A spring night is worth a thousand dollars... When Lu Chong and Lin Yujing get up, they find that it's 10 o'clock in the morning.

Lin Yujing was damaged by Lu Chong last night. It's a little awkward to walk.

Lu Chong hurriedly held her and walked downstairs slowly.

When they went downstairs, they found everyone in the Lin family waiting for them in the restaurant.

Although it was already 10 o'clock, two hours later than the usual breakfast time of the Lin family, none of the Lin family ate in advance. They all waited patiently for Lu Chong, and none of them even showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

When Lu Chong helped Lin Yujing to the restaurant and saw the look when everyone looked at him, he was stunned.

Mr. Lin, Lin Zhendong and Lin Yumi are just enough. They have always supported him. However, Lin Zhennan, Lin Yurong, Zhang zeru and Zhu Jiaxiang have no negative emotions on their faces. They not only have no previous common contempt, contempt, or even a trace of dissatisfaction, but are replaced by a flattering smile in respect.

It's so strange!

Yesterday, he beat Lin Zhennan, Lin Yurong, Zhang zeru and Zhu Jiaxiang's faces several times. In particular, Zhu Jiaxiang's face has been swollen. It is said that they should hate themselves to the bone. It is definitely not like this. As a result, they not only showed a little hatred, but were respectful and flattering.

He doesn't know why. However, these people are Lin Yujing's family and will be his relatives in the future. They can put down their foolish arrogance and Prejudice and get along well with him. He won't be very bad to them for Lin Yujing's face.

Now he naturally and affectionately greeted these relatives: "Grandpa, uncle, Dad, mom, Gu, Xiaomi, pig, good morning!"

I slept with someone else's daughter last night. It's really hard to pretend to be forced today. I'd better pretend to be a younger generation as much as possible!

After greeting the people at the scene, Lu Chong helped Lin Yujing sit next to old man Lin.

When the people at the scene saw Lu Chong holding Lin Yujing and Lin Yujing's rosy and radiant face, they all looked at each other, and their eyes were narrow and playful. They were also relieved.

Although Lin Yumi is young, the children at this age accept a lot of knowledge. She can judge from Lin Yujing's walking posture and face color that her sister lost her first time yesterday last night and couldn't help but give Lu Chong a coquettish white look with her big black eyes.

Then, Lin Yumi sighed in her heart. It's over. She has seen a strong man like her brother-in-law. Other men, especially those boys in the school, are as childish as the children in the kindergarten. Hey, I'm afraid that I, the super invincible beautiful girl in the universe, will never make a boyfriend in the future!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at her sister Lin Yujing with envy. How could she be so lucky to meet such a comprehensive and powerful man as her brother-in-law!

Now she wants to ask Lin Yujing how happy she is with her brother-in-law, but it's obvious that she can't ask in front of so many people. She's going to ask her sister in private.

Lin Zhennan, who had been too lazy to talk to Lu Chong yesterday and greeted Lu Chong with contemptuous eyes and cold hum, now changed his indifference and contempt yesterday, filled his face with a respectful and flattering smile and said to Lu Chong, "why don't you two sleep more? It's still early!"

Not only Lin Zhennan, Lin Yurong, Zhang zeru, but even Zhu Jiaxiang, who was slapped by Lu Chong, had a smile on his face, a very kind smile, a flattering, just right, not greasy smile in his respect, as if the knot between them and Lu Chong had been solved long ago!

It's still early. It's 10 o'clock now, but the poker face uncle Lin Zhennan rarely shakes off his poker face and smiles to greet himself. Lu Chong also smiles: "it doesn't matter. I'm used to getting up early!"

His words are indeed true. If it weren't for fighting too late with Lin Yujing for the future of the motherland at night, Lu Chong usually got up at 7 o'clock.

Everyone thought this guy was too skinny and shameless. He opened his eyes and lied. He didn't get up until more than ten o'clock, but he said he was used to getting up early. If it had been before, Zhu Jiaxiang would have started spraying.

But now, knowing Lu Chong's terrible record, especially after being warned by the old man, they all dared not be like yesterday. Instead of taking the opportunity to ridicule, they all smiled and nodded yes.

Lu Chong is not used to their respectful attitude.

Lin Yujing is not used to it. What's the matter with her family? I haven't seen them all night. How has their attitude towards Lu Chong changed.

What surprised her especially was that her stepmother looked at Lu Chong as if her mother-in-law was really looking at her son-in-law. The more she looked at her son-in-law, the more pleasing she was.

Of course, for Lin Yujing, those people are her family after all, and she doesn't want them to have such a tense relationship with Lu Chong as they did yesterday. Now their attitude towards Lu Chong has changed qualitatively, and their relationship with Lu Chong has become harmonious. Lin Yujing is much more comfortable in the middle, and a relaxed smile gradually appears on her blushing face.

Mr. Lin observed silently and found that the Lin family were as polite and even respectful to Lu Chong as he asked. The relationship between the two sides was also harmonious. He was immediately very satisfied, smiled and said, "everyone is here, so let's start eating!"

When the Lin family began to try to accept Lu Chong, they found that Lu Chong was like a treasure mountain. The more they explored, the more they could find his treasures and his advantages.

First of all, Lu Chong's knowledge is so profound that he is a walking encyclopedia. He doesn't have to look up the Encyclopedia of hundreds of poisons as clumsily as Liu Zongrui. He talks about all aspects of knowledge.

Now they are having dinner. Lu Chong told us about the reasonable diet during the breakfast period, some very simple and exquisite food collocations that even some nutrition experts don't know and ordinary people don't know. In addition, there are many dietary details that ordinary people don't realize but have a great impact on their health.

Lu Chong's knowledge points every time let the Lin family present get the best treasure. They no longer waste their time on the ridicule destined to be beaten in the face like yesterday, but listen with all their heart.

After listening to more than a dozen articles, they revered Lu Chongyu. This guy looks only in his early twenties, but he is even more powerful than many nutrition experts in their fifties and sixties.

The Lin family had hired a special nutrition expert to help them match their diet, but Lu Chong picked out a lot of problems. Finally, master Lin decided to fire the nutrition experts who made up the numbers, and Lu Chong helped each Lin family formulate a simple and reasonable diet suitable for each other.

Lu Chong successfully won the respect and intimacy of the Lin family, and everyone was no longer afraid of him as just now.

This breakfast, the atmosphere gradually became happy, as if it was really a big family dinner together.

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