Zuo Xianghui now looks at Lu Chong with a deep-rooted fear in his eyes. This guy must not be human. He didn't say his plans just now, but his own ideas. How could he know? Is it that he is the devil who can understand people's hearts in legend?

Lu Chong looked down at Zuo Xianghui and said apologetically, "I wanted to satisfy you and make you a lingchi set meal. Just now I forgot what to do, so I did it blindly. Now I remember what to do. Let's start from scratch!"

In addition to Jiang Haitian, Lu Chong has hundreds of world-class masters to be his masters in various fields, one of whom is a master of punishment. At present, only the old man can use the formal lingchi technique in the world. Lu Chong studied with him for a few days. He hasn't met anyone like Zuo Xianghui for a long time. For a moment, he forgot what to do. He just remembered.

Zuo Xianghui gnashed his teeth and stared at Lu Chong: "you fucking devil, give me a pain!"

Unfortunately, his vocal cords were destroyed by Lu. Whatever he said was just a whimper.

Lu Chong's expression suddenly became very dignified. He folded his hands, and then slapped Zuo Xianghui's heart. Then he held the samurai sword and turned dexterously. He wanted to spin a piece of meat the size of a copper coin out of Zuo Xianghui's lungs. The wound left by the knife was like the eye socket of a blind man. Then, Lu Chong stabbed the meat with the tip of the knife, raised it high and shook his wrist. The meat stabbed on the tip of the knife flew to a high place like a bullet, and then fell. This lingchi is also very particular. The first piece of meat is Xie Tian.

Then, the second knife, starting from the left chest, is still as clean as that, or as accurate as that. To spin off the middle piece of meat on the left, the second piece of meat fell to the ground. Thank you.

Now there are two copper coin sized holes in Zuo Xianghui's chest, bleeding, but very little. The reason is that Lu Chong's sudden palm before the operation has tightened Zuo Xianghui's heart, which greatly slowed down the speed of blood circulation.

Lu Chong took out a clean towel from their car, dipped it in water, dried the blood on left Xianghui's chest, and made the knife edge like a brand-new cut on a tree.

Lu Chong cut the third knife on Zuo Xianghui's chest. The meat is still the size of copper coins and the shape of fish scales. The edges of the new knife edge and the old knife edge are connected and clearly defined. This lingchi punishment is also called "fish scale cutting", which is really very vivid.

The master had told him that if the meat stubble was white and only a few blood pearls jumped out after the third knife, it indicated that lingchi had a good start. The successful lingchi had little blood. Before the operation, he suddenly clapped it with a palm and closed the prisoner's blood. At this time, his blood was concentrated in his abdomen and legs, so that he could be like cutting a radish, Cut enough knives, but the prisoner will not die. Otherwise, the blood will flow like a flood, the smell will be strong, the blood will pollute the body, affect the observation, and there is no basis for cutting, which is bound to make a mess.

Unfortunately, at this time, Zuo Xianghui was suddenly bleeding. Lu Chong quickly took out a bottle of mineral water and poured it on Zuo Xianghui, which surprised him and closed his blood path.

But this still doesn't work. Lu Chong wants to pour a little vinegar, because vinegar has the power of convergence. Pour vinegar first to cover the meaning of convergence.

Unfortunately, there was no vinegar at the scene, so Lu Chong had to point several acupoints from the middle left to Xianghui to stop bleeding.

After the third film, Lu Chong began to cut the fourth knife.

At this time, the left blood path has been closed and can be cut all the time.

If Zuo Xianghui is healthy and muscular, his meat must be very crisp and easy to cut. Unfortunately, he is as fat as a pig. Lu Chong feels very tired after cutting. Fatigue is secondary. The key is that he can't do handsome work.

He was in a good mood. When his blood avoided him, he must cut his chest muscles with fifty knives.

When the 50th piece of meat was cut, Zuo Xianghui's chest muscles on both sides were just rotated out.

So far, one tenth of Lu Chong's work has been completed.

At this time, the ribs on Zuo Xianghui's chest appear, and a film is covered between the ribs. The beating heart is like a hare wrapped in gauze.

But the target is not the heart!

After spinning the breast meat, it should be castrated next. As the saying goes, castration.

Zuo Xianghui is also struggling as much as possible now, but Lu rushes out of his hand like electricity, has removed his masculinity, and says indifferently: "the 51st knife!"

At this time, Zuo Xianghui's face had already expanded, and blood foam popped out of his mouth because he was too painful and bit his tongue.

At this time, Lu Chong asked faintly, "do you hurt very much?"

Zuo Xianghui wanted to be in a coma like this, but Lu Chong, the devil, didn't know what method he used to keep himself awake. He couldn't even be in a coma. He had to experience the pain of that knife.

Why did Lu Chong attack Zuo Xianghui so hard? It's really the plans Zuo Xianghui said that completely angered him, and Zuo Xianghui wants to kill him lingchi. Well, let a person who specializes in lingchi teach you what lingchi is!

Lu Chong sighed slightly: "Zuo Xianghui, it's a pity that the lingchi package was $3665. I wanted you to enjoy it enough. Unfortunately, you don't have this blessing. If you cut it again, you'll die, and I really don't want to dirty my hands!"

Zuo Xianghui now hates Lu rushed to the bone, but he is dying. He can't scold even if he wants to scold.

The driver in the car had already collapsed.

However, Lu Chong didn't bypass him. With a samurai sword, he solved his life.

At this time, Lu Chong heard something and looked around.

From Jinyang community, there were three people who looked like Zuo Xianghui's horses. The three of them were carrying a sack together. The sack looked big and heavy, and trembled. Needless to say, there was a person, a woman and a beautiful woman in it. It should be the stewardess Yan Yihuan.

Just now, the three guys sneaked into Jinyang community, found Yan Yihuan's room and knocked on the door. After a while, no one opened the door.

It seems that the beauty Yan Yihuan is very vigilant.

Then a guy remembered a scam and imitated a child to cry.

Sure enough, it aroused Yan Yihuan's kind motherhood. She didn't think much. She opened the door. The three people rushed up, dizzy her, put her in a sack and carried her down.

These people happily ran to the golden cup car, but they were stunned to find that four horses and a driver were lying in a pool of blood, and their pores stood up!

Lu Chong waved to them: "come here, your boss has been attacked, seriously injured and will die soon. Come and give him a hand and carry him to the car!"

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