell sixth master where to put the Six Harmonies' face.

Lu Chong glanced lightly at the other leg of ghost foot seven: "it seems that you want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life!"

Ghost foot seven immediately scared the dead. What sixth master and what sixth society were farts compared with his own safety. He quickly squeezed out a flattering smile: "they can... Go!"

Lu Chong glanced at him and said, "you'd better stop laughing. Your smile is worse than crying! Did you chase Yan Yihuan and she refused you, right?"

Ghost foot seven quickly said in horror: "you... Don't misunderstand me... I just expressed my favor and didn't force her. I really didn't force her!"

Lu Chong smiled faintly: "what are you so afraid of me for? I won't eat you!"

The spectators eating melons and ghost foot seven are all in a cold sweat. Although you can't eat people, you are more terrible than a man eating tiger.

Lu Chong looked at the scarred face of ghost foot seven and shook his head: "Scar is a symbol of a man's honor? Shit! I've killed a thousand times more people than you, but why don't I think scar is honor. On the contrary, I think scar is a disgrace to a man. If you have the ability, how can you get hurt. I advise you to find a cosmetic hospital and trim your skin. Don't let people see you and have nightmares and don't affect the appearance of the city It's over! "

Those who ate melons all burst into a cold sweat. In the past, as the most powerful thug of the sixth master, ghost foot seven crossed the Shanghai beach, and no one dared to provoke him, let alone anyone dared to scold him in front of him for affecting the city appearance. If he dared to say that at that time, he was afraid that ghost foot seven would be thrown into the Huangpu River. Now Lu Chong said it carelessly.

Ghost foot Qi Yi's face was frightened. He had only killed more than 40 people in recent years, and then he was afraid to frighten people by relying on the sixth master and his reputation. Unexpectedly, Lu Chong could see how many people he had killed at a glance, and said that he had killed a thousand times more people than himself. If he had been put in the past, ghost foot Qi would have been Lu Chong's fart. Now his more than 300 elite horses are vulnerable to attack in front of others, ghost foot I have to believe that this little white face who looks harmless to humans and animals has really killed more than 40000 people. Now it's not World War I or World War II. He can still kill so many people... Ghost foot seven can't imagine it. He quickly said respectfully: "you're right. I'll find a cosmetic hospital to remove the scar immediately."

Lu Chong nodded: "Oh, by the way, tell Liu Liuliu that old guy, just say my last name is Lu, an old friend two years ago."

Later, Lu Chong walked out of the bar with Yan Yihuan in one hand and Lin Yumi in the other.

Watching Lu Chong's back disappear at the door of the bar, the panic in ghost foot seven's heart slowly dissipated, followed by a surprise that he survived the disaster for the rest of his life!

He had thought that the guy who killed God would surely kill. His more than 300 brothers might all be finished, but he didn't expect that they all had broken heads and didn't come out. Although they were all seriously injured, they were lucky to escape.

Ghost foot seven was even more impressed. The little white face surnamed Lu was so powerful. If ordinary people had super power, it would be difficult to control their power in such a group fight and it would be easy to kill people, but the little white face's control of power reached the point of perfection. All the more than 300 people were seriously injured, but they didn't die. That is to say, if he wanted all these people to die, In fact, it can be done.

After a while, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number. Strangely, no one answered that number.

At this time, dozens of black luxury cars sped over and stopped at the door of 666 bar.

Hundreds of men in black came down from the car. Everyone was tall and burly. Their eyes were like eagles, their heads were bulging high, and their bodies were full of evil spirit. They looked a little more elite than the more than 100 horses of ghost foot seven. In any community in a second tier city, there were double flower red sticks.

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