At this time, Lu Chong reached out to the driver and shook hands with him: "master, please send her... By the way, she is Lin Zhendong's daughter."

When the driver shook hands with Lu Chong, he found that he seemed to be shaking hands with Megatron Optimus Prime. The guy who looked like a little white face had a hard hand like steel. With a gentle grip, he almost crushed his hand bones.

The driver has strong doubts. If this guy doesn't need to send his sister-in-law, he will crush his hand bone without hesitation!

But when I heard Lin Zhendong's name, the taxi driver almost cried. You said it earlier. If I knew your sister-in-law was Lin Zhendong's daughter, I wouldn't dare to touch her with ten courage. I still need you to toss me like this.

At this time, the ghost foot seven of 666 bar also received relevant information and almost cried. Lord Lu, what are you doing? If you say that girl is Lin Zhendong's daughter and lend me three courage, I dare not touch her. You'd better not mention a word. It's clear that you want to beat us!

The taxi driver quickly nodded like garlic: "don't worry, I'll send her."

Lu Chong got down from the taxi and walked to Jinyang community where Yan Yihuan lived.

When Lin Yumi saw Lu Chong's direction, her pretty face suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy. She hummed. This big coyote, big bastard, must have gone to find the coquettish woman just now. Hum, you don't deserve to be my brother-in-law. I'll tell my sister now.

Lu Chong doesn't know that in Lin Yumi's mind, he has been reduced from his brother-in-law to a slag man who steps on two boats. In fact, even if he knows, he doesn't care. He doesn't just step on two boats now. He steps on several boats and has an affair outside marriage. According to the current moral evaluation, he is the best of slag men!

But what about that? If he just stays with Jiang Xueqing alone, but he is sorry for other women and makes other women cry, this is also a slag man, just like those male stars who abandon other female stars and then return to their original partner, which seems that the woman who is a junior is so cheap. It's not a slag man!

Lu Chong's morality is like that. It doesn't make every woman who loves her cry. Maybe for most women, they can't accept being abandoned by Lu Chong than sharing Lu Chong with other women.

Now Lu Chong didn't have much time to think about such things. He hurried to Jinyang community, his ears shook slightly, and he heard the dialogue of the people in the Jinbei car from a distance.

In the golden cup car, the most conspicuous is a fat man. His head and body are wrapped in white gauze, layer after layer, like a mummy. Only two eyes, two nostrils and one mouth are exposed. His eyes are full of crazy resentment.

In addition to this guy, there are four big men. These men are strong men around the age of 30. They all wear suits only worn by real estate agents, with wrinkles left by false smiles on their faces.

At this time, they were like wolves taking off sheep's skin, unbuttoning their pink shirts, opening their arms and revealing the wolf head pattern on their chest. Each of them held a sharp long knife in their hands and had a ferocious smile on their faces.

They are the famous horse cubs of Lianjia gang. They disguise themselves as intermediaries during the day, falsely raise house prices, pit buyers, pit sellers, pit owners and pit tenants. They are crazy and hypocritical. At night, they are the chilulu community gangs, burning, killing, looting and doing all kinds of evil. They are probably the most evil and divided community in Shanghai, sea and Yanjing.

A man wiped the sharp edge of his long knife again and again, and then asked, "brother Hui, are you sure that woman knows where the little white face is?"

The guy wrapped in a mummy was Zuo Xianghui, the second son of Lianjia gang. He said fiercely: "On the plane, I sat next to them. I saw with my own eyes that the stewardess had a good chat with that bastard's girlfriend. They not only know each other, but also have a good relationship. What, girlfriends, they are girlfriends. If you find this stewardess, you can find that bastard's girlfriend through her, and then you can find that bastard!"

At this time, Zuo Xianghui suddenly remembered one thing and said angrily, "your brave wife is really a fucking waste. She lost her with everyone! After this thing is done, I will reward you with that woman. You can play as you want!"

The men remembered the gorgeous appearance of ah Yong's wife with beard, and their eyes all showed greed. Then they remembered the bravery of ah Yong's beard before, and asked anxiously, "brother Hui, if we put ah Yong's wife on, ah Yong knows, and won't kill us all!"

"Ah Yong?" Zuo Xianghui smiled: "Ah Yong, that loser, looks so big and useless. He didn't struggle at all. He was picked up and beaten as a human weapon. Now more than a dozen bones have been broken and his head has been cracked. I don't know when he will be cured. Even if he is cured, he will be wasted. We don't even keep losers! My brothers have been suffocated during my absence from Shanghai , then you play with ah Yong's wife and throw them into the Huangpu River to feed the fish! "

It's really rare for a boss to be so amorous, righteous and insane. The four people looked at each other and suddenly felt sad about the death of a rabbit. If they became disabled like ah Yong that day, would Zuo Xianghui let others turn their women around like ah Yong and throw himself into the Huangpu River?

Perhaps they were used to Zuo Xianghui and his eldest brother Zuo Guangrong's ferocity. These horses sighed silently in their hearts, but they also endured it.

Zuo Xianghui doesn't care what these horses think. In his eyes, as long as they are rich and powerful, these horses are cannon fodder, and they can find as many as they die.

Now his mind was full of Yan Yihuan's dignified and beautiful appearance in the blue stewardess uniform. His heart was hot, and his face showed greed and obscenity: "Today, I must play with the stewardess. I pretend to be a chaste martyr with me on the plane. When I get to bed, I don't believe where else you can be chaste! I play with the stewardess, force her to tell the bastard's address, find the door, kill him, and then play with his girlfriend in front of that guy. What's the name? Yes, it's exciting to get married before the husband. If you're married It's great to put that stewardess and that bastard's girlfriend together. Shuangfei! Just think about it, I can't help it! "

Just when he fantasized about the beauty, a vigorous figure had quietly approached the golden cup car.

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